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马来西亚 马来西亚州属[注 1]
砂拉越 Sarawak[1]旗帜
砂拉越 Sarawak[1]官方图章
Bumi Kenyalang
Bersatu, Berusaha, Berbakti

  砂拉越   马来西亚联邦其它州属
  砂拉越   马来西亚联邦其它州属
 • 州元首泰益·马哈茂德
 • 首席部长阿邦佐哈里砂盟土保党
 • 总数124,450 平方公里(48,050 平方英里)
 • 总数2,792,000人
 • 排名第四名
 • 密度22人/平方公里(58人/平方英里)
 • HDI (2017)0.737 () (第12位)
邮政编码93xxx[11]至 98xxx[12]
电话区号082 (古晋)(三马拉汉)
083 (斯里阿曼)(木中)
084 (诗巫)(加帛)(泗里街)(沐胶)
085 (美里)(林梦)(马鲁帝)(老越)
086 (民都鲁)(布拉甲)[13]
车辆号牌QA 至 QK (古晋)
QB (斯里阿曼)
QC (三马拉汉)
QL (林梦)
QM (美里)
QP (加帛)
QR (泗里街)
QS (诗巫)
QT (民都鲁)
QSG (砂拉越州政府)[14]
a 尽管马来西亚于1963年9月16日开始存在,8月31日(马来亚独立日)却被选为马来西亚的独立日。 2010年以来,9月16日被认定为马来西亚日。这是一个马来西亚公共假期,为的是纪念北婆罗洲、马来亚、砂拉越和新加坡以同等伙伴的地位参组马来西亚。[22]

砂拉越马来语SarawakIPA:[saˈrawaʔ]),旧译砂磱越砂𦛨越砂劳越砂罗越砂捞越沙捞越,简称砂州,马来语又称作“犀鸟之乡”(Bumi Kenyalang),是马来西亚联邦婆罗洲领土上两个行政区域之一(另一个为沙巴州),也是全马面积最大的州。州首府古晋市是砂拉越的经济和政治中心,州内还有美里诗巫民都鲁等大大小小的城市分布。根据2019年的人口估查,砂拉越州共有2,810,000人[9]




砂拉越州在行政移民司法制度上与马来西亚半岛的其他州属明显不同。砂拉越州的州元首称作“Yang di-Pertua Negeri”,而州政府首脑称为“首席部长”。砂拉越州的政府架构与威斯敏斯特体系相似,并在国内拥有最早的州议会制度



根据官方解释,“砂拉越”(Sarawak)一词来自砂拉越马来语中“”一词(serawak)。同时,民间也存在着非官方但有一定知名度的解释,即据称在1841年文莱苏丹的舅舅班根丁·木达·哈新(Pangeran Muda Hashim)将砂拉越让给詹姆斯·布鲁克时,曾说道“我把它交给你了”(Saya serah pada awak),于是这块土地便由这句话中四个马来语词的缩写而命名[23]。不过上述说法有许多不合理之处,砂拉越这个名字早在布鲁克到砂拉越之前就已经存在,而“awak”这个字是在马来西亚成立后,才开始出现在砂拉越马来语中[24]





距今四万年前,婆罗洲仍与东南亚大陆连接时,首批觅食者开始在尼亚洞的西口定居[29]。当时尼亚洞的地形比现在干燥和显露。史前时期,尼亚洞被灌木、绿地、沼泽、河流所组成的茂密森林所包围,而居于尼亚洞的觅食者以打猎、捕鱼、饲养软体动物和种植食用植物为生[30]。1958年,汤姆·哈里森在尼亚洞的深海沟发现昵称为“深头骨”(Deep Skull)的现代人类头骨,证明了这个观点[29][31]。“深头骨”亦是东南亚最古老的现代人类头骨[32]。该头骨可能属于一个年龄介乎16至17岁的少女[30]。此外,一具公元前三万年的穿山甲骸骨亦在尼亚洞附近被发现[33],另外,尼亚洞内亦发现中石器时代新石器时代的墓葬遗址[34]。尼亚洞周围的地区其后被划作国家公园[35]




在16世纪,砂拉越的古晋地带[39]被葡萄牙地图学者称为“Cerava[19],是婆罗洲岛上的五大港口之一。[40]当时砂拉越位处文莱帝国的势力范围,由苏丹登加管理。[15]19世纪初,文莱苏丹逐渐失去对砂拉越的控制[19],只能管辖砂拉越的沿海地带,这些地区由半独立的马来族领袖管理;内陆地区则由伊班族、卡扬族、和肯尼亚族的部落战争所主导,这些族群积极扩张他们的领土。[41]在古晋地区发现锑矿后,班根丁·马哥达(Pangeran Indera Mahkota,文莱苏丹的代表)自1824年至1830年开始建设该地区。随着锑矿产量的逐年增加,文莱苏丹亦在当地不断增加税收[42],导致砂拉越社会出现动荡和混乱[19]。1839年,文莱苏丹奥马尔·阿里·赛义夫丁二世指派班根丁·木达·哈新(文莱苏丹的舅舅)派兵恢复秩序。此时英国探险家詹姆斯·布鲁克到达砂拉越。[19]班根丁·木达·哈新要求布鲁克援助维稳,但布鲁克拒绝了他的请求[19]。随后哈新二度接触布鲁克,布氏最终同意了哈新的请求。1841年,木达·哈新签署条约将砂拉越割让给布鲁克。1841年9月24日,[43]木达·哈新任布鲁克为砂拉越首长。1846年,木达·哈新去世,布鲁克成为砂拉越的唯一统治者,建立白人拉惹王朝。[44][45]





布鲁克王朝以“白人拉惹”的身份统治砂拉越一百年[52]。在布鲁克王朝统治下,砂拉越政府采纳爱国主义政策,以保障土著权益和福利。砂拉越政府成立了由马来人为首的最高委员会,对政府的决策提出建议[53]。最高委员会的首次会议于1867年在民都鲁举行。最高委员会亦成为了马来西亚联邦历史最悠久的立法机关[54]。同时,伊班族人和达雅克族人亦被聘用作民兵[55]。布鲁克王朝亦鼓励华商移民到砂拉越以协助砂拉越的经济发展,尤其是在发展矿业和农业方面[53]。当时,西方资本家被限制进入砂拉越,但砂拉越政府亦容许基督教传教士到砂拉越传教[53]。 当时的砂拉越政府亦禁止海盗奴隶制度猎首[56]。1856年,婆罗洲有限公司成立,并在砂拉越从事各种业务,包括贸易、银行、农业、采扩及发展等行业[57]

















1963年7月22日, 砂拉越被赋予自治权[16][17][18][84],1963年9月16日,砂拉越与马来亚联合邦、北婆罗洲和新加坡共同组成马来西亚。[85][86]



1949年中华人民共和国成立,毛泽东思想开始渗透到砂拉越华人学校。砂拉越的第一个共产主义组织于1951年在古晋中华中学成立。1954年,该组织改组为砂拉越解放同盟(解盟),亦即砂共,活跃于各学校、工会和农村之中。[91][92]砂共主要在砂州的南部和中部地区集中活动,文铭权和黄纪作是砂共的两位主要领导者。砂共亦成功渗透砂拉越人民联合党,试图通过宪法建立社会主义国家。在马印对抗时期,砂共开始反政府武装斗争[41]。此后,砂拉越政府开始沿古晋-西连道路建立新村,以防止公众帮助共产党。1970年,砂共改组为北加里曼丹共产党(北加共)。1973年,黄纪作向首席部长阿卜杜勒·拉赫曼雅各布投降,共产党实力大损。而自1960年代开始在中国领导砂共的文铭权则主张持续与政府对抗。1974年后,砂共在拉让江继续进行武装斗争。1989年,马来亚共产党(马共)与大马政府签署了和平协议,其后北加共也随之重新与砂政府谈判,并于1990年10月17日签署斯里阿曼和平协议(Peace Declaration of Sri Aman)。共产党余部随后相继投降,最后一批约50人的北加共游击队投降后,砂拉越恢复和平[93][94][95]




砂拉越州元首马来语Yang di-Pertua Negeri,可简称为“TYT”或“总督”)。该职位和其他马来西亚州的苏丹/拉惹拥有一样的地位,即作为州内土著习俗和伊斯兰的统治者。该职位由马来西亚最高元首委任,[96]而州元首拥有委任砂拉越政府首脑——即首席部长的权力,现任砂拉越州元首为泰益·马哈茂德。拥有大多数州立法议员支持的政党领袖将被任命为首席部长。每位民选州立法议会代表被称为州议员,目前一共有82名[来源请求]。砂拉越州议会负责通过州内的法律,如土地管理、就业、森林、移民、商业航运和渔业。砂拉越州内阁是由首席部长、内阁部长和助理部长所组成的。[97]










马来西亚半岛其他州属不同的是,砂拉越州以下的第一级行政区是省(Bahagian),而不是Daerah)。每个省都由省长领导。截至2018年,砂拉越州内一共有12个省[96][110]Template:Sarawak Labelled Map

大区 中文省名 马来文省名 省会 人口(2010年[111] 地方政府 面积(平方公里)
中砂 木中省 Bahagian Betong 木中 108,225 木中县议会、砂拉卓县议会 4,180.8
中砂 民都鲁省 Bahagian Bintulu 民都鲁 219,529 民都鲁省发展局 12,166.2
中砂 加帛省 Bahagian Kapit 加帛 112,762 加帛县议会 38,932
南砂 古晋省 Bahagian Kuching 古晋 705,546 古晋南市市政厅古晋北市市政局巴达旺市议会、石隆门县议会、伦乐县议会 4,565.53
北砂 林梦省 Bahagian Limbang 林梦 86,571 林梦县议会、老越县议会 7,790
北砂 美里省 Bahagian Miri 美里 364,562 美里市政厅、马鲁帝县议会、苏必士县议会 26,777
中砂 沐胶省 Bahagian Mukah 沐胶 106,931 拉叻沐胶县议会、玛都达佬县议会 6,997.61
南砂 三马拉汉省 Bahagian Samarahan 哥打三马拉汉 155,183 哥打三马拉汉市议会、实文然县议会 2,927.5
中砂 泗里街省 Bahagian Sarikei 泗里街 145,200 泗里街县议会、马拉端如楼县议会 4,332.4
南砂 西连省 Bahagian Serian 西连 91,599(不包括新生村副县 西连县议会 2,039.9(不包括新生村副县)
中砂 诗巫省 Bahagian Sibu 诗巫 299,768 诗巫市议会诗巫乡区县议会、加拿逸县议会 8,278.
南砂 斯里阿曼省 Bahagian Sri Aman 成邦江 94,774 斯里阿曼县议会、鲁勃安都县议会 5,466.25

省以下分为由县长领导的县,县以下又分为由砂拉越行政官(Sarawak Administrative Officer, SAO)领导的副县。截至2015年,整个州一共分为40个县。砂州各省、县都设有发展官一职(Development Officer),发展官的职责是推行辖区的发展项目。砂州各省每一条村的村长(称为ketua kampungpenghulu)都会由州政府任命[96][110]。砂拉越州39个地方政府都处于砂拉越地方政府与社区发展部的管辖之下[112]。砂拉越州各省、县、副县的列表如下[8]

古晋 古晋 巴达旺
伦乐 三马丹
三马拉汉 三马拉汉
阿沙再也 砂隆再也
实文然 诗巫遥
西连[4] 西连 新生村
斯里阿曼 斯里阿曼 龙芽
鲁勃安都 英吉利里
木中 木中 实巴荷
砂拉卓 南嘉布都
浮刹 裕南
甲望 荷万
泗里街 泗里街
沐胶 沐胶 万年烟
拉叻 乌也
玛都 伊干
诗巫 诗巫
加帛 加帛 南嘉摩利
布拉甲 双溪阿刹
民都鲁 民都鲁
美里 美里 峇里奥(代管)
马鲁帝 姆禄
苏必士 尼亚
柏鲁鲁 丁查
德朗乌山 弄拉玛
林梦 林梦 南嘉门达米
老越 顺叻





砂拉越和邻邦文莱、印尼以及在南海岛屿主权上与中国等多个国家有着领土争端[119][120]。砂拉越在2009年解决了与文莱之间关于林梦省的主权争议,最后文莱放弃了对这片土地的主权要求[121]。砂拉越主张曾母暗沙(Beting Serupai)和的北康暗沙(Beting Raja Jarum/Patinggi Ali)是其专属经济区的一部分[122],另外几项关于砂拉越-加里曼丹边界的问题也尚未与印尼解决[123]






砂拉越一般上被分为三个生态区。其中沿海地带的地势平坦,并由沼泽和潮湿环境以及平原组成。砂拉越海滩包括位于古晋的巴西班让海滩(Pasir Panjang)[130]和达迈海滩(Damai Beach)、[131]民都鲁的丹绒巴都海滩(Tanjung Batu Beach)[132]和丹绒罗邦公园(Tanjung Lobang)[133]和美里的夏威夷沙滩。[134]其中多数市镇都坐落于沿海地带或是河流旁,如古晋(砂拉越河)和诗巫(拉让江)的港口便是建立在河流旁,距离海岸有一段距离。民都鲁和美里坐落于海岸线旁,面向南海。第三个区域是靠近着加里曼丹北方的高山地带。其中包括位于加拉毕高原巴厘奥、姆禄高原(Murut Highlands)的巴卡尔拉兰和位于肯尼亚高原(Kenyah Highlands)的乌山阿包[19]


砂拉越境内的主要河流有砂拉越河、鲁巴河(Batang Lupar)、沙里巴斯河(Sungai Saribas)以及拉让江等。砂拉越河为流经古晋省的主要河流。拉让江为马来西亚最长的河流,其长度加上其支流巴类河共约563公里。巴南河、林梦河以及大老山河(Sungai Trusan)皆注入于文莱湾[19]

砂拉越属于热带雨林气候,并有东北季风西南季风两个季风季节。东北季风在十一月和二月之间出现,并带来了大量降雨量,而西南季风的降雨量较少。除了这两个季风,砂拉越的全年气候稳定。每日平均温差大致上是从早上的23 °C(73 °F)到下午的32 °C(90 °F)。美里相较于砂拉越其他主要城市,拥有比较低的平均气温。美里还拥有最久的日照(每天超过6个小时),而其他地区则收到了一天五六个小时的日照。砂拉越湿度通常较高,大约为68%,年降雨量则处于330厘米(130英寸)和460厘米(180英寸)之间,一年有220天降雨。[124]石质土构成砂拉越60%的土地,灰化土则占土地面积的12%。冲积层可在沿海和河岸地区找到,而泥炭沼泽森林覆盖了砂拉越土地面积的12%。[124]



在马来西亚砂拉越州尼亚洞里的灰鹟(Muscicapa dauurica)。

红树林水椰林覆盖着砂拉越的海岸线。 它形成砂拉越森林总面积的百分之二,在最常见古晋、泗里街、和林梦的河口。在这里可找到的树木主要包括:巴哥(红树属)、尼帕棕榈(水椰)和尼红树(Oncosperma tigillarium)。 涵盖了砂州林地16%泥炭沼泽森林主要集中在美里南部和巴南谷。 在泥炭沼泽森林的主要树种有: 拉敏白木、梅兰蒂(娑罗属种类)和绒广木(Dactylocladus stenostachys)。巽他荒原森林占森林总面积的百分之五,而龙脑香科树林占据山区。[124]一些植物已用来研究它们的药性。[135]


