


1997-1998年,van den Brink、Khomskii與Sawatzky從理論上預言了軌道子的存在。[2][3]2011年的一項研究則在實驗中觀察到了軌道子。[4][5]實驗使用X射線照射一維Sr2CuO3材料,導致銅原子中的電子躍遷到高能軌道,並分裂成攜帶自旋性質的自旋子與攜帶軌道位的軌道子。



  1. Discovery About Behavior Of Building Block Of Nature Could Lead To Computer Revolution. ScienceDaily. 2009-07-31 [2009-08-01]. 
  2. H.F. Pen, J. van den Brink, D. I. Khomskii and G.A. Sawatzky. Orbitally ordered, triangular spin singlet phase in LiVO2.. Physical Review Letters. 1997, 78: 1323. 
  3. J. van den Brink, W. Stekelenburg, D.I. Khomskii, G.A. Sawatzky and K.I. Kugel. Spin and orbital excitations in magnetic insulators with Jahn-Teller ions.. Physical Review B. 1998, 58: 10276. 
  4. Schlappa, J.; Wohlfeld, K.; Zhou, K. J.; Mourigal, M.; Haverkort, M. W.; Strocov, V. N.; Hozoi, L.; Monney, C.; Nishimoto, S. Spin–orbital separation in the quasi-one-dimensional Mott insulator Sr2CuO3. Nature. 2012-04-18 [2012-04-21]. doi:10.1038/nature10974. 
  5. Not-quite-so elementary, my dear electron. Nature News. 2012-04-18 [2012-04-21].