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{{distinguish|麻布 (地名)}}
{{distinguish|麻布 (地名)}}
[[File:Linen cloth.jpg|缩略图|在死海附近的[[库姆兰]]所出土的古代麻布]]
[[File:Linen cloth.jpg|缩略图|在死海附近的[[库姆兰]]所出土的古代麻布]]
'''麻布''',以[[亞麻]]纖維編織的[[布]],比起綿布更加強韌、吸水和快乾,所以更加適合作夏季衣服,但麻布同時亦比較容易皺褶<ref name="UN 2009">{{cite web |title=Profiles of 15 of the world's major plant and animal fibres |url=http://www.fao.org/natural-fibres-2009/about/15-natural-fibres/en/ |website=International Year of Natural Fibres 2009 |publisher=Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations |access-date=15 May 2020}}</ref>。
'''麻布''',以[[亞麻]]纖維編織的[[布]],比起綿布更加強韌、吸水和快乾,所以更加適合作夏季衣服,但麻布同時亦比較容易皺褶<ref name="UN 2009">{{cite web |title=Profiles of 15 of the world's major plant and animal fibres |url=http://www.fao.org/natural-fibres-2009/about/15-natural-fibres/en/ |website=International Year of Natural Fibres 2009 |publisher=Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations |access-date=15 May 2020}}</ref>。

== 史 ==
== 史 ==
[[格鲁吉亚]]某洞穴出土的染色亞麻纖維顯示,人類在3萬年前可能已經開始以亞麻纖維織布<ref name="Balter M. 2009">{{cite journal | last1 = Balter | first1 = M | year = 2009 | title = Clothes Make the (Hu) Man | journal = Science | volume = 325 | issue = 5946| page = 1329 | doi = 10.1126/science.325_1329a | pmid = 19745126 }}</ref><ref name="Supporting Online Material">{{cite journal | last1 = Kvavadze | first1 = E | last2 = Bar-Yosef | first2 = O | last3 = Belfer-Cohen | first3 = A | last4 = Boaretto | first4 = E | last5 = Jakeli | first5 = N | last6 = Matskevich | first6 = Z | last7 = Meshveliani | first7 = T | year = 2009 | title = 30,000-Year-Old Wild Flax Fibers | url = http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:4270521| journal = Science | volume = 325 | issue = 5946| page = 1359 | doi = 10.1126/science.1175404 | pmid=19745144| bibcode = 2009Sci...325.1359K | s2cid = 206520793 }}</ref>。根據[[聖經]]的記載,古文明如[[美索不达米亚]]和[[古埃及]]都有使用麻布<ref name="McCorriston">{{cite journal |last1=McCorriston |first1=Joy |title=Textile Extensification, Alienation, and Social Stratification in Ancient Mesopotamia |journal=Current Anthropology |date=1997 |volume=38 |issue=4 |pages=517–535 |doi=10.1086/204643 |jstor=10.1086/204643 |s2cid=154123464 }}</ref>。
[[格鲁吉亚]]某洞穴出土的染色亞麻纖維顯示,人類在3萬年前可能已經開始以亞麻纖維織布<ref name="Balter M. 2009">{{cite journal | last1 = Balter | first1 = M | year = 2009 | title = Clothes Make the (Hu) Man | journal = Science | volume = 325 | issue = 5946| page = 1329 | doi = 10.1126/science.325_1329a | pmid = 19745126 }}</ref><ref name="Supporting Online Material">{{cite journal | last1 = Kvavadze | first1 = E | last2 = Bar-Yosef | first2 = O | last3 = Belfer-Cohen | first3 = A | last4 = Boaretto | first4 = E | last5 = Jakeli | first5 = N | last6 = