

无我梵语अनात्मन्Anātman巴利语anattā),佛教术语,指对于的否定,为佛教根本思想之一。这个名词有二方面的意思,一方面,它可以解释为,沒有不存在,大乘佛教又称我空;另一方面,则可解释为,这不是,也称为非我Nirātman)。这两种含义间的争论,成为佛教各宗派间的重要课题。 [1][2]


  1. 人无我,是说人身不外是色(形质)、受(感觉)、想(观念)、行(行动)、识(意识)五类,即五蕴结合而成,没有常恒自在的主体。
  2. 法无我,大乘佛教还认为色、受等五蘊之法,亦是由种种因缘和合而生,不断变迁,也无常恒坚实的自体。

无我可以简称我既不存在,可我也在。 以字面分析——无乃是一切都是空,既没有的意思 以字面分析——我乃是自身也代表自己 综合性分析——无我,也许有,也许没有,为何有无我,为何出现无我,为何没有无我,为何出现无我。


  1. Anatta Buddhism , Encyclopædia Britannica (2013)
  2. [a] Christmas Humphreys. Exploring Buddhism. Routledge. 2012: 42–43. ISBN 978-1-136-22877-3. 
    [b] Brian Morris. Religion and Anthropology: A Critical Introduction. Cambridge University Press. 2006: 51. ISBN 978-0-521-85241-8. , Quote: "...anatta is the doctrine of non-self, and is an extreme empiricist doctrine that holds that the notion of an unchanging permanent self is a fiction and has no reality. According to Buddhist doctrine, the individual person consists of five skandhas or heaps—the body, feelings, perceptions, impulses and consciousness. The belief in a self or soul, over these five skandhas, is illusory and the cause of suffering."
    [c] Richard Gombrich. Theravada Buddhism. Routledge. 2006: 47. ISBN 978-1-134-90352-8. , Quote: "...Buddha's teaching that beings have no soul, no abiding essence. This 'no-soul doctrine' (anatta-vada) he expounded in his second sermon."
