IGN Entertainment, Inc.
公司類型j2 Global子公司
成立1996年9月 (1996-09)
總部 美國加利福尼亞州三藩市[1]
持有者j2 Global
Imagine Media
註冊Free, IGN Insider, Founder's Club

IGN(英語:Imagine Games Network,想像遊戲網)是一間由喬納森·辛普森-賓特在1996年創立的多媒體和評論網站,主要物件為電子遊戲。母公司是IGN EntertainmentGameSpy爛番茄AskMen持有者)。



IGN Entertainment總公司位於美國加州布利斯班市(Brisbane, California)

Imagine Games Network於1996年9月創立,IGN以5個獨立網站開始運作:IGN64.com、PSXPower、Saturnworld、Next-Generation.com、Ultra Game Players Online。1998年,網絡聯合這些獨立網頁發展了IGN旗下的系統「頻道。Next-Generation和Ultra Game Players Online沒有被包含在內;UGPO伴隨雜誌的取消而解散,當Imagine決定發展Daily Radar商標時,Next-Generation被耽擱。




2017年2月,IGN上線了針對中國的IGN中國版,由北京岸基恩娛樂科技有限公司負責營運[6]。這是IGN繼IGN東南亞(IGN SEA)之後再次推出中文服務。

2017年10月14日,IGN宣佈收購Humble Bundle







  1. 薩爾達傳說時之笛(Nintendo 64, 1998)[8]
  2. 寵物小精靈紅·綠(Game Boy, 1999)[9][10]
  3. 格子旗(Atari Lynx, 1999)[11]
  4. 鴕鳥騎士(Atari Lynx, 1999)[12]
  5. 上海(Atari Lynx, 1999)[13]
  6. 超級馬里奧兄弟(Game Boy Color, 1999)[14]
  7. 薩爾達傳說夢見島(Game Boy Color, 1999)[15]
  8. 靈魂能力(Dreamcast, 1999)[16]
  9. 馬里奧高爾夫(Game Boy Color, 1999)[17]
  10. 寵物小精靈黃(Game Boy, 1999)[18]
  11. 超音鼠口袋大冒險(NeoGeo Pocket Color, 1999)[19]
  12. SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium(Neo Geo Pocket Color, 2000)[20]
  13. 米老鼠魔法方塊(Game Boy Color, 2000)[21]
  14. 合金裝備幽靈通天塔(Game Boy Color, 2000)[22]
  15. 寵物小精靈金·銀(Game Boy Color, 2000)[23][24]
  16. 薩爾達傳說神祕果實(Game Boy Color, 2001)[25][26]
  17. 勇者鬥惡龍III接着邁向傳說(Game Boy Color, 2001)[27]
  18. 瘋狂龍捲風(手機遊戲, 2006)[28]
  19. 俠盜獵車手IV(PlayStation 3和Xbox 360, 2008)[29]
  20. 合金裝備4愛國者之槍(PlayStation 3, 2008)[30]
  21. 超級馬里奧銀河2(Wii, 2010)[31]
  22. 荒野大鏢客:亡靈夢魘(PlayStation 3和Xbox 360, 2010)[32]
  23. 食鬼 冠軍版DX(PlayStation 3和Xbox 360, 2010)[33]
  24. 超時空之鑰(Wii Virtual Console, 2011)[34]
  25. 秘境探險3:德瑞克的騙局(PlayStation 3, 2011)[35]
  26. 薩爾達傳說天空之劍(Wii, 2011)[36]
  27. 無盡之劍2(iOS, 2011)[37]
  28. 最後生還者(PlayStation 3和PlayStation 4, 2013/2014)[38]
  29. 俠盜獵車手V(PlayStation 3和Xbox 360和PlayStation 4和Xbox one)[39]
  30. 合金裝備V 幻痛(PlayStation 3和Xbox 360和PlayStation 4和Xbox One和PC, 2015)[40]
  31. Undertale (PC,2015)[41]
  32. The Witness (PC和PlayStation 4,2016)[42]
  33. Inside (PC和Xbox one,2016)[43]
  34. 薩爾達傳說 曠野之息 (Wii U和Nintendo Switch,2017)[44]
  35. 超級馬里奧 奧德賽(Nintendo Switch,2017)[45]
  36. 蔚藍 (PC 和 PlayStation 4 和 XBox One和 Nintendo Switch, 2018)[46]
  37. 戰神 (PlayStation 4, 2018)[47]
  38. 碧血狂殺2 (PlayStation 4 和 XBox 和 PC, 2018)[48]
  39. 戰慄時空:艾莉克絲 (PC, 2020)[49]
  40. 女神異聞錄5 皇家版 (PlayStation 4, 2020)[50]
  41. 鬥陣特攻 (PC,PlayStation 4,Xbox One,Nintendo Switch, 2020年重新評分,原始分數為9.4)[51]
  42. 最後生還者 第II章 (PlayStation 4, 2020)[52]
  43. 微軟模擬飛行2020 (PC, XBox One, 2020)[53]
  44. 十字軍之王III (PC, Linux, 2020)[54]
  45. 洞穴冒險2(PC, PlayStation 4, 2020)[55]
  46. 極樂迪斯科 - 最終剪輯版(PC, Mac, PS4, PS5, Stadia, 2021)[56]
  47. 死亡迴圈(PC, PS5, 2021)[57]
  48. 極限競速 地平線5(PC, XBox One, Xbox Series X, 2021)[58]