世界范围内的一高密度物种的雨林也生长在砂拉越境内。 该州有大约185种哺乳动物、530种鸟类、166种蛇、104种蜥蜴和113种两栖动物。砂州还有19%的哺乳动物、6%的鸟、20%的蛇和32%的蜥蜴的特有物种。这些物种可在保护区中找到。砂拉越还有2000种树种、1000种兰花、757种蕨类植物和260种棕榈。[136]该州也是濒危动物的栖息地,其中包括婆罗洲象长鼻猴婆罗洲猩猩、和犀牛[137][138][139][140][141]马当野生动物中心(Matang Wildlife Centre,位于库巴国家公园)、 实蒙古野生动物护育中心(Semenggoh Nature Reserve)、和兰扎恩地茂野生保护区[142]著名于他们的猩猩保护计划。[143][144]达郎沙当国家公园(Talang-Satang National Park)著名于它的海龟保护措施。[145]观鸟活动可在不同的国家公园里进行,如姆鲁山国家公园兰卑尔山国家公园[146]西米拉遥国家公园[147]美里-实务地珊瑚礁国家公园著名于它的珊瑚礁、[148]和加丁山国家公园(Gunung Gading National Park)著名于它的大王花[149]峇哥国家公园,是砂拉越最古老的国家公园。它以其275种长鼻猴著称。[150]另一方面,巴达旺猪笼草花园(Padawan Pitcher Plant & Wild Orchid Centre)为它的各种猪笼草著称。[151]马来犀鸟是砂拉越的州鸟。[152]

砂拉越州政府颁布了若干法律,以保护森林和濒危野生物种,其中包括1958年森林条例、[153]1998年野生动物保护条例[154]和砂拉越自然公园和自然保护区条例。[155]受保护的物种有猩猩绿海龟、飞狐猴、和管道犀鸟。根据1998年野生动物保护条例,砂拉越原住民被赋予权限来猎取有限的野生动物,但不应该拥有超过5千克(11英磅)的肉。[156]砂拉越森林部成立于1919年,以保护其森林资源。[157]继砂拉越伐木业在国际社会受到批评,州政府决定缩减砂拉越森林部并于1995年创建砂拉越林业公司(SFC,Sarawak Forestry Corporation)。[158][159]砂拉越生物多样性中心成立于1997年,为的是保存、保护、并维持生物多样性的长期发展。[160]



砂拉越目前的森林覆盖率一直存在争议。 当时的首席部长泰益·马哈茂德声称,砂州在2011年拥有70%的森林覆盖率,但是2012年却减至48%。[161]然而,在2012年他的内阁部长却声称,森林覆盖率为80%。[161]砂州政府还计划在未来几年保持60%的森林覆盖率。[162]砂拉越森林部门认为,2012年的森林覆盖率为80%。[163]相比之下,国外媒体称,砂拉越已经失去了90%的森林覆盖率[164][165]只剩下3%到5%左右的森林。[166]根据湿地国际的研究报告,10%的砂拉越森林的和33%的泥炭沼泽森林在2005年至2010年间被清除,这是亚洲总伐木率的3.5倍和亚洲泥炭沼泽森林伐木率的11.7倍。[167][168]

伐木业和棕榈油园的需求逐渐造成砂拉越雨林消耗殆尽。[169]当瑞士社运分子布鲁诺·曼瑟(Bruno Manser)从1984年到2000年进入砂拉越时,砂拉越本南族的人权和森林砍伐课题成为一个国际性的环境课题。[170]森林的砍伐影响了土著部落的生活,尤其是本南人。他们的生计非常依赖于森林产品。这导致了20世纪的80年代和90年代,土著族群开始封锁通往他们部落的道路,以阻止伐木公司侵占他们的土地。[171]在一些情况下,土著习俗地在没有当地人的许可下,被赋予伐木和种植公司。[172]土著已经使用法律途径,以恢复其土著习俗地的权利。2001年砂拉越高等法庭完全恢复了诺雅崴人的土著习俗地,不过,在2005年,上诉庭却推翻部分判决。但是,这项2001年的判决成为了先例,并随后的几年导致更多的土著习俗地的权利得到高级法庭的维护。[173][174]砂拉越大型水坝的政策,如巴贡水电站姆伦水坝已淹没数千公顷的森林并造成数千人土著居民流离失所。[175][176]自2013年起,巴南水坝项目已被展延因为当地土著部落正在进行水坝抗议活动。[177]自2014年以来,在新的首席部长丹斯里阿德南开始打击非法伐木活动,并使砂州经济多样化。[178]在2016年,有超过200万英亩的森林被列为保护区。这些保护区大多数是猩猩的栖息地[179]








砂拉越拥有丰富的自然资源。在2013年,采矿、农业、畜牧业等第一产业的产值占全州经济产量的32.8%[180]。砂拉越制造业产值的主要贡献者是饮食业、木工业与器制造业、初级金属产品制造业和石油化工业[8],而服务业产值的主要贡献者则包括货运运输业、航空业和旅游业[180]。在2000年至2009年期间,砂拉越国内生产总值(GDP)的年均增长率是5.0%[181]。2006年至2013年期间当地GDP的年度增长率水平并不稳定,幅度由负2%(2009年)至7%(2010年)不等,标准差为3.3%。在2013年之前的九年内,砂拉越州的GDP总量对马来西亚国内生产总值的贡献率为10.1%,是全国经济总量第三大州,仅次于雪兰莪(22.2%)和吉隆坡(13.9%)[180]。砂拉越的GDP已经从1963年的5.27亿林吉特(1.713亿美元)增加到2013年的580亿林吉特(174亿美元)[182],增幅达110倍。与此同时,当地的人均GDP也已经从1963年的688林吉特跃升至2013年的46,000林吉特,增幅达67倍[183]。砂拉越的人均GDP(44,437林吉特,即11,133美元)在马来西亚排名第三,仅次于吉隆坡和纳闽[184]。油气事业为砂拉越州政府贡献了34.8%的税收,因此州政府在2013年以前的7年内一直能够维持财政盈余。砂拉越还吸引了总值96亿林吉特(28.8亿美元)的外国投资,其中90%的投资额都流向砂拉越再生能源走廊(Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy, SCORE);砂拉越再生能源走廊是马来西亚第二大经济走廊[180]

砂拉越经济在很大程度上属于向外出口型,因此易受全球大宗商品价格所影响。砂州出口总额和砂州生产总值的比例为100%以上,而2013年,贸易总额超过了130%。 液化天然气 (LNG) 出口额占砂州的总出口的一半以上;同时,原油出口占20.8%。 与此同时,棕榈油、原木、和木材占出口总额的9.0%左右。[180]砂拉越目前收到的5%的石油(矿业公司以石油产量的比例支付给的拥有者)是由马来西亚国家石油公司在砂拉越水域勘探石油后所支付的。[185]石油和天然气的大部分都储藏于民都鲁和美里离岸的地方、万年烟盆地、巴南盆地、和靠近北康暗沙岛屿。[186]砂拉越也是世界上最大的硬木出口国之一,并在2000年占马来西亚总原木出口的65%。 2001年联合国估计砂拉越在1996至2000年之间,每年的平均原木出口是14,109,000立方米(498,300,000立方英尺)。[187]1955年,华侨银行是第一个在砂拉越开设分行的外国银行。除了国内银行,砂拉越也有18个欧洲银行、10个中东银行、11个亚洲银行、和五个北美银行在当地开设分行。[188]砂拉越也有几家本地公司涉及各项经济活动,如:砂州日光集团常青集团、启德行集团(KTS Group)、纳因控股公司(Naim Holdings)、三林(Samling)、升阳控股(Shin Yang)、大安集团(Ta Ann Holdings)和黄传宽控股(WTK Holdings)[189]

砂拉越消费者物价指数 (CPI) 与马来西亚消费者物价指数有高度相关性。砂州从2009年至2013年间的平均通膨率是在2.5至3.0巴仙之间。但是2008年通膨率却高达10.0%,而在2009年却创下-4.0%的最低点。[180]砂拉越收入不均从1980年至2009年并没有出现显著的变化,其基尼系数在0.4和0.5之间波动。[190][191]砂拉越的贫穷率从1975年的56.5%减少至 2015年的1%。[192]失业率也从2010年的4.6%[193]下滑至2014年的3%。[192]



砂能源公司 (SEB) 负责发电、输电、以及分配电力到整个砂拉越。[194]截至2015年,砂拉越有三个正在运作的水坝:峇丹艾[195]巴贡水电站[196]姆伦水坝[197]还有几个水坝在研究和规划当中。[195]砂拉越也从燃煤电厂和液化天然气热力发电厂得到其电能。[194][198]砂州发电总容量预计将在2025年达到7,000兆瓦。[199]除了为本地居民供电,砂拉越能源公司还出口电力到邻近的西加里曼丹省[200]替代能源如生物质潮汐能太阳能风能和微水电站也被探索其潜在的发电用处。[201]

砂拉越再生能源走廊(SCORE)成立于2008年,并计划至2030年进一步利用丰富的能源如:姆伦水坝、巴南水坝、巴类水坝(Baleh Dam)和燃煤电厂[202]以及发展10项优先行业[203]如铝、玻璃、钢铁、石油、渔业、畜牧业、木材、和旅游等等。[204]区域走廊发展局(RECODA)负责管理砂拉越再生能源走廊。[205]砂拉越再生能源走廊覆盖整个砂拉越中区,包括三个主要地方:三马拉如(靠近民都鲁)、丹绒马尼、和沐胶[206]自2008年,三马拉如将被计划开发成一个工业区,[207]并把丹绒马尼作为清真食品中心,[208]和把沐胶作为SCORE的行政中心,着重于资源研究和开发。[209]


法国吉普赛乐队GYPSY IT UP在2006年热带雨林世界音乐节中演出

旅游业是砂拉越州的重要经济产业。2015年,旅游业占砂拉越州内生产总值的9.3%[210]。砂拉越旅游局(Sarawak Tourism Board)是砂拉越旅游部(Ministry of Tourism Sarawak)的下辖机构,负责推广砂拉越旅游。与此同时,砂拉越私营旅行社亦组成砂拉越旅游联合会(STF, Sarawak Tourism Federation)。砂劳越会议局(SCB, Sarawak Convention Bureau)则负责吸引大会、会议和企业活动前往古晋婆罗洲会议中心(BCCK)举行相关活动[211]。砂拉越犀鸟旅游奖(RWMF, Rainforest World Music Festival)每两年举办一次,以表扬最佳的旅游业从业者[212]

热带雨林世界音乐节古晋)是砂拉越的国际音乐盛事,每年吸引超过2万人参加[213]。其他在砂拉越定期举办的盛事亦包括东盟国际电影节(古晋,AIFFA, ASEAN International Film Festival And Awards)、亚洲音乐节、婆罗洲爵士乐节美里)、婆罗洲文化节诗巫)和婆罗洲国际风筝节(民都鲁,BIKF, Borneo International Kite Festival)[211]、中秋嘉年华(民都鲁,Tanglung Carnival,2018年5天3万到访人次)[214]及新尧湾嘉年华(石隆门,Siniawan Heritage Fiesta,2017年2万到访人次)[215]

砂拉越的主要商场包括位处古晋的新欣广场(tHe Spring)、富丽华广场(Boulevard)、CityONE[216]、独立广场(Plaza Merdeka)和永旺(ÆON);位处美里的星城霸级广场(Bintang Megamall)、富丽华广场(Boulevard)和帝宫城市广场(Permaisuri Imperial City)[217];诗巫的三洋广场和大星广场(Star Megamall);民都鲁的百乐城(Paragon),以及民都鲁新欣广场(tHe Spring)和2020年中建成的富丽华广场(Boulevard)。砂拉越的首府古晋亦被评为马来西亚国内其中一个适合退休养老的城市。[218][219][220]


重要旅游业指标 2018年[221] 2017年[223] 2015年 2014年 2013年 2012年 2011年 2010年
2.112[227] 2.640[228] 2.497 2.996 2.665 2.635 2.343 1.897
(西马来西亚 & 沙巴)
2.318[227] 2.217[228] 2.020 1.862 1.707 1.434 1.452 1.373
4.430 4.857 4.517 4.858 4.372 4.069 3.795 3.271
亿元 (林吉特
79.50 85.90 98.70 106.86 95.88 85.73 79.14 66.18
亿元 (等价美元)
N/A N/A N/A 32.06 28.76 27.86 23.74 14.89


金额 地点 投资
投资方 投资项目 年生产量
三马拉如工业区(Samalaju Industrial Park)
纸浆和造纸厂[230] 200万吨纸浆和纸张[230]
2019(未定) 河北新武安钢铁集团文安钢铁有限公司[232] 综合钢厂[232][233] 1,000万吨[232]、300万吨水泥、200万吨焦化、100万吨冷轧、100万吨焊管[234]
沙里岛(Pulau Sari)[235]
炼油厂及综合石油与天然气中心[235][236][237] 1,000万吨炼油、320万吨DCC、120万吨乙烯[238]
150亿林吉特[239] 加帛省
2003(2011) 中国水利水电建设集团公司
巴贡水电站 装机总容量240万千瓦,年发电量约170亿千瓦时[241]
甲醇及衍生物提炼中心[242][244] 约180万吨甲醇[243]
综合蒸馏合成厂SMDS[246] 约550万桶液化石油气[246]



在通讯上,2013年传统固定式电话的覆盖率为25.5%,而使用手机的人达到93.3%。同一年有使用电脑的比率为45.9%。都市有上网的人有58.5%,乡村则有29.9%[253]。砂拉越州的Sacofa有限公司(Sacofa Sdn Bhd)全权负责架设砂拉越州的通讯塔[254]。砂拉越资讯系统有限公司(Sarawak Information Systems Sdn Bhd,简称SAINS)负责砂拉越州资讯科技系统(IT)的架设及发展[255]。2012年时,砂拉越州有63个邮局、40个迷你邮局及5个流动邮务局[256]。2015年,乡村的邮务覆盖率为60%[257]

古晋水务局(KWB)及诗巫水务局(SWB)负责相关区域的供水管理。LAKU管理有限公司(LAKU Management Sdn Bhd)负责管理美里、民都鲁及林梦的供水[258]。乡村供水部管理局则负责剩余地区的供水[259]。2014年乡村地区中有82%有自来水供应[251]




截至2013年 (2013-Missing required parameter 1=month!),砂拉越州拥有总长32,091千米(19,940英里)的道路,其中近半❲18,003千米(11,187英里)❳为州政府建设的铺设道路、8,313千米(5,165英里)为由林业公司建设的泥路、4,352千米(2,704英里)为碎石路、1,424千米(885英里)为联邦公路。砂拉越州最重要的公路是泛婆大道,起自砂拉越州古晋省辖下三马丹,穿过文莱,到达沙巴州斗湖[260]。然而,砂拉越道路的路况因为危险的急弯、盲点、坑洞和路面侵蚀的问题而被批评[261],联邦政府亦曾在财政预算中拨出资金用作改善砂拉越的道路。砂拉越州作为再生能源走廊经济地带的一部分,亦兴建了连接大型水电站、民都鲁加帛的道路[260]








古晋国际机场 诗巫机场 美里机场 民都鲁机场
文莱文莱 文莱RB Link(英语:RB Link)(2019年8月1日开航)[276] 文莱RB Link(2019年11月14日开航)[276] / 文莱RB Link(2019年11月5日开航)[276]
新加坡新加坡 亚洲航空(亚航)、马来西亚航空(马航)、 新加坡酷航 亚航(2019年10月开航)[277] 亚航 /
印度尼西亚坤甸 亚航、 印尼飞翼航空[278] / / /





  • 1号线(达迈线):哥打三马拉汉(Kota Samarahan)经双溪峇都(Sungai Batu)至达迈(Damai)共28站59.7公里
  • 2号线(西连线):西连(Serian)经实文然(Siburan)至史纳里(Senari)共26站84公里
  • 3号线(古晋市中心线,电车):市区13站11公里

