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别列赞岛(Berezan Island) 位在第聂伯河黑海的出海口,行政区域上属于乌克兰尼古拉耶夫州。约900米长,320米宽,与陆地间被浅水分隔,距离约二公里半。




  • Krÿzhitskii, Sergei D. "On the Types of Houses on the Island of Berezan", Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia, Vol. 11, Issue 3/4. (2005), pp. 181–197.
  • Thomas Schaub Noonan|Noonan, Thomas S. "The Grain Trade of the Northern Black Sea in Antiquity", American Journal of Philology, Vol. 94, No. 3. (1973), pp. 231–242.
  • Solovyov, Sergei L. Ancient Berezan: The Architecture, History and Culture of the First Greek Colony in the Northern Black Sea (Colloquia Pontica; 4). Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 1999 (hardcover, ISBN 90-04-11569-2).
  • Solovyov, Sergey L. "Berezan Island: The Main Features for Archaeology", Bilkent University. The Department of Archaeology & History of Art Newsletter, No. 3. (2004), pp. 17–19.
  • Solovyov, Sergei L. "Monetary Circulation and the Political History of Archaic Borysthenes", Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia, Vol. 12, Issue 1/2. (2006), pp. 63–75.