  1. Contact - IGN Etertainment. [31 May 2014]. 
  2. Ign.com Site Info. Alexa Internet. [2014-04-01]. 
  3. ign.com - Site Information from Alexa. [2008-10-04]. 
  4. IGN: Origins: The History of IGN. [2008-10-04]. 
  5. IGN acquires GameTrailers, will maintain archive of all content (update) .Polygon.2016-05-17.[2016-06-26].
  6. 穿越了!全球最大遊戲媒體 IGN 中國版簡體中文網站悄然上線 .站長之家.2017-02-24.[2017-09-20].
  7. 騰訊獲得IGN中國營運權,著名媒體人多邊形擔任主編 .新浪科技.2020-7-22.[2020-07-23].
  8. Schneider, Peer. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time —Nintendo 64 Review. IGN. 1998-11-25 [2012-02-23]. 
  9. Harris, Craig. Pokemon Red —Game Boy Review. IGN. 1999-06-23 [2012-02-23]. 
  10. Harris, Craig. Pokemon Blue —Game Boy Review. IGN. 1999-06-23 [2012-02-23]. 
  11. Jung, Robert A. Checkered Flag —Atari Lynx Review. IGN. 1999-07-06 [2012-02-23]. 
  12. Jung, Robert A. Joust —Atari Lynx Review. IGN. 1999-07-06 [2012-02-23]. 
  13. Jung, Robert A. Shanghai —Atari Lynx Review. IGN. 1999-07-06 [2012-02-23]. 
  14. Harris, Craig. Super Mario Bros. Deluxe —Game Boy Color Review. IGN. 1999-07-21 [2012-02-23]. 
  15. Clevel和, Adam. Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX —Game Boy Color Review. IGN. 1999-09-17 [2012-02-23]. 
  16. Gantayat, Anoop. Soul Calibur —Dreamcast Review. IGN. 1999-09-20 [2012-02-25]. 
  17. Harris, Craig. Mario Golf —Game Boy Color Review. IGN. 1999-10-05 [2012-02-23]. 
  18. Harris, Craig. Pokemon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition —Game Boy Review. IGN. 1999-10-19 [2012-02-23]. 
  19. Harris, Craig. Sonic Pocket Adventure —NeoGeo Pocket Color Review. IGN. 1999-12-07 [2012-02-23]. 
  20. Harris, Craig. SNK vs. Capcom: Match of the Millennium —Neo Geo Pocket Color Review. IGN. 2000-01-04 [2012-02-23]. 
  21. Harris, Craig. Magical Tetris Challenge —Game Boy Color Review. IGN. 2000-02-28 [2012-02-23]. 
  22. Harris, Craig. Metal Gear Solid —Game Boy Color Review. IGN. 2000-05-05 [2012-02-23]. 
  23. Harris, Craig. Pokemon Gold —Game Boy Review. IGN. 2000-10-16 [2012-02-23]. 
  24. Harris, Craig. Pokemon Silver —Game Boy Review. IGN. 2000-10-16 [2012-02-23]. 
  25. Carle, Charles. Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons —Game Boy Color Review. IGN. 2001-05-14 [2012-02-23]. 
  26. Carle, Charles. Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages —Game Boy Color Review. IGN. 2001-05-14 [2012-02-23]. 
  27. Sellers, Peter. Dragon Warrior III —Game Boy Color Review. IGN. 2001-07-20 [2012-02-23]. 