另三条路线为石隆门、德拉甲艾(Telaga Air)及外围连结路线。

2019年5月砂州首长阿邦佐哈里宣称重启计划,第一期计划将于交通繁忙的古晋-三马拉汉大道路线兴建[281](属1号达迈线,原长60公里[280]),另政府已意识到(属2号西连线[280])哥打圣淘沙(Kota Sentosa)及西连交通阻塞也非常严重[282]。他强调第一期计划的建造费用不会太高,因为路线不会太长,故建造费远比整体计划的耗费来得低[281]







砂拉越综合医院诗巫医院美里医院[286]是砂拉越的三个主要公立医院。除此之外也有一些县级医院[287]、公共医疗诊所一个马来西亚诊所(“一个马来西亚”计划下的诊所)以及乡村诊所[288]。除了公立的医院及诊所外,砂拉越州也有一些私立的医院,如古晋的婆罗洲医疗中心[289]、Normah医疗中心、KPJ专科医院及Timberland医疗中心;诗巫的拉让医疗中心 [290]。砂拉越州也是文莱印尼医疗旅行团的目的地[291]马来西亚砂拉越大学(UNIMAS)是砂拉越州唯一有医学院的公立大学[288]。为了推广类似居家环境的安宁病房服务,砂拉越安宁协会(Sarawak Hospice Society)在1998年成立[292]圣淘沙医院是砂拉越州唯一的精神病院[293]

如何为乡村地区提供有素质的医疗服务仍然是当地的一大挑战[294]。针对一些不在诊所医疗范围内的村庄,会有隶属马来西亚飞行医生每个月一次的飞行医疗服务(FDS, Flying Doctors Service)。距离较远的村子也会有医疗促进员,先接受三个星期的急救及基础医疗训练,之后就在村内驻点提供医疗。砂拉越州的许多社群也仍在使用各种传统的医疗方式[295][296][297][298][299]

2015年时,砂拉越的医生-居民比为1:1,104,较世界卫生组织建议的1:600的医生-居民比要低。那年在砂拉越共有2,237名医生,其中有1,759名在公立医院,478名在私立医院[300]。砂拉越还有248位专科医师、942位正式医师(medical officer)及499位实习医师(house officer)[287]



砂拉越在1960年时的识字率为25%[301],现今的识字率已达90%。马来西亚教育部负责砂拉越的小学教育及中学教育[302]。砂拉越最古老的学校是古晋圣多玛中学(1848)、古晋圣玛丽中学(St Mary's School Kuching, 1848)及古晋圣约瑟中学(St Joseph's School Kuching, 1882,非2012年私立的古晋圣约瑟中学[303]


砂拉越州目前有三所公立大学:马来西亚砂拉越大学(UNIMAS)、玛拉工业大学(UiTM)的 哥打三马拉汉校区,以及马来西亚博特拉大学民都鲁校区马来西亚北方大学(UUM)也在古晋及诗巫设置了校外学习中心。

砂拉越州有五所私立大学:砂拉越科廷科技大学(1999,美里)、斯威本科技大学砂拉越校区(2000,古晋)[302]马来西亚开放大学(总校于2000年成立,在古晋、美里、诗巫及民都鲁四大城镇皆有设立学习中心)[308]UCSI大学砂拉越校区(2008,古晋) 及砂拉越科技大学学院(2013,诗巫)。




年份 华小学生数[313]
2019 6.2 280[315] 2.2
2010 7.2 247 2.9
2000 7.7 207 3.7


学校编号 省份 地区 中文名称 马来文名称 邮政
位置 津贴
YCC4106 美里 廉路 中山华小 SJK(C) Chung San Miri 98000 市区 半津 1,547 4°20′33″N 114°00′11″E / 4.3426°N 114.0030°E / 4.3426; 114.0030 (中山)
YCC1327 古晋 巴达旺 十哩中华公学 SJK(C) Chung Hua Batu 10 93250 市区 半津 1,429 1°25′29″N 110°19′31″E / 1.4246°N 110.3254°E / 1.4246; 110.3254 (十哩中华)
YCC9101 民都鲁 中华华小 SJK(C) Chung Hua Bintulu 97000 市区 半津 1,333 3°11′21″N 113°02′15″E / 3.1893°N 113.0376°E / 3.1893; 113.0376 (民都鲁中华)
YCC4104 美里 埔奕 埔奕中华公学 SJK(C) Chung Hua Pujut 98000 市区 半津 1,325 4°26′18″N 114°00′50″E / 4.4384°N 114.0140°E / 4.4384; 114.0140 (埔奕中华)
YCC1204 古晋 中华华小三校 SJK(C) Chung Hua 3 93050 市区 半津 1,315 1°33′07″N 110°21′42″E / 1.5519°N 110.3617°E / 1.5519; 110.3617 (古晋中华3)
YCC6315 泗里街 马拉端 南华华小 SJK(C) Nang Hua 96500 郊区 半津 7 2°06′36″N 111°42′00″E / 2.1100°N 111.7000°E / 2.1100; 111.7000 (南华)
YCC6115 泗里街 民德华小 SJK(C) Ming Tak 96100 郊区 半津 8 2°02′33″N 111°36′20″E / 2.0426°N 111.6055°E / 2.0426; 111.6055 (民德)
YCC3309 诗巫 加拿逸如吉坡 兴华华小 SJK(C) Shing Hua 96700 郊区 半津 12 2°07′15″N 112°07′13″E / 2.1208°N 112.1203°E / 2.1208; 112.1203 (兴华)
YCC3213 诗巫 发富港 养成华小 SJK(C) Yong Shing 96000 郊区 半津 13 2°09′28″N 111°57′33″E / 2.1578°N 111.9593°E / 2.1578; 111.9593 (养成)
YCC3302 诗巫 加拿逸南傅坡 新兴华小 SJK(C) Sing Shing 96700 郊区 半津 14 2°08′30″N 112°04′40″E / 2.1418°N 112.0777°E / 2.1418; 112.0777 (新兴)


种族 百分比

根据2015年马来西亚人口调查,砂拉越共有2,636,000人,为马来西亚人口第四多的行政区[9]。然而,因为砂拉越面积很大,它的人口密度是全马来西亚最低的,平均每平方千米仅有20人。2000至2010年其间,平均每年人口增长率为1.8%[8]。 2014年,总人口之58%居位于城市,其余的42%居住于农村地区[317]。2011年,砂拉越的出生率为每一千人中的16.3人,死亡率为每一千人中的4.3人,婴儿死亡率为一千个婴儿中的6.5人[318]


达雅克族术语通常用来指伊班族和比达友族。 该术语通常在民族主义的景况中使用。[323]2015年,马来西亚联邦政府承认“达雅克族”为官方形式的术语。[324]马来西亚土著指的是在马来亚半岛,砂拉越和沙巴的马来人和其他土著群体。这一群人在教育、就业、金融、政治常享有特权。[325]原住民(Orang Asal)指的是马来西亚所有的土著群体但不包括马来人。[326]



砂拉越有745,400个伊班族人,为全婆罗洲最多。[327]伊班族也称为是海达雅克族(Sea Dayaks)。大部分伊班族人信奉基督宗教。伊班族一开始住在拉让盆地附近,但在布鲁克王朝的军事行动之后,伊班族渐渐迁移到砂拉越的北边。伊班族的房屋多半会是长屋,在以往猎头习俗盛行时,长屋也是一个防御的单位。今日长屋仍是家庭中的象征式符号。过去伊班族会将人分为三等,分别是“富有且勇敢的人”、“一般人”及“奴隶”。不过,在布鲁克时期,伊班社群改组为正式职位,如本固鲁(社区领袖)和天猛公(最高酋长)[328]。伊班族仍保留许多传统的习俗及信仰,例如死人节丰收节 [329]






马兰诺人原来就住在砂拉越,其中大部分是住在木胶的滨海小镇[337],传统上马兰诺人住在高屋(tall house)中,后来马兰诺人适应马来人的生活后,住在村庄里。马兰诺人的工作多半是渔夫、造船者及工匠。马兰诺人本来的信仰是异教,会庆祝考尔节,但现今大多数的马兰诺人是穆斯林[19][87][338]


比达友族主要居住在砂拉越的南端,如伦乐石隆门西连巴达旺[339]他们被称为陆达雅克族因为他们传统住处是在石灰岩山区的陡峭。 它们是由几个子族群组成的,如查格依、比亚达(Biatah)和瑟拉高(Selakau),但是各子族群所讲的方言却互不相通。[340]因此,他们接受英语和马来语作为他们的共同语言。他们也因几种乐器而著称,如:巨大的鼓和被称为 pratuakng的竹制打击乐器。 和伊班人一样,比达友族的传统定居点是长屋,但他们也建立巴洛(baruk)圆屋以作社区会议场所。大多数比达友族是基督徒。[19]


乌鲁人在伊班语中的意思是“住在上游的人”。 这包括很多住在砂拉越内陆上游生活的部落,如伦巴旺族本南族比沙亚人肯尼亚族加央族加拉毕族伯拉湾语族[19]他们以前曾经是猎头族。他们大多住在巴里奥布拉甲巴卡尔拉兰峇南河流域沿岸。[341]他们以壁画和木雕装饰他们的长屋。他们也以造船,珠饰和纹身着称。[19]乌鲁人知名的乐器是卡扬族和肯尼亚族的沙贝、以及伦巴旺族的竹制乐器。加拉毕族和伦巴旺族以他们生产的香米著称。[341]大多数乌鲁人是基督教徒。[19]


宗教信仰 百分比

虽然伊斯兰教是联邦的官方宗教,但砂拉越州并没有官方宗教[343]。但是阿卜杜勒·拉赫曼雅各布就任首长期间,砂拉越州宪法被修订,使到马来西亚最高元首成为砂拉越的伊斯兰教首领,并授权州议会通过关于伊斯兰教事务的法律。有了这样的规定,在砂拉越州可制定任何伊斯兰教政策,也能创立伊斯兰政府机构。1978年的伊斯兰议会法案使到砂拉越州能成立伊斯兰法院,其管辖范围有婚姻、子女监护权、订婚、继承权,以及刑事案件等范畴。 卡迪法院也相继被建立。[105]

砂拉越在马来西亚是唯一一个基督徒人数超过穆斯林的州属。1848年,英国国教会圣公会)最早来到砂拉越宣教,其次是天主教会和1903年的卫理公会。基督教先在华人社群中流传,然后才在本来信仰泛灵论的土著间传播。[344]砂拉越其他的基督信仰宗派有婆罗洲福音教会(也称为Sidang Injil Borneo或SIB)[345]浸礼宗[346]原住民如伊班族、比达友族、和乌鲁人都开始信仰基督宗教,虽然他们还保留一些传统宗教仪式。许多穆斯林来自马来族、马兰诺族和卡扬族。马来西亚华人主要信奉佛教,道教和中国民间信仰。[347]砂拉越其他小规模宗教有巴哈伊信仰[348]印度教[349]锡克教[350]泛灵论[351]



在砂拉越州使用的马来语称为砂拉越语(Bahasa Sarawak)或砂拉越马来语,是砂拉越马来人和其他土著主要使用的语言。砂拉越语是一个与马来西亚半岛的马来语不同的方言。伊班语亦在砂拉越34%的人口中通用。比达友语设有6种主要方言,在砂拉越10%的人口中通用。乌鲁族则使用30种不同的方言。华人则主要使用现代标准汉语,亦使用闽南语(普遍为泉漳话以及潮州话)、客家话福州话等方言[356]



砂拉越呈现出富有代表性的民族特点、文化特色和多样化语言。早期,砂拉越文化由住在沿海地带的文莱马来人所影响。 中国和英国的文化也造成了可观的文化影响。 猎头曾经是伊班人的重要传统,但是今日此传统已无人遵守。[357]基督教在加拉毕人伦巴旺族的日常生活中扮演重要的角色,并改变了他们的民族特征。[358] 本南族是最后一组放弃在丛林中的游牧生活方式的土著群体。[359][360]异族通婚在砂拉越是一个很常见的现象。[361]

砂拉越文化村坐落在古晋的山都望山的山脚下。被誉为“活的博物馆”,它展示各族裔群体在各自的传统民居进行传统活动。文化演出也在这里展示。[362][363]砂拉越博物馆存放来自不同民族的文物如陶器、纺织品、和木雕工具,也集合当地文化的民族志材料。博物馆保留了其法式建筑风格。[364]其他的博物馆包括 华人历史博物馆[365]古晋猫博物馆[366]伊斯兰文化博物馆、[367]砂拉越纺织博物馆、[368]美术博物馆、[369]刘钦候医院纪念馆、[370]巴南地区博物馆。[371]砂拉越布鲁克时代,也建立了一系列保存完好的堡垒如:<古晋>玛格烈达堡[372]<加帛>丝维雅堡[373]<斯里阿曼>爱丽丝堡[374]<诗巫加拿逸>爱玛堡(Fort Emma)[375]及<美里马鲁帝>和斯堡(Fort Hose)[376]







口述传统多年来已成为砂拉越土著文化的一部分,用以向年轻一代传授生活知识、传统及价值。这些故事由老人在特别场合和传统演出时多次转述给年青人[399]。伊班族的英雄舞[400]、民谣[401]、传说[352],以及加央族和肯尼亚族的神话故事均为砂拉越的传统习俗[402][403]。1958年至1977年间,婆罗洲文化局曾提倡将本地文化、本地作家和出版物以英语、华语、马来语、伊班语和其他土著语言记录。1977年,马来西亚语言及文学研究院接替婆罗洲文化局,并只以马来语记录出版有关文献[352]。土著口述传统亦被马来西亚砂拉越大学(UniMAS)和砂拉越习俗理事会(MAIS)记录[399]。《砂劳越宪报》(Sarawak Gazette)于1870年由布鲁克政府首度出版,纪录有关砂拉越经济、农业、人类学和考古学的新闻,至今仍然发行[404]。1876年在古晋发行的《战士尼科萨的故事》(Hikayat Panglima Nikosa)是婆罗洲最早的文字著作之一[405]。《战士尼科萨的故事》由艾哈迈德·夏瓦尔·哈米德·阿卜杜勒(Ahmad Syawal Abdul Hamid)所著,亦是马来西亚的第一部小说[406]。砂拉越土著文化亦是砂拉越华人作家的写作灵感来源之一[407]



砂拉越著名的食物有叻沙[408]哥罗面(kolo mee)[409]砂拉越竹筒鸡[410][411]。砂拉越著名的甜点有砂拉越千层糕[412]。各族群在预备、烹调食物及饮食时都有其独特的风格。不过现代的技术也影响了他们烹调食物的方式。各族群的食物有伊班人的米酒(tuak)、马兰诺人的西米棕榈饼干(tebaloi)及umai(加入兰姆汁的生鱼)及乌鲁族的urum giruq(布丁)[413]。砂拉越的传统食物也使砂拉越成为美食旅游的好地点[414]

当地的加盟连锁餐厅有汉堡王(BK, Burger King)、肯德基(KFC)、麦当劳(McDonald's)、旧街场白咖啡(OldTown White Coffee)、必胜客(Pizza Hut)、星巴克(Starbucks)、荣寿司新加坡鸡饭(Singapore Chicken Rice)、Kenny Rogers RoastersMarrybrownNando'sSecret RecipeThe Chicken Rice ShopTony Roma's、曼哈顿鱼市场餐馆(Manhattan Fish Market)、舒戈邦(Sugar Bun)、Bing 咖啡、Seoul Garden韩式烧烤、Sushi King回转寿司[415]及寿司三味(Sushi Zanmai)。当地也可以找到像西方饮食、印尼饮食、印度饮食及中东饮食等来自各地的食物[416]


