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油页岩是首先被人类使用的矿物油 [1],其历史最早可追溯到14世纪早期的瑞士奥地利[2] 1596年,符腾堡公爵腓特烈一世的私人物理学家写下了它的治疗功效 [3]页岩油在17世纪的摩德纳的街道照明。[3] 英国国王在1694年把一个专利授予3个人,专利的内容是从某种石头中提取沥青焦油[3][4][5]不久后,这3人推出产品英国贝顿矿物油Betton's British Oil)。这种产品号称:“经多人试用,证明可以减少疼痛。” [6]现代的页岩油工业建立于1830年代的法国以及1840年的苏格兰。 [7] 当时,这种油被用作燃料,提炼沥青,以及作为灯油,尤其被用作替代昂贵的鲸油[3][8] [9] 19世纪末期,已经有很多国家建立页岩油开采工业。但是,随后发现的石油使页岩油工业迅速衰落。时过境迁,到了21世纪,石油储量愈发紧张,页岩油的开采又被多个国家重新提上日程。[7][10][10]







  1. Dostrovsky, I. Energy and the Missing Resource: A View from the Laboratory. Cambridge University Press. 1988: 18. ISBN 978-0-521-31965-2. 
  2. Oil Shale (PDF). Colorado School of Mines: 2. 2008 [2008-12-24]. [失效链接]
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Moody, Richard. Oil & Gas Shales, Definitions & Distribution In Time & Space. In The History of On-Shore Hydrocarbon Use in the UK (PDF). Geological Society of London: 1. 2007-04-20 [2009-01-10]. 
  4. Louw, S.J.; Addison, J. Seaton, A. , 编. Studies of the Scottish oil shale industry. Vol.1 History of the industry, working conditions, and mineralogy of Scottish and Green River formation shales. Final report on US Department of Energy (PDF). Institute of Occupational Medicine: 35. 1985 [2009-06-05]. DE-ACO2 – 82ER60036. 
  5. Cane, R.F. Teh Fu Yen; Chilingar, George V. , 编. Oil Shale. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 1976: 56. ISBN 978-0-444-41408-3. 
  6. Forbes, R.J. A Short History of the Art of Distillation from the Beginnings Up to the Death of Cellier Blumenthal. Brill Publishers. 1970: 250. ISBN 978-90-04-00617-1. 
  7. 7.0 7.1 Francu, Juraj; Harvie, Barbra; Laenen, Ben; Siirde, Andres; Veiderma, Mihkel. A study on the EU oil shale industry viewed in the light of the Estonian experience. A report by EASAC to the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy of the European Parliament (PDF). European Academies Science Advisory Council: 1; 5; 12. May 2007 [2011-05-07]. 
  8. Doscher, Todd M. Petroleum. MSN Encarta. [2008-04-22]. 
  9. Oil Shale. American Association of Petroleum Geologists. [2008-03-31]. 
  10. 10.0 10.1 Dyni, John R. Geology and resources of some world oil-shale deposits. Scientific Investigations Report 2005–5294 (PDF). United States Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey. 2006 [2007-07-09].