  28. Buchanan, Levi. Tornado Mania Review. IGN. 2006-12-08 [2013-05-07]. 
  29. Goldstein, Hilary. Grand Theft Auto IV Review. IGN. 2008-04-25 [2012-02-23]. 
  30. Haynes, Jeff. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Review. IGN. 2008-06-12 [2012-02-23]. 
  31. Harris, Craig. Super Mario Galaxy 2 Review. IGN. 2010-05-20 [2012-02-23]. 
  32. Steimer, Kristine. Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare Review. IGN. 2010-10-27 [2012-02-23]. 
  33. Hatfield, Daemon. Pac-Man Championship Edition DX Review. IGN. 2010-11-30 [2012-02-23]. 
  34. Thomas, Lucas M. Chrono Trigger Review. IGN. 2011-05-25 [2012-02-23]. 
  35. Miller, Greg. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Review. IGN. 2011-10-24 [2012-02-23]. 
  36. George, Richard. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Review. IGN. 2011-11-11 [2012-02-23]. 
  37. Davis, Justin. Infinity Blade II Review. IGN. 2011-11-30 [2012-02-23]. 
  38. Moriarty, Colin. The Last of Us Review. IGN. 2013-06-05 [2013-06-05]. 
  39. Macdonald, Keza. Grand Theft Auto V Review. IGN. 2013-09-16 [2013-09-16]. 
  40. VINCE INGENITO. Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain. IGN. 2015-08-23 [2015-09-01]. 
  41. KALLIE PLAGGE. Undertale Review. IGN. 2016-01-12 [2016-02-27]. 
  42. CHLOI RAD. The Witness Review. 2016-01-25 [2016-03-07]. 
  43. Ryan McCaffrey. Inside Review. 2016-06-28 [2016-07-10]. 
  44. Jose Otero. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Review. 2017-03-02 [2017-03-02]. 
  45. Ryan McCaffrey. Super Mario Odyssey Review. 2017-10-27. 
  46. Tom Marks. Celeste Review. 2018-01-25 [2018-02-11]. 
  47. Jonathon Dornbush. God of War Review. 2018-04-12. 
  48. LUKE REILLY. Red Dead Redemption 2 review. 2018-10-25 [2018-10-25]. 
  49. Dan Stapleton. Half-Life: Alyx review. 2020-03-24 [2020-03-24]. 
  50. T.J.Hafer. Persona 5 Royal review. 2020-04-01 [2020-04-01]. 
  51. Simon Cardy. Overwatch Review (2020 Update). 2020-05-20 [2020-05-21]. 
  52. Jonathon Dornbush. The Last of Us Part 2 Review. 2020-06-12 [2020-06-12]. 
  53. Seth Macy. Microsoft Flight Simulator Review. 2020-08-18 [2020-08-17]. 
  54. T.J. Hafer. Crusader Kings 3 Review. 2020-08-31 [2020-09-01]. 
  55. Mitchell Saltzman. Spelunky 2 Review. 2020-09-14 [2020-12-02]. 
  56. Simon Cardy. Disco Elysium - The Final Cut Review. 2021-03-31 [2021-03-31]. 
  57. Matt Purslow. Deathloop Review. 2021-09-24 [2021-11-04]. 
  58. Luke Reilly. Forza Horizon 5 Review. 2021-11-04 [2021-11-04]. 