一般认为砂拉越政府在媒体中有相当的影响力[352]。例如在砂拉越的《星洲日报[417]、《诗华日报》、《婆罗洲邮报》及《婆罗洲前锋报》(Utusan Borneo)[418]。在1990年代,主要报章对砂拉越的反伐木路障给予负面的评价,认为不利于砂拉越的成长及发展[352]。《砂拉越论坛报》因为刊登了有关穆罕默德的讽刺漫画,在2006年被永久停刊[419],此日报后来在2010年以《新砂拉越论坛报》的名称重新发行[420]。英国记者凯丽·鲁卡瑟开设了砂拉越报告网站,以及以伦敦为基础的短波无线电站,叫做《自由砂拉越电台》,以提供一些不一样的,不受砂拉越政府干预的新闻及观点[421]


诗华日报 星洲日报 联合日报 小计 日报 诗华日报 星洲日报 联合日报 国际时报 小计
2018年7—12月[422] 2012年1—6月[423]
24,400 0 50,928 古晋 67,162
59,112 58,628 22,423
15,230 12,005 45,917 诗巫
并入诗巫计算 并入美里计算 2,657 民都鲁
14,370 5,315 19,654
39,339 美里
44,945 31,659 138,841 总计

《砂拉越电台》在1954年开始,1976年结束,以马来文、伊班文、华语及英语播放[352]。有些电台是以砂拉越为其基础,像《砂拉越FM[425]、《cats FM[426]及《TEA FM[427]



砂拉越州每年有许多的假日及节庆[428]。除了国定的马来西亚独立日马来西亚日外,砂拉越在7月22日也会庆祝砂拉越自治日[429][430]州元首的生日[431]。各族群也有各自的节日,因为开放日(open house)的传统,也欢迎其他族群参与他们的节日庆祝[432][433][434]。砂拉越是马来西亚唯一一个将达雅克丰收节视为公假的州[435],也是唯一一个不将屠妖节视为公假的州[436]。在各大城镇中心,各宗教群体也可以自由的在其节日进行游行[437]。砂拉越及沙巴是马来西亚仅有两个将圣周五视为公定假日的州属[438]。古晋节(Kuching Festival)是长达一个月的活动,在每年八月举行,以纪念古晋于1988年升格为市。[439]美里市日(Miri City Day)也和每年的美里五月节(Miri May Fest)一起举行[440][441]







族裔 政治 经济 文化 娱乐 运动
华人 张健仁联邦内阁国内贸易与消费者事务部副部长,2018—2020
伊班人 斯蒂芬·加隆·宁甘砂拉越州首席部长,1963—1966、1966
马来人 阿邦佐哈里砂拉越州首席部长,2017—
马兰诺人 泰益·马哈茂德砂拉越州元首,2014—
比达友人 利察烈西连国会议员,1990—


父亲为印尼华人德薇莉娜2014年大马世界小姐 潘德莉拉2016年里约奥运跳水银牌得主
乌鲁人 伦巴旺族巴鲁比安联邦内阁工程部长,2018—2020 华人与肯尼亚族混血刘拉丽莎2018年大马世界小姐


赛事 年份 得奖地点 细项 姓名 来自城镇
国际知识产权发明创新和技术博览会(IPITEX) 2020  泰国曼谷 金奖[457][458] 圣安东尼小学:林君茹(Ling Guan Yee)、林妍茹(Ling Yan Ru)
开明华小:林奕宁(Nathanael Lim Yee Ning)
奈良市国际跆拳道锦标赛 2019  日本奈良市 最佳选手[459] 潘晨玮 民都鲁
哈姆丹国际摄影大赛(HIPA) 2019  阿联酋迪拜 "希望组"全球大奖 王伟琪(Edwin Ong Wee Kee)[461] 诗巫[461]
世界杯甜点大赛 2019  法国里昂 金奖 雷明霭(Loi Ming Ai)[462] 诗巫[463]
金马奖 2013 中国台湾台北 最佳导演 蔡明亮 古晋
国际奥林匹克机器人大赛 2013  印尼雅加达 全场总冠军 马来西亚—3面金牌[464]
“第二代足球”金牌 民都鲁政府中学[464] 民都鲁
世界武术锦标赛 2013  马来西亚吉隆坡[465] 女子套路
黄湘琳 古晋[467]
国际知识产权发明创新和技术博览会(IPITEX) 2020  泰国曼谷 两项银奖 民都鲁玛拉工艺学院(IKM)
Fatin Nisraina Aiyuni Sapian、Marcos Iten Meluda、Mohd Nazrul Zuqira Mohd Fauzee[468]
奈良市国际跆拳道锦标赛 2019  日本奈良市 品势个人(15—17岁)银牌[460] 潘晨瑍 民都鲁
世界武术锦标赛 2017  俄罗斯喀山 南刀银牌[469] 陈昌敏 砂拉越出生[470],现代表马六甲[471]
台北世大运 2017 中国台湾台北 女子套路
里约奥运 2016  巴西里约热内卢 跳水银牌得主 潘德莉拉 古晋石隆门
广州亚运 2010  中国广东广州 跳水双面银牌得主 布赖恩·尼克松·洛马斯 古晋
国际奥林匹克机器人大赛 2018  泰国清迈 “WRO足球”铜牌 美里中华中学[473]
“Robot Soccer 1”团队


赛事 年份 比赛地点 备注
世界象棋锦标赛 2021年10月份 古晋[474] 第17届
全球华人羽毛球锦标赛 2019年10月份 古晋[475] 第26届
残疾人奥林匹克运动会游泳赛 2019年7月份 古晋[476] 大马残奥会表明,他们会顺应政府禁止以色列选手入境参赛的决定,被国际残障奥运委员会取消2019年世界残障游泳锦标赛的主办资格
亚洲象棋锦标赛 2016年11月份 古晋[477] 第十九届暨第二届亚洲象棋嘉年华会
马来西亚羽毛球国际挑战赛 2014年11月份 古晋
2013年11月份 古晋
2012年11月份 古晋
马新汶象棋队际赛 2013年 美里[478]
亚洲杯象棋团体赛 2010年 美里[478] 第16届
2000年11月 古晋[479] 第11届
东盟象棋邀请赛 2004年 诗巫[480] 砂罗越诗巫象棋创会四十周年东盟象棋邀请赛
1983年 诗巫[478]
婆罗洲杯象棋赛 1995年 民都鲁[478] 参赛队伍为东马(砂拉越、沙巴)及文莱
1988年 诗巫[478]
1982年 诗巫[478]
亚洲象棋赛 1978年 古晋[478] 第7届




  1. 马来西亚联邦宪法》第1部分第1章第1条第2款说明:“联邦的成员州属为柔佛、吉打、吉兰丹、马六甲、森美兰、彭亨、槟城、霹雳、玻璃市、沙巴、砂拉越、雪兰莪与登嘉楼。”(英文原文:The States of the Federation shall be Johore, Kedah, Kelantan, Malacca, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Penang, Perak, Perlis, Sabah, Sarawak, Selangor and Terengganu.)


