


  1. 北行-12街/奧克蘭市中心站(里奇蒙方向 或 匹茲堡/灣角方向)
  2. 西行-奧克蘭西站(舊金山方向)
  3. 南行-美麗湖站(弗雷蒙 或 都柏林/普萊森頓方向)










  • 2000年2月11日,正值早高峰,由於電線短路,列車自動控制系統停擺,經過奧克蘭三角線的所有列車被迫以手動駕駛和低至5-10英里每小時(8.0-16.1公里每小時)的速度通過岔道,工人也被派出手動切換岔道方向。低效的操作模式使列車大幅晚點。[6]
  • 2009年2月4日,兩輛北行的列車在前往12街/奧克蘭市中心站的途中(圖上M2→C1與A2→C1),在岔道口刮蹭,兩車部分車廂脫軌。由於其中一車在手動模式,本應起保護作用的列車自動控制系統未能生效,來阻止事故的發生。[7]當列車被移開後,灣區捷運方面發布了一份說明,表示手動控制的列車超過了等待區,[8]NTSB隨後也派出調查員協助。[9]
  • 2017年1月4日,一輛西行往舊金山的10節編組列車在抵達奧克蘭西站時控制失靈,沒有停在指定位置,只有7節車廂進站,也無法再次啟動。事件導致前往舊金山的列車皆受到影響,乘客也不得不改用輪渡、拼車、或巴士來跨過海灣。事後有灣區官員呼籲加建第二條過海隧道,以避免類似的情況[10]




  1. Mallett, Zakhary. 2nd Transbay Tube needed to help keep BART on track. San Francisco Chronicle. 2014-09-07 [2017-07-31]. 
  2. Eric. New Feature: BART Track Map. Transbay Blog. 2008-07-23 [2017-07-31]. 
  3. Automatic Train Control in Rapid Rail Transit (PDF). Office of Technology Assessment. 1976-05-01 [2017-06-14]. 
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 BART Sustainable Communities Operations Analysis (PDF). BART. 2013-06-01 [2017-07-31]. Station to station running times can identify areas within the system that may be susceptible to delay resulting from either speed / operating restrictions or from infrastructure issues. One of the key locations within the BART system is the Oakland Wye. The Oakland Wye is a multi-level interchange between West Oakland, 12th Street and Lake Merritt stations. BART provided information on the running times between these stations to identify any possible issues with regards route selection, route clearing and secondary delays. The information indicates that actual performance through the Wye is largely consistent with scheduled speeds. As a result, while the Wye does not cause significant delay to operations, it does result in slower overall speeds that could result in longer cycle times. Scheduled run times through this area do include a 10% padding to account for fluctuations in the running times through the Oakland Wye. Running times at other key locations within the BART system are consistent with the scheduled run times; more information can be found in Appendix A2 (a separate document). A previous BART signal system headway and capacity constraint study (Systra, 2012) identified the Oakland Wye is critically important to BART’s current operations and future growth in train service. The underlying signalling is in general well designed, although does have some issues that need to be addressed. The Sequential Occupancy Release System (SORS) overlay, however, was found to have severe and excessive impacts, and in many locations is unnecessarily restrictive. The study found that 「SORS could be made to be much less restrictive, and need not be as restrictive as the underlying signal system」. 
  5. crawl speed through the Oakland Wye tunnels..... BART Rage. 2007-11-19 [2017-07-31]. 
  6. Cabanatuan, Michael. Improperly Fastened Power Cable Blamed for Horrendous BART Delay. San Francisco Chronicle. 2000-02-11 [2017-12-09]. 
  7. Cabanatuan, Michael. BART trains on time, crash site to be cleared. San Francisco Chronicle. 2009-02-04 [2017-12-09]. 
  8. Cabanatuan, Michael. BART operator ran past wait point in collision. San Francisco Chronicle. 2009-02-05 [2017-12-09]. 
  9. NTSB Launches Investigator to Bart Collision (新聞稿). National Transportation Safety Board. 2017-02-04 [2017-12-09]. 
  10. Cabanatuan, Michael; Veklerov, Kimberly; Ravani, Sarah. BART systemwide meltdown after train gets stuck in West Oakland. San Francisco Chronicle. 2017-01-06 [2017-12-09]. 
  11. Cabanatuan, Michael. Building a bigger, better BART / Experts suggest improving the current system before extending it. San Francisco Chronicle. 2001-01-30 [2017-12-09]. 
  12. Cotey, Angela. Bay Area Rapid Transit's push to invest in state of good repair, capacity improvements. Progressive Railroading. 2012-07 [2017-12-11].