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生物分类法 编辑
–未分级– 病毒 Virus
域: RNA病毒域 Riboviria
界: 正RNA病毒界 Orthornavirae
门: 负链RNA病毒门 Negarnaviricota
纲: 艾略特病毒纲 Ellioviricetes
目: 本雅病毒目 Bunyavirales
科: 白纤病毒科 Phenuiviridae
属: Tenuivirus Tenuivirus
种: 水稻草状矮缩病毒 T. Rice grassy stunt virus
Tenuivirus Rice grassy stunt virus

水稻草状矮缩病毒(Rice grassy stunt virus,RGSV)是一种由褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens)和Nilaparvata属的N. bakeriN. muiri.[1][2]传播的一种植物病毒

RGSV在南亚、东南亚、中国大陆、日本台湾等地发现。[3]1970年到1977年之间,印度尼西亚是RGSV的高发区。 1973年到1977年间,菲律宾发生了RGSV,随后在1982年到1983年间再次爆发。[2]印度部分地区分别在1972年至1974年、1978年、1981年与1984年受到RGSV之威胁,因而造成严重的经济损失[4][5]1978年,日本九州地区报道了高水平的RGSV。[6]



  1. Hibino H.1986. Rice grassy stunt virus. Commonwealth Mycological Institute Descriptions of Plant Viruses 320. 5 p.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Hibino H. 1989. Insect-borne viruses in rice. In: Harris KF, editor. Advances in disease vector research 6. New York: Springer-Verlag. p 209-241.
  3. Hibino H. 1996. Biology and epidemiology of rice viruses . Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 34:249-274.
  4. Kulshreshtha JP, Anjaneyulu A, Padmanabhan SY. 1974. The disastrous brown plant-hopper attack in Kerala. Indian Farm. 24:5-7.
  5. Mariappan V, Hibino H, Shanmugam N.1984. A new rice virus disease in India. Int. Rice Res. Newsl. 9(6):9-10.
  6. Iwasaki M, Nakano M, Shinkai A.1985. Detection of rice grassy stunt virus in planthopper vectors and rice plant by ELISA. Ann. Phytopathol. Soc. Jpn. 51:450-458.
  7. Du PV, Cabunagan RC, Choi I-R. 2005. Rice "yellowing syndrome" in the Mekong River delta . Omonrice 13:136-139.
  8. Huan NH, Heong KL. 2000. Rice grassy stunt virus disease outbreak in the Mekong Delta. Int. Rice Res. Notes 25(1):35-36.
  9. Choi, I. R., P. Q. Cabauatan and R. C. Cabunagan 2010. Rice grassy stunt . Rice Fact Sheets. Produced by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) • © 2010, IRRI, All rights reserved • Mar 2010
  10. Thomas, Carla S., Noele P. Nelson, Gary C. Jahn, Tianchan Niu, David M. Hartley 2011. Use of media and public-domain Internet sources for detection and assessment of plant health threats . Emerging Health Threats Journal 4: 7157 - doi:10.3402/ehtj.v4i0.7157


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