  1. 砂拉越,沙巴和新加坡宣布独立. The National Archives. 
  2. Profil Negeri Sarawak (Sarawak state profile). Jabatan Penerangan Malaysia (Malaysian Information Department). [2016-01-12]. 
  3. Sarawak State Anthem. Sarawak Government. [2016-01-12]. 
  4. 4.0 4.1 西连陞格为省份. 东方日报. 2015-04-11 [2016-11-02]. 
  5. Administrative Divisions and Districts. The Sarawak Government. [2015-07-23]. 
  6. Yang di-Pertua Negeri. Sarawak Government. [2016-01-12]. 
  7. Chief Minister of Sarawak. Sarawak Government. [2016-01-12]. 
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Sarawak – Facts and Figures 2011 (PDF). Sarawak State Planning Unit, Chief Minister Department: 5, 9, 15, 22. [2015-11-24]. 
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Population by States and Ethnic Group (各州的人口和民族统计). Department of Information, Ministry of Communications and Multimedia, Malaysia (马来西亚通讯和多媒体部). 2015 [2015-02-12]. 
  10. Facts of Sarawak. The Sarawak Government. [2015-07-23]. 
  11. Postal codes in Sarawak. cybo.com. [2015-07-23]. 
  12. Postal codes in Miri. cybo.com. [2015-07-23]. 
  13. Area codes in Sarawak(砂拉越的电话区号). cybo.com. [2015-07-22]. 
  14. Soon, Teh Wei. Some Little Known Facts On Malaysian Vehicle Registration Plates. Malaysian Digest. 2015-03-23 [2015-07-08]. 
  15. 15.0 15.1 Rozan Yunos. Sultan Tengah — Sarawak's first Sultan (蘇丹登加 - 砂拉越第一位蘇丹). The Brunei Times (文莱时报). 2008-12-28 [2014-04-03]. 
  16. 16.0 16.1 The National Archives DO 169/254 (Constitutional issues in respect of North Borneo and Sarawak on joining the federation). The National Archives. 1961–1963 [2015-04-23]. 
  17. 17.0 17.1 Vernon L. Porritt. British Colonial Rule in Sarawak, 1946–1963. Oxford University Press. 1997. ISBN 978-983-56-0009-8. 
  18. 18.0 18.1 Philip Mathews. Chronicle of Malaysia: Fifty Years of Headline News, 1963–2013. Editions Didier Millet. 2014-02-28: 15–. ISBN 978-967-10617-4-9. 
  19. 19.00 19.01 19.02 19.03 19.04 19.05 19.06 19.07 19.08 19.09 19.10 19.11 19.12 19.13 19.14 19.15 19.16 Frans Welman. Borneo Trilogy Sarawak: Volume 2 (婆罗洲砂拉越三部曲:第2卷). Booksmango. : 132, 134, 136–138, 177. ISBN 978-616-245-089-1. 
  20. Malaysia Act 1963 (Chapter 35) (PDF). The National Archives. United Kingdom legislation. [2011-08-12]. 
  21. Governments of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Federation of Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak and Singapore. 链接至维基文库 Agreement relating to Malaysia between United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Federation of Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak and Singapore. 维基文库. 1963: p. 1. 
  22. Yeng, Ai Chun. Malaysia Day now a public holiday, says PM. 2009-10-19 [2015-08-07]. 
  23. Origin of Place Names – Sarawak. National Library of Malaysia. 2000年 [2010-06-03]. 
  24. Kris, Jitab. Wrong info on how Sarawak got its name. New Sunday Times. 1991-02-23 [2015-11-14]. 
  25. 陈洁. 改,希望会更好!. 星洲网. 2012-12-26 [2016-10-11]. 
  26. 马来西亚华语规范理事会简介. 国际时报 (砂拉越). 2008-07-20 [2016-10-11]. 
  27. 中国地名委员会. 外国地名译名手册. 北京: 商务印书馆. 1983. CSBN 12017·276. 
  28. 周定国 主编. 世界地名翻译大辞典. 北京: 中国对外翻译出版公司. 2007. ISBN 978-7-5001-0753-8. 
  29. 29.0 29.1 Niah National Park – Early Human settlements. Sarawak Forestry. [2015-03-23]. 
  30. 30.0 30.1 Faulkner, Neil. Niah Cave, Sarawak, Borneo. Current World Archaeology Issue 2. 2003-11-07 [2015-03-23]. 
  31. History of the Great Cave of Niah. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. [2015-03-23]. 
  32. Niah Cave. humanorigins.si.edu. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. [2015-03-23]. 
  33. Smith, Fumiko-Ikawa. Early Paleolithic in South and East Asia. Walter de Gruyter. 1978: 50. ISBN 90-279-7899-9. 
  34. Hirst, K. Kris. Niah Cave (Borneo, Malaysia) – Anatomically modern humans in Borneo. about.com. [2015-03-23]. 
  35. Niah National Park, Miri. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-12-26]. 
  36. 山都望回想. 国际时报 (砂拉越). [2016-10-10]. 
  37. Zheng, Dekun. Studies in Chinese Archeology. The Chinese University Press. 1982-01-01: 49, 50. ISBN 9789622012615. In case of Santubong, its association with T'ang and Sung porcelain would necessary provide a date of about 8th – 13th century A.D. 
  38. Archeology. Sarawak Muzium Department. [2015-12-28]. 
  39. Broek, Jan O.M. Place Names in 16th and 17th Century Borneo (在16世紀和17世紀的婆羅州地名). Imago Mundi. 1962, 16 (1): 134. JSTOR 1150309. doi:10.1080/03085696208592208. Carena (for Carena), deep in the bight, refers to Sarawak, the Kuching area, where there is clear archaeological evidence of an ancient trade center just inland from Santubong. 
  40. Donald F, Lach. Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume I: The Century of Discovery, Book 1 (在歐洲塑造下的亞洲,第1卷 - 100年的新发现,第一册). University of Chicago Publications 芝加哥大学出版社. 2008-07-15: 581. ISBN 978-0-226-46708-5. ... but Castanheda lists five great seaports that he says were known to the Portuguese. In his transcriptions they are called "Moduro" (Marudu?), "Cerava" (Sarawak?), "Laue" (Lawai), "Tanjapura" (Tanjungpura), and "Borneo" (Brunei) from which the island derives its name. 
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 41.3 41.4 41.5 Alastair, Morrison. Fair Land Sarawak: Some Recollections of an Expatriate Official (公平的國土砂拉越:外籍官員的一些回憶). SEAP Publications(东南亚研究计划出版社). 1993-01-01: 10, 14, 95, 118–120. ISBN 978-0-87727-712-5. ...the great Iban, and Kayan-Kenyah migrations were taking place inland, destroying or absorbing many of the former much less organised occupants of the land.(page 10) … Although nominal control of Sarawak coast continued, it came to exercised largely by semi-independent Malay chiefs, many of part Arab blood.(page 10)... There has been serious differences between Rajah and his brother and nephew (page 14) … The first Communist group to be formed in Sarawak... (page 95) … The first political party, the Sarawak United Peoples' Party (SUPP)...(page 118)... By 1962, there were six parties...(page 119) 
  42. Trudy, Ring; Noelle, Watson; Paul, Schellinger. Asia and Oceania: International Dictionary of Historic Places (亞洲和大洋洲:歷史区域的國際詞典). SEAP Publications(东南亚研究计划出版社). 2012-11-12: 497. ISBN 978-0-87727-712-5. The sultan of Brunei also had nominal control of the region, but he was interested in exacting a minor tax from the region. However, he interest grew when antimony (an element used in alloys and medicine) was discovered in the area in approximately 1824. Pangeran Mahkota, a Brunei prince, moved to Sarawak in the early nineteenth century and developed Kuching between 1824 and 1830. … As antimony mining increased, the Brunei Sultanate demanded higher taxes from Sarawak. This highly unpopular move led to civil unrest, which culminated in a revolt. 
  43. R, Reece. Empire in Your Backyard – Sir James Brooke (在你後院的帝國 - 詹姆斯·布魯克爵士). [2015-10-29]. 
  44. James Leasor. Singapore: The Battle That Changed the World(新加坡:改變世界的戰役). House of Stratus. 2001-01-01: 41–. ISBN 978-0-7551-0039-2. 
  45. Alex Middleton. Rajah Brooke and the Victorians (拉惹布魯克和維多利亞時代). The Historical Journal. June 2010, 53 (2): 381–400 [2014-12-24]. ISSN 1469-5103. doi:10.1017/S0018246X10000063. 
  46. Mike, Reed. Book review of "The Name of Brooke – The End of White Rajah Rule in Sarawak" by R.H.W. Reece, Sarawak Literary Society, 1993 (书评:“布鲁克的名字 - 白人拉惹砂拉越统治的终结”R.H.W.里斯著,砂拉越文学社 1993年出版). sarawak.com.my. [2015-08-07]. 
  47. James, Stuart Olson. Historical Dictionary of the British Empire, Volume 2. Greenwood Publishing Group. 1996: 982. ISBN 978-0-313-29367-2. Brooke and his successors enlarged their realm by successive treaties of 1861, 1882, 1885, 1890, and 1905. 
  48. Chronology of Sarawak throughout the Brooke Era to Malaysia Day. The Borneo Post. 2011-09-16 [2015-10-29]. 1861 Sarawak is extended to Kidurong Point. … 1883 Sarawak extended to Baram River. … 1885 Acquisition of the Limbang area, from Brunei. … 1890 Limbang added to Sarawak. … 1905 Acquisition of the Lawas Region, from Brunei. 
  49. Lim, Kian Hock. A look at the civil administration of Sarawak. The Borneo Post. 2011-09-16 [2015-11-21]. It seems the idea of dividing the state into divisions by the Brooke government was not implemented purely for administrative expediency but rather the divisions mark the new areas ceded by the Brunei government to the White Rajahs. This explains why the original five divisions of the state were so disproportionate in size. 
  50. Cuhaj, George S. Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, General Issues, 1368–1960. F+W Media. 2014: 1058. ISBN 978-1-4402-4267-0. Sarawak was recognised as a separate state by the United States (1850) and Great Britain (1864), and voluntarily became a British protectorate in 1888. 
  51. Rujukan Kompak Sejarah PMR (Compact reference for PMR History subject). Arah Pendidikan Sdn Bhd. 2009: 82. ISBN 9789833718818 (马来语). 
  52. 52.0 52.1 52.2 Frans, Welman. Borneo Trilogy Sarawak: Volume 1. Bangkok, Thailand: Booksmango. 2011: 177. ISBN 9786162450822. The Brooke Dynasty ruled Sarawak for a hundred years and became famous as the "White Rajahs", accorded a status within the British Empire similar to that of the Indian Princes. 
  53. 53.0 53.1 53.2 53.3 53.4 53.5 Ooi, Keat Gin. Post-war Borneo, 1945–50: Nationalism, Empire and State-Building. Routledge. 2013: 7,93,98. ISBN 978-1-134-05803-7. Personal rule with heavy dose of parternalism was adopted by the first two Rajahs, who saw themselves as enlightened monarchs entrusted with a mandate to rule on behalf of indigenous peoples' and well being … A Supreme Council comprising Malay Datus (non-royal chefs) advised rajah on all aspects of governance … The entry of western capitalist enterprises were greatly restricted. Christian missionaries tolerated, and Chinese immigration promoted as catalyst of economic development (mining, commerce, agriculture).(page 7)...This denial of entry to Anthony...(page 93)...The anti-cession movement was by the early 1950s effectively "strangled" a dead letter.(page 98) 
  54. Bintulu – Places of Interest. Bintulu Development Authority. [2015-07-19]. 
  55. Marshall, Cavendish. World and Its Peoples: Eastern and Southern Asia, Volume 9. Bangladesh: Marshall Cavendish. 2007: 1182. ISBN 978-0-7614-7642-9. Malays worked in the administration, Ibans (indigenous peoples of Sarawak) in the militia, and Chinese as workers in the plantations. 
  56. Lewis, Samuel Feuer. Imperialism and the Anti-Imperialist Mind. Transaction Publishers. 1989-01-01. ISBN 978-1-4128-2599-3. Brooke made it his life task to bring to these jungles "prosperity, education, and hygiene"; he suppressed piracy, slave-trade, and headhunting, and lived simply in a thatched bungalow. 
  57. The Borneo Company Limited. National Library Board. [2016-01-25]. 
  58. Sendou Ringgit, Danielle. The Bau Rebellion: What sparked it all?. The Borneo Post. 2015-04-05 [2016-03-22]. The Rajah then came back days later with a bigger army and bigger guns aboard the Borneo Company steamer, the Sir James Brooke together with his nephew, Charles Brooke. Most of the Chinese miners were killed in Jugan, Siniawan where they had set up their defences while some managed to escape to Kalimantan. 
  59. 石隆门华工起义. 国际时报 [International Times (Sarawak)]. 2008-09-13 [2016-03-22] (中文). 
  60. Ting, John. Colonialism and Brooke administration: Institutional buildings and infrastructure in 19th century Sarawak (PDF). University of Melbourne. [2016-01-13]. Brooke also indigenised himself in terms of housing – his first residence was a Malay house. (page 9) … Government House (Fig. 3) was built after Brooke's first house was burnt down during the 1857 coup attempt. (page 10) 
  61. 61.0 61.1 61.2 Simon, Elegant. SARAWAK: A KINGDOM IN THE JUNGLE. The New York Times. 1986-07-13 [2015-11-02]. The Istana, the palace built by the Brookes on a bend in the Sarawak River, still looks coolly over the muddy waters into the bustle of Kuching, the trading town James Brooke made his capital. … Today, the Istana is the State Governor's residence, … To protect his kingdom, Brooke built a series of forts in and around Kuching. Fort Margherita, named after Ranee Margaret, the wife of Charles, the second Rajah, was built about a mile downriver from the Istana. 
  62. Saiful, Bahari. Thrill is gone, state museum stuck in time — Public. The Borneo Post. 2015-06-23 [2015-11-02]. The Sarawak Museum, being Borneo's oldest museum, should look into allocating a curator to be present and interacting with visitors at all times, he lamented. 
  63. Centenary of Brooke rule in Sarawak – New Democratic Constitution being introduced today. The Straits Times (Singapore). 1941-09-24 [2015-11-02]. 
  64. 64.0 64.1 64.2 David, Leafe. The last of the White Rajahs: The extraordinary story of the Victorian adventurer who subjugated a vast swathe of Borneo. Daily Mail (UK). 2011-03-17 [2015-11-02]. He denied these charges, but he was never allowed to inherit the rule of Sarawak because in 1946 Vyner agreed to cede it to the British Crown in return for a substantial financial settlement for him and his family. So it became Britain's last colonial acquisition. 
  65. Klemen, L. 日军进攻古晋 官员比百姓还惊慌. 风暴原记录. 2006-06-25 [2016-09-18]. 
  66. Klemen, L. The Invasion of British Borneo in 1942. dutcheastindies.webs.com. 1999 [2015-11-03]. 
  67. The Japanese Occupation (1941-1945). The Sarawak Government. [2015-11-03]. 
  68. Gin, Ooi Keat. Wartime Borneo, 1941–1945: a tale of two occupied territories. Borneo Research Bulletin. 2013-01-01 [2015-11-03]. Occupied Borneo was administratively partitioned into two halves, namely Kita Boruneo (Northern Borneo) that coincided with pre-war British Borneo (Sarawak, Brunei, and North Borneo) was governed by the IJA,... 
  69. Paul H, Kratoska. Southeast Asian Minorities in the Wartime Japanese Empire. Routledge. 2013-05-13: 136–142. ISBN 978-1-136-12506-5. 
  70. 利旺拉甘:以抗日事迹.激发新生代献身精神. 国际时报(砂拉越). 2012-03-27 [2016-11-02]. 
  71. Ooi, Keat Gin. Prelude to invasion: covert operations before the re-occupation of Northwest Borneo, 1944–45. Journal of the Australian War Memorial. [2015-11-03]. However, as the situation developed, the SEMUT operations were divided into three distinct parties under individual commanders: SEMUT 1 under Major Tom Harrisson; SEMUT 2 led by Carter; and SEMUT 3 headed by Captain W.L.P. ("Bill") Sochon. The areas of operation were: SEMUT 1 the Trusan valley and its hinterland; SEMUT 2 the Baram valley and its hinterland; SEMUT 3 the entire Rejang valley. {22} Harrisson and members of SEMUT 1 parachuted into Bario in the Kelabit Highlands during the later part of March 1945. Initially, Harrisson established his base at Bario; then, in late May, shifted to Belawit in the Bawang valley (inside the former Dutch Borneo) upon the completion of an airstrip for light aircraft built entirely with native labour. In mid-April, Carter and his team (SEMUT 2) parachuted into Bario, by then securely an SRD base with full support of the Kelabit people. Shortly after their arrival, members of SEMUT 2 moved to the Baram valley and established themselves at Long Akah, the heartland of the Kenyahs. Carter also received assistance from the Kayans. Moving out from Carter's party in late May, Sochon led SEMUT 3 to Belaga in the Upper Rejang where he set up his base of operation. Kayans and Ibans supported and participated in SEMUT 3 operations. 
  72. Historical Monument – Surrender Point. Official Website of Labuan Corporation. Labuan Corporation. [2015-11-03]. 
  73. Rainsford, Keith Carr. Surrender to Major-General Wootten at Labuan. Australian War Memorial. [2015-11-03]. 
  74. HMAS Kapunda. Royal Australian Navy. [2016-06-12]. 
  75. British Military Administration (August 1945 – April 1946). The Sarawak Government. [2015-11-03]. 
  76. 华侨青年积极反让渡. 国际时报(砂拉越). [2016-09-17]. 
  77. 马来西亚50年去殖省思(下). 犀乡资讯网. [2016-09-17]. 
  78. Sarawak as a British Crown Colony (1946–1963). The Official Website of the Sarawak Government. [2015-11-07]. 
  79. Mike, Thomson. The stabbed governor of Sarawak. BBC News. 2012-03-14 [2015-11-03]. 
  80. 80.0 80.1 Anthony Brooke. The Daily Telegraph. 2011-03-06 [2015-11-03]. ...when his legal challenge to the cession was finally dismissed by the Privy Council in 1951, he renounced once and for all his claim to the throne of Sarawak and sent a cable to Kuching appealing to the anti-cessionists to cease their agitation and accept His Majesty's Government. The anti-cessionists instead continued their resistance to colonial rule until 1963, when Sarawak was included in the newly independent federation of Malaysia. Two years later, Anthony Brooke was welcomed back by the new Sarawak Government for a nostalgic visit. 
  81. 81.0 81.1 Tai, Yong Tan. Chapter Six: Borneo Territories and Brunei. Creating "Greater Malaysia": Decolonization and the Politics of Merger. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. 2008: 154–169. ISBN 9789812307477. Underlying this was a general fear that without strong political institutions, ... 
  82. 82.0 82.1 Formation of Malaysia 16 September 1963 (1963年9月16日:馬來西亞形成). National Archives of Malaysia. [2015-11-08]. 
  83. JC, Fong. Formation of Malaysia. The Borneo Post. 2011-09-16 [2015-11-08]. 
  84. Self-government: Amendment of the constitution of Sarawak, leading towards self-government. The National Archives. 
  85. Trust and Non-self governing territories. United Nations. [2016-04-02]. 
  86. United Nations Member States. United Nations. 2006-07-03 [2016-04-01]. 
  87. 87.0 87.1 87.2 87.3 Ishikawa, Noboru. Between Frontiers: Nation and Identity in a Southeast Asian Borderland. Ohio University Press. 2010-03-15: 86–88,140,169. ISBN 978-0-89680-476-0. The word "Malay" is widely used in Sarawak because in 1841 James Brooke brought it with him from Singapore, where it had been vaguely applied to all the coast-dwelling seafaring Muslims of the Indonesia Archipelago, particularly those of Sumatra and the Malayan Peninsula. 
  88. Brunei Revolt breaks out – 8 December 1962. Singapore National Library Board. [2015-11-09]. The sultan of Brunei regarded the Malaysia project as "very attractive" and had indicated his interest in joining the federation. However, he was met with open opposition from within his country. The armed resistance challenging Brunei's entry into Malaysia that followed became a pretext for Indonesia to launch its policy of Konfrontasi (or Confrontation, 1963–1966) with Malaysia. 
  89. United Nations Treaty Registered No. 8029, Manila Accord between Philippines, Federation of Malaya and Indonesia (PDF). [2011-08-12]. 
  90. United Nations Treaty Series No. 8809, Agreement relating to the implementation of the Manila Accord (PDF). [2011-08-12]. 
  91. 砂劳越解放同盟(上). 国际时报 (砂拉越). 2006-08-08 [2015-02-11]. 
  92. 砂劳越解放同盟(下). 国际时报 (砂拉越). 2006-08-29 [2015-02-11]. 
  93. 北加里曼丹革命四十年 (PDF). 21 老友. of21.com: 99–102. [2015-02-11]. 
  94. James, Chin. Book Review: The Rise and Fall of Communism in Sarawak 1940–1990. Kyoto Review of South East Asia. [2015-11-10]. 
  95. 95.0 95.1 Chan, Francis; Wong, Phyllis. Saga of communist insurgency in Sarawak. The Borneo Post. 2011-09-16 [2013-01-10]. 
  96. 96.0 96.1 96.2 About Sarawak – Governance(關於砂拉越 - 治理). Official website of State Planning Unit – Chief Minister's Department of Sarawak (州策划单位官方网站 - 砂拉越首长署). [2015-11-14]. 
  97. My Constitution: Sabah, Sarawak and special interests(我的憲法:沙巴、砂拉越、和它们的特殊利益). Malaysian Bar(马来西亚律师公会). 2011-02-02 [2015-11-13]. 
  98. My Constitution: About Sabah and Sarawak (我的憲法:關於沙巴和砂拉越). Malaysian Bar. 2011-01-10 [2015-11-13]. 
  99. Article 95D, Constitution of Malaysia (大马宪法第95D条文). 访问于2008年8月6日。
  100. R.S, Milne; K.J, Ratnam. Malaysia: New States in a New Nation(馬來西亞:新州属在新的國家里). 罗德里奇. 2014: 71. ISBN 978-1-135-16061-6. ... the major parties in each state fall quite neatly into three categories: native-non-Muslim, native-Muslim, and non-native. 
  101. SPECIAL REPORT: The Ming Court Affair (subscription required)(特別報導:明阁事件(需要訂閱)). 当今大马. 2013-01-09 [2014-06-23]. 
  102. 102.0 102.1 Chin, James. The Sarawak Chinese Voters and Their Support for the Democratic Action Party(砂拉越华人選民和他們對民主行動黨的支持) (PDF). Southeast Asian Studies (东南亚研究) (Kyoto University Research Information Repository (京都大学研究信息库)). 1996, 34 (2): 387–401 [2014-06-19]. 
  103. Tawie, Joseph. SNAP faces more resignations over BN move (对于重新加入國陣的课题上,砂国民党面臨更多辭職). Free Malaysia Today(新今日大马). 2013-01-09 [2014-06-19]. 
  104. Mering, Raynore. Analysis: Party loyalty counts for little in Sarawak (分析:在砂拉越,黨员的忠誠度很小). The Malay Mail(马来邮报). 2014-05-23 [2014-06-19]. 
  105. 105.0 105.1 105.2 Faisal, S Hazis. Domination and Contestation: Muslim Bumiputera Politics in Sarawak(統治和論爭:砂拉越穆斯林土著的政治). 东南亚研究所. 2012: 84, 86, 97. ISBN 9789814311588. Rahman was responsible for inserting a provision on Islam, known as Article 4(1) and (2), in the negeri constitution, which states that "The Yang di-Pertuan Agong shall be the Head of religion of Islam in Sarawak" and the Council Negri is empowered to make provisions for regulating Islamic affairs through a Council to advise the Yang di-Pertuan Agong."(page 86) ... Rahman also introduced several policy changes aimed at accelerating the central state's Malaysianisation process. First, the strongman-politician introduced a motion in the Council Negri to make Bahasa Malaysia and English as negeri's official languages. The motion was unanimously passed on 26 March 1974.(page 84) ... The strongman-politician postponed the negeri election because he was not ready to face the wrath of opposition parties, especially PAJAR. Furthermore, SBN was facing an internal conflict over the allocation of negeri seats, especially after the inclusion of SNAP as the third member of the coalition. So, for the first time, parliamentary and negeri elections were held separately.(page 91) 
  106. Cheng, Lian. Why Sarawak is electorally unique (為什麼砂拉越選舉是獨特的). The Borneo Post. 2013-04-07 [2016-01-12]. For this reason, Sarawak held its state and parliamentary elections separately and has been adhering to the practice since 1979 whereas all the other states still hold the two elections concurrently (see Table). 
  107. BN retains Sarawak, Taib sworn in as CM(國陣保留砂拉越,泰益宣誓就任首长). Free Malaysia Today(新今日大马). 2011-04-16 [2014-06-23]. 
  108. Chua, Andy. DAP: Sarawak Pakatan formed to promote two-party system (民主行动党:砂拉越民联形成以促進兩线制). The Star (Malaysia) (Star Publications(马来西亚星报)). 2010-04-24 [2014-06-23]. 
  109. Ling, Sharon. Muhyiddin: Umno need not be in Sarawak (慕尤丁:巫統不必在砂拉越). 马来西亚星报. 2014-02-14 [2014-06-23]. 
  110. 110.0 110.1 Sarawak population. The Official Portal of the Sarawak Government. [2015-11-14]. 
  111. TABURAN PENDUDUK MENGIKUT PBT & MUKIM 2010. 马来西亚国家统计局. [2017-12-15] (马来语). 
  112. Organisation Structure. Official Website of Ministry of Local Government and Community Development. [2015-11-14]. 
  113. Nicholas, Taring. Imperialism in Southeast Asia. Routledge. 2003-08-29: 319. ISBN 978-1-134-57081-2. Charles Brooke set up the Sarawak Rangers in 1862 as a paramilitary force for pacifying 'ulu' Dayaks. 
  114. Royal Ranger Regiment (Malaysia). discovermilitary.com. [2015-12-22]. 
  115. Charles, de Ledesma; Mark, Lewis; Pauline, Savage. Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei. Rough Guides. 2003: 723. ISBN 978-1-84353-094-7. In 1888, the three states of Sarawak, Sabah, and Brunei were transformed into protectorates, a status which handed over the responsibility for their foreign policy to the British in exchange for military protection. 
  116. John Grenville; Bernard Wasserstein. The Major International Treaties of the Twentieth Century: A History and Guide with Texts. Taylor & Francis. 2013-12-04: 608–. ISBN 978-1-135-19255-6. 
  117. Ninth schedule – Legislative lists. Commonwealth Legal Information Institute. [2015-12-22]. 
  118. Chin Huat, Wong. Can Sarawak have an army?. Free Malaysia Today. 2011-09-27 [2015-12-22]. 
  119. Jenifer Laeng. China Coast Guard vessel found at Luconia Shoals. The Borneo Post. 2015-06-03 [2015-06-03]. 
  120. Presence of China Coast Guard ship at Luconia Shoals spooks local fishermen. The Borneo Post. 2015-09-27 [2015-09-28]. 
  121. Ubaidillah Masli. Brunei drops all claims to Limbang. The Brunei Times. 2009-03-17 [2013-08-23]. 
  122. Loss of James Shoal could wipe out state’s EEZ. The Borneo Post. 2014-02-05 [2014-05-17]. 
  123. Border disputes differ for Indonesia, M'sia. Daily Express. 2015-10-16 [2015-10-16]. 
  124. 124.0 124.1 124.2 124.3 124.4 Geography of Sarawak. Official website of state planning unit Chief Minister's Department of Sarawak. [2015-11-14]. 
  125. Lambir Hills National Park. Sarawak Forestry Corporation. [2015-12-26]. 
  126. Deer Cave and Lang's Cave. Mulu National Park. [2015-12-27]. 
  127. Clearwater cave and Wind Cave. Gunung Mulu National Park. [2015-12-27]. 
  128. Gunung Mulu National Park. Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board. [2015-12-27]. 
  129. Gunung Mulu National Park. UNESCO. [2015-12-27]. 
  130. 巴西班让, 古晋. 砂拉越旅游局. [2015-12-27]. 
  131. Damai Beach Resort. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-12-27]. 
  132. 丹绒巴都海滩, 民都鲁. 砂拉越旅游局. [2015-12-27]. 
  133. 布莱登海滩 / 丹绒罗邦公园. 砂拉越旅游局. [2015-12-27]. 
  134. 夏威夷沙滩. 砂拉越旅游局. [2015-12-27]. 
  135. Medicinal plants around us. The Malaysian Nature Society (The Borneo Post). 2014-08-24 [2015-11-16]. 
  136. Sarawak National Park – Biodiversity Conservation. Sarawak Forestry Department. [2015-11-17]. 
  137. Rainforest is destroyed for palm oil plantations on Malaysia's island state of Sarawak (Image 1). The Daily Telegraph. [2014-08-21]. 
  138. Rainforest is destroyed for palm oil plantations on Malaysia's island state of Sarawak (Image 2). The Daily Telegraph. [2014-08-21]. 
  139. Rainforest is destroyed for palm oil plantations on Malaysia's island state of Sarawak (Image 3). The Daily Telegraph. [2014-08-21]. 
  140. Sumatran Orangutans' rainforest home faces new threat. Agence France-Presse. The Borneo Post. 2013-05-05 [2014-08-21]. 
  141. Meijaard, E., Nijman, V. & Supriatna, J. Nasalis larvatus. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. [4 January 2009]. 
  142. 25 success stories. International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO): 44–45. [2015-11-16]. 
  143. Semenggoh Nature Reserve. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-11-16]. 
  144. Matang Wildlife Centre. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-11-16]. 
  145. Talang-Satang National Park. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-11-16]. 
  146. Birding in Sarawak. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-11-16]. 
  147. 西米拉遥国家公园. Sarawak Toursim Board. [2015-11-16]. 
  148. 到美里-实务地珊瑚礁国家公园潜水. 砂拉越旅游局. [2015-11-16]. 
  149. 加丁山国家公园. 砂拉越旅游局. [2015-11-16]. 
  150. 巴哥国家公园. 砂拉越旅游局官方网站. [2016-11-02]. 
  151. Padawan Pitcher Plant & Wild Orchid Centre. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-11-16]. 
  152. The magnificent hornbills of Sarawak. The Borneo Post. 2015-07-12 [2015-11-16]. 
  153. Forests Ordinance Chapter 126 (1958 edition) (PDF). Kuching, Sarawak: Sarawak Forestry Corporation. 1998-07-31 [2015-11-16]. 
  154. Wild Life Protection Ordinance, 1998 – Chapter 26 (PDF). Kuching, Sarawak: Sarawak Forestry Corporation. 1998 [2015-11-16]. 
  155. Malaysia:Sarawak Natural Parks and Nature Reserve Ordinance. GlobinMed. [2015-11-16]. 
  156. Lian, Cheng. Protected wildlife on the menu. The Borneo Post. 2013-03-31 [2015-11-16]. Hunting wild animals for food is a culture of Sarawak natives. Though most of them have adapted to modern ways, there are some groups such as the Penans still relying on wild animals as the main source of protein. As such, it is permissible for them to possess the meat of animals listed under the "restricted" category. These are wildlife which are protected but breeding in large number such as the wild boars. However, the meat to be taken should not exceed five kgs [sic] under the Wild Life Protection Ordinance 1998 (Amendment 2003). 
  157. History. Official website of Forest Department Sarawak. [2015-11-16]. Mr. J.P. Mead became the first Conservator of Forests, Sarawak Forest Department, in 1919. The objectives of the Department were to manage and conserve the State's forest resources. 
  158. Barney, Chan. 6. INSTITUTIONAL RESTRUCTURING IN SARAWAK, MALAYSIA. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. [2015-11-16]. 
  159. Sarawak Forestry Corporation – About Us – FAQ. Sarawak Forestry Corporation. [2015-11-16]. 
  160. About Sarawak Biodiversity Centre – Profile. Sarawak Biodiversity Centre. [2015-11-16]. 
  161. 161.0 161.1 Joseph, Tawie. 'What's really left of our forest, Taib?'(泰益,我們的森林覆蓋率到底是多少?). Free Malaysia Today. 2012-10-25 [2015-11-16]. 
  162. Lim, How Pim. Sarawak to maintain its 60 pct forest cover — Awang Tengah (砂拉越将維持其60巴仙的森林覆蓋率 - 阿旺登加). The Borneo Post. 2014-02-28 [2015-11-16]. 
  163. Types and Categories of Sarawak's Forests (砂拉越州的森林分類和類型). Sarawak Forest Department. [2015-11-16]. 
  164. Rhett, A. Butler. Google Earth reveals stark contrast between Sarawak’s damaged forests and those in neighboring Borneo states(谷歌地球發現砂拉越所破壞的森林和婆羅州其他的鄰國形成鮮明的對比). Mongabay. 2011-03-28 [2015-11-16]. 
  165. Deforestation in Sarawak – Log tale(在砂拉越砍伐森林 - 木头的故事). The Economist. 2012-11-03 [2015-11-16]. 
  166. Jerome, Chove; Jane, E Bryan; Philip, L Shearman; Gregory, P Asner; David, E Knapp; Geraldine, Aoro; Barbara, Lokes. Extreme Differences in Forest Degradation in Borneo: Comparing Practices in Sarawak, Sabah, and Brunei(婆羅洲森林退化的極端差異-比較在砂拉越,沙巴和文萊的伐木做法). Plos One. 2013-07-17, 8 (7): e69679. PMC 3714267可免费查阅. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0069679. 
  167. New figures: palm oil destroys Malaysia’s peatswamp forests faster than ever (新的數字:棕櫚油比以往更快的速度破壞馬來西亞的泥炭沼澤森林). (Wetlands International)湿地国际. 2011-02-01 [2015-11-17]. Between 2005–2010 almost 353,000 hectare of the one million hectare peat swamp forests were opened up at high speed; largely for palm oil production. In just 5 years time, almost 10% of all Sarawak's forests and 33% of the peat swamp forests have been cleared. Of this, 65% was for conversion to palm oil production. 
  168. Malaysia destroying its forests three times faster than all Asia combined(馬來西亞比所有亞洲国家更快三倍摧毀它自己的森林). The Daily Telegraph. 2011-02-01 [2015-11-17]. "Total deforestation in Sarawak is 3.5 times as much as that for entire Asia, while deforestation of peat swamp forest is 11.7 times as much," the report said. 
  169. Tom, Young. Malaysian palm oil destroying forests, report warns (報告警告馬來西亞棕油业正在毀壞森林). The Guardian. 2011-02-02 [2015-07-28]. The report from Wetlands International said palm oil plantations are being greatly expanded, largely in the Malaysian state of Sarawak on Borneo island. Unless the trend is halted, none of these forests will be left by the end of this decade, said Marcel Silvius, a senior scientist at Wetlands International. "As the timber resource has been depleted, the timber companies are now engaging in the oil palm business, completing the annihilation of Sarawak's peat swamp forests," he explained. 
  170. Elegant, Simon. Without a Trace(沒有踪影)需要付费订阅. 时代 (杂志). 2001-09-03 [2014-08-14]. 
  171. Sarawak and the Penan(砂拉越和本南人). [2015-11-17]. When rainforest clearance began in the 1980s, it brought a massive upheaval to the Penan's way of life. Logging destroys not only nature, the basis of the Penan's livelihood, ... By erecting blockades on logging roads, they attempted to prevent further incursions by the timber companies. This resistance attracted a lot of international attention to the Penan, especially in the 1990s. 
  172. Native Customary Rights in Sarawak(砂拉越的土著習俗權利). Cultural Survival. [2015-11-17]. Thus, the Ministry of Forestry possesses few official records distinguishing Native Customary Rights Land from timberland. Nevertheless, it consistently fails to conduct thorough investigations to determine boundaries, and approves logging concessions even though Native Customary Rights Land exists in a certain area. 
  173. Rumah Nor: A Land Rights Case for Malaysia (Rumah Nor:馬來西亞的土地權案例). The Borneo Project (婆罗洲计划 ). [2015-11-17]. In that precedent-setting court case of 2001, the High Court decided that Rumah Nor did indeed have sufficient evidence to claim native customary rights over all of their traditional territory … Though many High Court decisions since 2008 have chosen to uphold native land rights as defined in the Rumah Nor 2001 decision, hundreds of indigenous communities across Sarawak continue to face illegal land grabbing by government and corporations. 
  174. Jessica, Lawrence. Earth Island News – Borneo Project – Indigenous victory overturned (地球島新聞 - 婆羅洲計劃 - 土著的勝利被推翻). Earth Island Institute. [2015-11-17]. 
  175. Rhett, Butler. Power, profit, and pollution: dams and the uncertain future of Sarawak (電力、利潤、和污染:水壩和砂拉越州不確定的未來). Mongabay. [2015-11-17]. One dam has already displaced 10,000 native people and will flood an area the size of Singapore. 
  176. Bakun Dam(巴贡水电站). International Rivers(国际河流组织). [2015-11-17]. 
  177. Sarawak, Malaysia(馬來西亞砂拉越). International Rivers(国际河流组织). [2015-11-17]. Work on access roads to the dam site began but came to a halt in October 2013 when local communities launched two blockades to stop construction and other project preparations from proceeding. 
  178. Vanitha, Nadaraj. Battle Against Illegal Logging in Sarawak Begins(打擊砂拉越非法伐木活动已開始). The Establishment Post. 2015-09-21 [2015-11-18]. 
  179. Mike Gaworecki. Sarawak establishes 2.2M acres of protected areas, may add 1.1M more (砂拉越建立220萬英畝的保護區,可能还會增加110萬英畝). Mongabay. 2016-08-19 [2016-08-22]. 
  180. 180.0 180.1 180.2 180.3 180.4 180.5 180.6 The State of Sarawak. Malaysia Rating Corporation Berhad. [2015-11-12]. 
  181. Chang, Ngee Hui. High Growth SMEs and Regional Development – The Sarawak Perspective. State Planning Unit, Sarawak Chief MInister Department. 2009 [2015-11-21]. 
  182. Zoom on historical exchange rate graph (MYR to USD). fxtop.com. [2016-03-26]. 
  183. Adrian, Lim. Sarawak achieves strong economic growth. The Borneo Post. 2014-02-28 [2015-11-18]. 
  184. Selangor leads GDP contribution to national economy. Malay Mail. 2015-10-30 [2015-11-18]. 
  185. Desmond, Davidson. Adenan pledges to keep fighting for 20% oil royalty. The Malaysian Insider. 2015-08-06 [2015-11-19]. Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Adenan Satem today admitted the oil and gas royalty negotiations – for a hike of 15% from 5% to 20% – with Petronas and Putrajaya have ended in deadlock, but has vowed to fight for it “as long as I'm alive”. 
  186. Rasoul, Sorkhabi. Borneo's Petroleum Plays 9 (4). GEO Ex Pro. 2012 [2015-11-20]. A simplified map showing the distribution of major sedimentary basins onshore and offshore Borneo. 
  187. An overview of forest products statistics in South and Southeast Asia – National forest products statistics, Malaysia. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). [2015-11-18]. In 2000, of the country’s total sawlog production of 23 million m3, Peninsular Malaysia contributed 22 percent, Sabah 16 percent, and Sarawak 62 percent. Sawlog production figures for 1996–2000 are shown in Table 2. 
  188. Sharon, Kong. Foreign banks in Sarawak. The Borneo Post. 2013-09-01 [2015-11-21]. 
  189. Sarawak shakers. The Star (Malaysia). 2010-03-27 [2015-11-21]. 
  190. Looi, Kah Yee. Chapter 5 – Income Inequality effects on growth-poverty relationship. A study the relationship between economic growth and poverty in Malaysia: 1970–2002 (Chapter 5) (PDF). Universiti Malaya (Master Thesis). 2004: 86 [2015-11-21]. 
  191. Midin, Salad; Yu, Ji. Addressing the poor-rich gap. The Star (Malaysia). 2011-11-23 [2015-11-21]. PKR’s Batu Lintang assemblyman See Chee How told the house a week ago that, in 2009, Sarawak recorded 0.448 on the index. A decade before that, Sarawak had better results at 0.407. 
  192. 192.0 192.1 Poverty in Sarawak now below 1%. The Star (Malaysia). 2015-08-27 [2015-11-23]. 
  193. Sarawak unemployment at 4.6 pct in 2010. The Borneo Post. 2012-03-16 [2015-11-23]. 
  194. 194.0 194.1 Generation Portfolio. Sarawak Energy. [2015-11-23]. 
  195. 195.0 195.1 Hydroelectric Power Dams in Sarawak. Sarawak Integrated Water Resources – Management Master Plan. [2015-11-23]. 
  196. Jack, Wong. Bakun at 50% capacity producing 900MW. The Star (Malaysia). 2014-07-22 [2015-11-23]. 
  197. Christopher, Lindom. Making HEPs in Sarawak safe. New Sarawak Tribune. 2015-07-11 [2015-11-23]. ... Murum HEP had officially started commercial operation on 8 June 2015,"... 
  198. Core Business Activities. Sarawak Energy. [2015-11-23]. 
  199. Wong, Jack. Sarawak Energy needs to raise generating capacity to 7,000 MW. The Star (Malaysia). 2014-05-12 [2015-11-23]. 
  200. CK Tan. Malaysia exports electricity to Indonesia. Nikkei Asian Review. 2016-05-12 [2016-05-15]. 
  201. Research and Development – Introduction To Renewable Energy. Sarawak Energy. [2015-11-23]. 
  202. Development Strategy. Regional Corridor Development Authority. [2015-11-22]. 
  203. What is SCORE?. Regional Corridor Development Authority. [2015-11-22]. 
  204. Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy – Register your interest. Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy. [2015-07-26]. 
  205. What is RECODA. Regional Corridor Development Authority. [2015-11-22]. 
  206. SCORE Areas. Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy. [2015-07-31]. 
  207. Samalaju – SCORE. Regional Corridor Development Authority. [2015-11-22]. 
  208. Tanjung Manis – SCORE. Regional Corridor Development Authority. [2015-11-22]. 
  209. Mukah – SCORE. Regional Corridor Development Authority. [2015-11-22]. 
  210. 210.0 210.1 Fewer tourists visited Sarawak last year, DUN told. The Borneo Post. [2016-06-16]. 
  211. 211.0 211.1 Sarawak's tourism strategy focuses on sustainable development. Oxford Business Group. [2015-11-21]. 
  212. Ava, Lai. Valuable prizes await Hornbill winners. The Star (Malaysia). 2015-07-29 [2015-11-20]. The awards are co-organised by the Ministry of Tourism Sarawak and Sarawak Tourism Federation to recognise individuals or organisations’ contribution to the development of tourism in Sarawak and to create a culture of excellence, creativity, quality services and best practices. 
  213. Sarawak fest certain to be a rare treat需要付费订阅. Bangkok Post. 2011-02-22 [2015-11-20]. 
  214. 星洲日报电子报》砂拉越中区民都鲁版页15,2018年9月19日
  215. Siniawan Heritage Fiesta 2018 Hornbill Trail Newspaper,2018/08/17
  216. Shopping Malls in Kuching. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-12-28]. 
  217. Shopping Malls in Miri. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-12-28]. 
  218. Kathleen, Peddicord. The Most Interesting Retirement Spot You’ve Never Heard Of. U.S. News & World Report. 2012-12-10 [2015-11-21]. 
  219. Jean, Fogler. Retirement Abroad: 5 Unexpected Foreign Cities. Investopedia. [2015-11-21]. 
  220. Why Malaysia is one of the top 3 countries for retirement. HSBC Bank Malaysia. [2015-11-21]. 
  221. 221.0 221.1 今年放眼500万旅客人次 阿卜杜勒卡林:带来81亿8000万 诗华日报,2019年5月7日
  222. 222.0 222.1 Pulling more tourists to Sarawak. The Borneo Post. [2015-07-07]. 
  223. 223.0 223.1 去年约486万旅客来砂 摆脱连续两年负成长窘境. 诗华日报online. 2018-02-27 [2018-09-24]. 
  224. 李景胜望能开辟更多砂中直航. 星洲网. 2018-07-18 [2018-09-28]. 
  225. Pg.7 PROPERTY MARKET REVIEW 2016 AND OUTLOOK 2017 CH Williams Talhar Wong & Yeo Sdn Bhd,2016年12月
  226. Visitor Arrivals into Sarawak 2015 (PDF). Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Sarawak. [2016-05-31]. 
  227. 227.0 227.1 Visitor Arrivals into Swak 2018 .pdf[永久失效链接]Sarawak Tourism Official Website,2019年
  228. 228.0 228.1 Visitor Arrivals into Swak 2017 .pdf[永久失效链接]Sarawak Tourism Official Website,2018年
  229. 229.0 229.1 SCORE AREAS Recoda.com.my,2018年
  230. 230.0 230.1 230.2 230.3 230.4 SEDC与中国山鹰联营 投资74亿建造纸厂 联合日报,2019年4月15日
  231. 河北新武安钢铁签约赴马来西亚打造1000万吨级钢厂 SMM网讯,2019年5月5日
  232. 232.0 232.1 232.2 中冶集团与河北新武安钢铁、砂拉越州政府签署砂拉越钢铁工业园项目合作框架协议 中国冶金科工集团有限公司,2016年11月3日
  233. 国文清会见砂拉越州第二财政部长黄顺舸先生等一行人 中国冶金科工集团有限公司,2016年6月27日
  234. 武安四家钢企重组整合成立河北铭镔钢铁有限公司 减量置换建设600万吨规模的钢铁项目北极星环保网,2019年8月20日
  235. 235.0 235.1 235.2 235.3 235.4 2中企投资逾200亿 . 老越建炼油厂油气中心 星洲网,2019年6月10日
  236. 阿邦佐向外资伸橄榄枝 保证继续利商政策 诗华日报,2019年6月10日
  237. 中国公司投资50亿美元 老越建综合油气提炼厂联合日报,2019年6月10日
  238. 郝亮:预计年销售额15亿美元 老越建设世界级石化产业基地[永久失效链接]国际日报,2019年6月10日
  239. 纳吉布:确保泛婆罗洲大道工程顺利 高素质承包商才 光华日报,2016年4月17日
  240. 巴贡水电站 中国水利水电第八工程局有限公司,2011年1月4日
  241. 强震后立即恢复发电、登上纸币背面……你知道中国水电在国外多厉害吗? 新浪财经,2017年5月15日
  242. 242.0 242.1 242.2 RM8.4bil methanol plant to be built in BintuluThe Star,2018年1月24日
  243. 243.0 243.1 243.2 砂政府与中资联手建甲醇厂东方日报,2017年4月18日
  244. 244.0 244.1 中国在民都鲁吉都隆投资86亿设置甲醇及衍生物提炼中心犀乡,2018年
  245. 蚬标综合蒸馏 与砂大签备忘录 东盟网•马来西亚,2016年3月29日
  246. 246.0 246.1 246.2 246.3 大马蚬标综合蒸馏公司举行.原料制造厂扩建落成礼 国际时报,2012年10月17日
  247. OECD Investment Policy Reviews OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Malaysia 2013. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Publishing. 2013-10-30: 234. ISBN 9789264194588. All the same, there are important variations in the quantity and quality of infrastructure stocks, with infrastructure more developed in peninsular Malaysia than in Sabah and Sarawak. 
  248. About Us. MIDCom. [2015-12-17]. 
  249. Industrial Estate by Division. Official Website of the Sarawak Government. [2015-12-17]. 
  250. H., Borhanazad; S., Mekhilef; R, Saidur; G., Boroumandijazi. Potential application of renewable energy for rural electrification in Malaysia (PDF). Renewable Energy. 2013, 59: 211 [2015-11-23]. 
  251. 251.0 251.1 Alexandra, Lorna; Doreen, Ling. Infrastructure crucial to state's goals. New Sarawak Tribune. 2015-10-09 [2015-12-16]. "In 2014, 82% of houses located in Sarawak rural areas have access to water supply in comparison to 59% in 2009." Fadillah also said that the rural electricity coverage had improved over the last few years with 91% of the households in Sarawak having access to electricity in 2014 compared to 67% in 2009. 
  252. [1] 国际时报,2019年5月22日
  253. New technologies play a major role in Sarawak’s development plans. Oxford Business Group. [2015-12-17]. 
  254. Mohd, Hafiz Mahpar. Cahya Mata Sarawak buys 50% of Sacofa for RM186m. The Star (Malaysia). 2015-04-02 [2015-12-17]. 
  255. About SAINS – Corporate Profile. Sarawak Information Systems Sdn Bhd. [2015-12-17]. 
  256. Pos Malaysia wheels brings mobile postal service to Lawas. Bernama. 2012-02-15 [2015-12-17]. 
  257. Adib, Povera. Postal services improving in Sabah and S’wak. New Straits Times. 2015-10-29 [2015-12-17]. 
  258. 258.0 258.1 258.2 258.3 Transport and Infrastructure. Official Website of the Sarawak Government. [2015-12-17]. 
  259. Harun, Jau. New department being set up. New Sarawak Tribune. 2015-08-08 [2015-12-17]. 
  260. 260.0 260.1 260.2 260.3 260.4 260.5 New land, air and sea transport links will help meet higher demand in Sarawak. Oxford Business Group. [2015-12-17]. 
  261. Then, Stephen. Repair Pan Borneo Highway now, says Bintulu MP following latest fatal accident. The Star (Malaysia). 2013-09-13 [2014-06-23]. 
  262. (古晋) 3公司停运遣散员工 . 砂巴士服务大缩水 58同城,2019年9月23日
  263. 川行长短途路线.诗巫剩6巴士公司 58同城,2019年9月24日
  264. Thiessen, Tamara. Borneo:Sabah, Brunei, Sarawak. Bradt Travel Guides. 2012: 98. ISBN 978-1-84162-390-0. All major roads are dual carriageways; there are no multi-lane expressways. In Malaysia, you drive on the left-hand side of the road and cars are right-hand drive. 
  265. Yap, Jacky. 46 Things you Didn't Know about Kuching. Vulcan Post. [2016-01-26]. 
  266. Airlines flying from Malaysia to Kuching. [2016-03-30]. 
  267. Hornbill Skyways – Wings to your destination. Hornbill Skyways. [2016-03-30]. 
  268. September Express Air Buka Rute ke Kuching Tribun News,2013年8月28日
  269. AirAsia’s Kuching-Pontianak flight boosts state’s tourism — Abdul Karim Borneo Post Online,2017年6月6日
  270. Lion Air may also fly Pontianak-Kuching or Pontianak-Miri sector Borneo Post Online,2017年12月6日
  271. 阿卜杜勒卡林捎好消息 . 古晋11月可飞深圳 星洲网,2019年9月25日
  272. 与马印航空商讨 . 古晋直飞广州 星洲网,2019年2月21日
  273. 273.0 273.1 陆兆福:探讨巫美直飞中国 . 助砂辟国际航线 星洲网,2018年9月14日
  274. 砂探讨海口直飞古晋 添中国直飞砂第二航线 国际时报,2018年9月17日
  275. 李景胜冀亚航仿马航 以过境方式直飞深圳 联合日报,2019年2月16日
  276. 276.0 276.1 276.2 Introducing RB Link flights - Royal Brunei's Regional Service within Borneo Your gateway to Borneo, Brunei and Beyond Royal Brunei Airlines,2019年
  277. 2国际航班美梦成真. 诗巫直飞新汶 星洲日报,2019年8月20日
  278. Wings Air Buka Rute Pontianak-Kuching. Harian Nasional. 2018-01-05 [2018-01-12]. 
  279. 阿邦佐澄清计划没终止 轻快铁只是暂搁置. 诗华日报online. 2018-09-01 [2018-09-24]. 
  280. 280.0 280.1 280.2 280.3 耗资100亿贯穿晋汉连省 轻快铁2024年运作. 国际时报. 2018-03-30 [2019-07-18]. 
  281. 281.0 281.1 281.2 281.3 首期在晋汉大道路线 轻快铁计划证实重启联合日报,2019年5月9日
  282. 圣淘沙至西连常塞车 . 首长称有解决方案星洲网,2019年5月5日
  283. 首长:解决交通阻塞 政府持续探讨轻快铁[永久失效链接]国际时报,2019年5月9日
  284. 副校长:将向首长建议 . 晋汉轻快铁设砂大站星洲网,2019年7月16日
  285. 充电10分钟行驶25公里 砂智轨快运最快3年后运作 联合日报,2019年9月24日
  286. Lim, How Pim. Sarawak gets 3 more hospitals. The Borneo Post. 2014-08-18 [2015-12-19]. 
  287. 287.0 287.1 Alternative pathways to overcome the lack of specialists in Sarawak. The Borneo Post. 2014-11-15 [2015-12-19]. Dr Jerip said there were currently 248 specialists distributed among the major hospitals in the state, comprising the Sarawak General Hospital, Sibu Hospital and Miri Hospital, as well as several divisional hospitals. 
  288. 288.0 288.1 Sarawak makes efforts to boost access to health care. Oxford Business Group. [2015-12-19]. Sarawak’s 221 public health clinics include only seven rural clinics. Services for the poor are also provided at 1Malaysia clinics, where assistant medical officers provide basic health care, but again, these clinics – of which the state has 18 – have historically been located mainly in urban areas. 
  289. Nigel, Edgar. Wednesday, 4 December 2013 Sarawak recognises importance of private hospitals such as Borneo Medical Centre. The Star (Malaysia). 2013-12-04 [2015-12-19]. 
  290. Medical tourism: Quality services, high standard vital The Borneo Post,2017年9月21日
  291. ‘Sarawak wants more participation in private healthcare sector’. The Rakyat Post. 2015-08-01 [2015-12-19]. 
  292. Sarawak Hospice Society. Sarawak Hospice Society. [2015-12-19]. 
  293. Johnson, K Saai. ‘People still dump mental patients at Hospital Sentosa’. The Borneo Post. 2010-10-28 [2015-12-19]. 
  294. Chin, Mui Yoon. Access to healthcare a challenge for Sarawak's interior folk. The Star (Malaysia). 2012-02-27 [2015-12-19]. 
  295. Ariff, K.M; Teng, CL. Rural health care in Malaysia. Australian Journal of Rural Health. 2002, 10 (2): 99–103 [2015-12-19]. PMID 12047504. doi:10.1046/j.1440-1584.2002.00456.x. The FDS in Sarawak was launched in 1973 to provide healthcare to communities residing outside the ‘extended operational area’ limits of the health centre (beyond 12 km). 
  296. Leng Chee, Heng; Barraclough, Simon. Health Care in Malaysia: The Dynamics of Provision, Financing and Access. Routledge. 2007-03-06: 196. ISBN 978-1-134-11295-1. While there were systems of tradiional medicine and a traditional pharmacopoenia amongst the indigenous communities in Sarawak, they have largely fallen into disuse … 
  297. Bawin Anggat, Nicholas. Traditional Medicines of Borneo at Risk (PDF). [2016-03-30]. 
  298. Chinese traditional medicine. The Borneo Post. 2012-11-08 [2016-03-30]. 
  299. Abuduli, Maihebureti; Ezat, Sharifa; Aljunid, Syed. Role of traditional and complementary medicine in universal coverage (PDF). Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine. 2011, 11 (2): 1 [2016-03-30]. There are nine integrated public hospitals which are practicing T&CM in Malaysia. … Sarawak General Hospital … These hospitals practice traditional Malay massage, acupuncture, herbal oncology and postnatal massage. 
  300. Danielle, Sendou. More options needed to address doctor shortage in Sarawak. The Borneo Post. 2015-04-22 [2015-12-19]. 
  301. Silcock, T.H. The Political Economy of Independent Malaya:A case-study in development. University of California Press. 1963: 46. 
  302. 302.0 302.1 Education. Official Website of the Sarawak Government. [2015-12-21]. 
  303. Edgar, Ong. Can you blame Sarawak and Sabah for feeling left out?. The Ant Daily. 2015-04-10 [2015-12-21]. The eight schools missing from the incomplete list are St. Thomas's School Kuching (1848), St Mary's School Kuching (1848), St Joseph’s School Kuching (1882), St Teresa's School Kuching (1885), St Michael's School Sandakan (1886), St Michael's School Penampang (1888), All Saints' School, Likas (1903) and St Patrick's School Tawau (1917). 
  304. 304.0 304.1 304.2 Sarawak's public and private sectors work together to revamp education. Oxford Business Group. [2015-12-21]. 
  305. 砂拉越华文独中通讯录. [2015-03-01] (中文). 
  306. 55,975 bumiputera pupils in Chinese schools. Bernama. The Sun. 2010-12-17 [2016-06-26]. 
  307. 与剑桥合作 砂将建4国际寄宿中学诗华日报,2019年7月20日
  308. 存档副本. Open University Malaysia. 2019 [2019-07-14]. 
  309. Institut Pendidikan Guru (師訓學院). Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (马来西亚教育部). [2015-12-22]. IPG Kampus Sarawak, IPG Kampus Tun Abdul Razak, IPG Kampus Batu Lintang (1st page), … IPG Kampus Rajang (2nd page) 
  310. IPG Batu Lintang to be ‘garden campus’ next year. The Borneo Post. 2011-08-16 [2015-12-22]. 
  311. Sharon, Ling. Local teachers for Sarawak schools. The Star (Malaysia). 2015-10-31 [2015-12-22]. She said teachers from the peninsula currently make up 21.9% of the teaching workforce in primary and secondary schools in Sarawak with 8,890 in total while Sarawakians comprise 76.3% or 30,956. The rest (747, or 1.8%) are from Sabah and Labuan. 
  312. Libraries. The Sarawak Government. [2015-12-22]. 
  313. 转读私立学校移民国外华小生年减万中国报,2015年1月9日
  315. Sarawak Department of Statistics, Malaysia,2019年7月15日
  316. State statistics: Malays edge past Chinese in Sarawak. The Borneo Post. 2014-02-08 [2016-10-03] (英语). 
  317. Johari: Urban-rural ratio to hit 65:35 within 10 years. The Star (Malaysia). 2014-01-17 [2016-10-03] (英语). 
  318. Vital Statistics Summary for Births and Deaths. Sarawak Government. [2016-01-12] (英语). 
  319. 319.0 319.1 The Sarawak People. Sarawak Tourism Federation. [2016-10-03] (英语). 
  320. Leong, Joe. Bizarre names like Tigabelas, Helicopter, Kissing in Borneo are real. The Ant Daily. 2014-08-04 [2016-10-03] (英语). There are several other minor ethnic groups placed under the 'others', such as Indian, Eurasian, Kedayan, Javanese, Bugis and Murut. 
  321. Over 150,000 foreign workers in Sarawak hold temporary employment passes. The Sun Daily. 2015-10-26 [2016-10-03] (英语). 
  322. Sulok, Tawie. Illegal immigrants in Sarawak a ‘huge problem’, deputy home minister admits. Malay Mail Online. 2015-04-11 [2016-10-03] (英语). 
  323. Winzeler, R.L. The Architecture of Life and Death in Borneo. University of Hawaii Press. 2004: 3. ISBN 978-0-8248-2632-1. ... it more popularly refers only to the Bidayuh and the Iban (the Land and Sea Dayaks respectively of the colonial tradition. 
  324. Putrajaya approves 'Dayak' for 'Race' category in all official forms. The Malaysian Insider. 2015-10-31 [2015-11-24]. 
  325. Ting, Su Hie; Rose, Louis. Ethnic Language Use and Ethnic Identity for Sarawak Indigenous Groups in Malaysia需要付费订阅 53 (1). Oceanic Linguistics: 92. June 2014 [2015-11-30]. doi:10.1353/ol.2014.0002. In Malaysia, Bumiputera (literally translated as 'prince of the earth' or 'son of the land') refers to the Malay and other indigenous people. … The Bumiputera in general enjoy special privileges as part of the affirmative action for advancement of the community, and these include priority in university entry, scholarships, and government jobs, special finance schemes, and political positions. 
  326. Indigenous peoples – (a) Land rights of Indigenous Peoples. Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM). [2015-11-30]. 
  327. State statistics: Malays edge past Chinese in Sarawak. The Borneo Post. [2016-04-15]. 
  328. Keat, Gin Ooi. Southeast Asia: A Historical Encyclopedia, from Angkor Wat to East Timor, Volume 1. ABC-CLIO. 2004: 623–625. ISBN 978-1-57607-770-2. Ibans are found in all political divisions of Borneo but in largest numbers in Sarawak. … Christian missionaries have been active among the Ibans for more than a century, and today many Ibans are Christians. 
  329. Our People – Iban – The official travel website for Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-11-25]. 
  330. 330.0 330.1 周泽南. 石隆门几许辉煌几许悲恸. 中国侨网. 南洋商报. 2001-02-11 [2016-09-03]. 
  331. 331.0 331.1 Our people – Chinese. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-11-28]. 
  332. John, Barwick. Huang Naishang (1844–1924). Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Christianity. [2015-07-21]. Shortly thereafter, Huang decided to start a new settlement of Chinese in Malaysia in order to escape China's despotism and Fujian's poverty. … In 1901, Huang traveled with settlers from Fujian to Sibu, where he founded New Fuzhou. 
  333. 中国政情牵动东南亚侨界 - 砂华社两派斗争. 国际时报 (砂拉越)]. 2006-08-20 [2015-02-09]. 
  334. Voon, J.C. Sarawak Chinese political thinking : 1911–1963. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS). 2002 [2015-11-30]. 
  335. Our people – Malay – The official website for Sarawak Malaysian Borneo. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-11-30]. 
  336. Jeniri, Amir. Asal usul Melayu Sarawak: menjejaki titik tak pasti (The origins of Sarawak Malays: Investigations of the uncertain points). Jurnal Antarabangsa Dunia Melayu (International Journal of the Malay World) (Faculty of Social Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)). 2015, 8 (1) [2015-11-30] (马来语). 
  337. Journey to Melanau heartland. The official travel website for Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-12-07]. 
  338. Miri Visitors' Guide – Miri's inhabitants. gomiri.com. [2015-08-08]. 
  339. Our people – Bidayuh. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-12-07]. 
  340. Bidayuh longhouse. Sarawak Cultural Village. [2015-12-07]. 
  341. 341.0 341.1 Erivina. Our people – Orang Ulu. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-12-10]. 
  342. Taburan Penduduk dan Ciri-ciri asas demografi (Population Distribution and Basic demographic characteristics 2010) (PDF). Department of Statistics, Malaysia. [2015-12-11].  p. 13
  343. Explanation sought on real status of S’wak’s official religion. The Borneo Post. 2015-12-12 [2015-12-11]. The Sarawak State Constitution is clear—Sarawak has no official religion, but the official website stated otherwise. This matter was pointed out by YB Baru Bian (Ba Kelalan assemblyman and state PKR chairman) in his letter to the state secretary in July this year, and no action was taken. 
  344. Carlo, Caldarola. Religions and Societies, Asia and the Middle East. Walter de Gruyter. 1982: 481. ISBN 9789027932594. 
  345. SIB & BEM – A Brief Introduction to Origin of SIB. SIB Grace. [2015-12-15]. 
  346. List of Baptist churches in Sarawak. Malaysia Baptist Convention. [2015-12-15]. 
  347. Carl, Skutsch. Encyclopedia of the World's Minorities. Routledge. 2013-11-07: 781. ISBN 978-1-135-19388-1. 
  348. Malaysia Bahai's – Sarawak. bahai.org.my. [2016-04-01]. 
  349. Chieng, Connie. Sarawak is a blessed land of harmony. New Sarawak Tribune. 2015-08-17 [2016-04-01]. 
  350. Sikh Temple. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2016-04-01]. 
  351. Animism is alive and well in South-East Asia: What can we learn?. Pravda.ru. 2014-03-24 [2016-04-01]. 
  352. 352.0 352.1 352.2 352.3 352.4 352.5 John, Postill. Media and Nation Building: How the Iban became Malaysian. Berghahn Books. 2006-05-15: 46, 47, 51, 55, 58, 59, 60, 76, 78. ISBN 978-0-85745-687-8. Radio Sarawak was officially inaugurated on 8 June 1954...the service had four sections: Malay, Iban, Chinese, and English...(page 46 and 47), ...to encourage local authorship and meet local needs...(page 51), The Bureau ceased to exist in 1977 when it was taken over by the federal body Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.(page 55), He concludes that DBP cannot publish books in regional languages 'because this would inadvertently contradict its policy...(page 59 and 60), ...because of his strong defence of English as the language of instruction in Sarawak …,(page 58), the government controls virtually all newspapers in Sarawak (page 76),...development had been hindered by 'two groups of people, namely the Penans and their allies and those who instigate people in rural areas to reject government efforts.(page 78) 
  353. Former Education Minister Calls For Return To Teaching Maths, Science In BM. Bernama. 2011-11-12 [2015-11-13]. Former education minister Tun Abdul Rahman Yakub who was responsible for implementing the school education system with BM as the medium of instruction in 1970, said BM's position then should have remained till today to enhance its role in the national education system. 
  354. Sulok, Tawie. Usage of English, native languages officially still legal in Sarawak. The Sun Daily. 2012-02-20 [2015-11-13]. 
  355. Ogilvy, Geryl. Sarawak to recognise English as official language besides Bahasa Malaysia. The Borneo Post. 2015-11-18 [2016-04-02]. 
  356. Sarawak, a land of many tongues. The Borneo Post. 2010-12-23 [2015-11-13]. 
  357. Metom, Lily. Emotion Concepts of the Ibans in Sarawak. Patridge Singapore. 2013-01-31: 22. ISBN 978-1-4828-9731-9. Nevertheless, all these ancient customs pertaining to headhunting are no longer observed in these modern days. 
  358. Platzdasch, Bernhard; Saravanamuttu, Johan. Religious Diversity in Muslim-majority States in Southeast Asia: Areas of Toleration and Conflict. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS). 2014-08-06: 383. ISBN 9789814519649. 
  359. Kaur, Jeswan. Penan slowly abandoning their nomadic way of life. The Brunei Times. 2007-12-16 [2015-12-26]. 
  360. ‘Equal treatment for Penan community’. The Borneo Post. 2014-03-01 [2015-12-26]. 
  361. Switow, Michael. Interracial marriage blossoms in Malaysia. The Christian Science Monitor. 2005-02-09 [2016-01-12]. 
  362. 362.0 362.1 Explore Sarawak in Half a Day. Sarawak Cultural Village. [2015-12-26]. 
  363. Sarawak Cultural Village. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-12-26]. 
  364. Malaysian Borneo's Muzium Sarawak: A Colonial Legacy in Postcolonial Context. Cultural Survival. [2015-12-26]. 
  365. Chinese History Museum. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-12-26]. 
  366. 猫博物馆. 砂拉越旅游局. [2015-12-26]. 
  367. Islamic Heritage Museum. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-12-26]. 
  368. Textile Museum Sarawak. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-12-26]. 
  369. Art Museum. Sarawak Museum Department. [2015-12-26]. 
  370. 刘钦候医院纪念馆. 砂拉越旅游局. [2015-12-26]. 
  371. Baram Regional Museum. Sarawak Museum Department. [2015-12-26]. 
  372. 玛格烈达堡. 砂拉越旅游局. [2015-12-26]. 
  373. 加帛丝维雅堡. 砂拉越旅游局. [2015-12-26]. 
  374. Irene, C. Fort Alice given a new lease on life. The Borneo Post. 2015-02-01 [2015-12-26]. 
  375. 爱玛堡、拉让、加拿逸. 砂拉越旅游局. [2015-12-26]. 
  376. Fort Hose to undergo RM2.2 million conservation project. The Borneo Post. [2019-10-04]. 
  377. Aiman Batang Ai Resort & Retreat(埃曼巴唐艾度假酒店). Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-12-26]. 
  378. 巴旺阿山伊班长屋. 砂拉越旅游局. [2015-12-26]. 
  379. Annah Rais Bidayuh Longhouse. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-12-26]. 
  380. Annah Rais Bidayuh longhouses. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-12-26]. 
  381. Bario. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-12-26]. 
  382. Bakelalan. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-12-26]. 
  383. Lamin Dana. Sarawak Tourism Board. [2015-12-26]. 
  384. 砂州第一街 海唇街被称老巴刹. 砂拉越国际时报. 2008-11-18 [2016-07-10] (中文). 
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  396. Ringgit, Danielle Sendou. From dreams into the mainstream. The Borneo Post. 2015-08-26 [2015-12-31]. Perhaps the first time the sape took the world stage was when two Kenyah Lepo Tau sape players – Iran Lahang and Jalong Tanyit from Long Mengkaba – performed and demonstrated the art of sape-playing in Tokyo, Japan during Asian Traditional Performing Arts (ATPA) week in 1976. Aside from that, the late Tusau Padan performed for Queen Elizabeth during her official visit to Sarawak in 1972, … 
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  398. Jamming in the rainforest需要付费订阅. New Straits Times. 2002-07-08 [2015-12-31]. Musicians from the heartland of Borneo travel downriver for the event, bringing their dugout sape guitars, bamboo zithers, treasured ancient brass gong sets and songs from the rainforest. Some play gourd organs with a battery of bamboo pipes, others tootle the flute – and in Borneo that means the jaw's harp, mouth flute, nose flute or a massed bamboo band of 30 or 40 piccolos, trebles, tenors and bassoons, all capable of astonishing sounds. 
  399. 399.0 399.1 Pandian, A; Ching Ling, L; Ai Lin, T. Chapter VII – Developing Literacy and Knowledge, Preservation skills among Remote Rural Children. New Literacies: Reconstructing Language and Education. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2014-10-16: 95–97. ISBN 978-1-4438-6956-0. ... it became the primary means of passing culture, history, and valued traditions. These stories are told by the older members of the community to the younger ones and on special occasions by a storyteller. … lies in the fact that oral literature is actualised only in performances; (page 95) … efforts to preserve and documents the stories from the various ethnic groups in the state have been carried out by the Institute of East Asian Studies at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), (page 96) … Similarly, in an effort to save and preserve the oral traditions of the ethnic groups in Sarawak, Sarawak Customs Council has documented some of the oral traditions in the form of written text, audio, video, and photograph. (page 97) 
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  402. MacDonald, M.R. The tradition of storytelling in Malaysia. Traditional Storytelling Today: An International Sourcebook. Routledge. 2013-12-16: 208. ISBN 978-1-135-91721-0. The Kayan and the Kenyah, who dwell in the upper region of Sarawak, have a vibrant epic-telling tradition that is elaborate and specialised. 
  403. Law, Daryll. Preserve traditional culture for prosperity, Iban's urged. New Sarawak Tribune. 2013-10-14 [2015-12-31]. 
  404. Sarawak Gazette now available online. The Borneo Post. 2013-07-31 [2016-01-05]. The gazette which is printed by the Government Printing Office, a pet project of Charles Brooke established in 1870, published its first issue dated Aug 26, 1870 featuring a summary of Reuter’s telegrams on the Franco-Prussian War in a three page leaflet. … A hundred and thirty years later, both Reuters and The Sarawak Gazette are still going strong. 
  405. Walker, J.H. Hikayat Panglima Nikosa and the Sarawak Gazette: Transforming Texts in Nineteenth Century Sarawak. Modern Asian Studies. 2005-04-13, 39 (2): 427 [2016-01-01]. doi:10.1017/S0026749X04001507. 
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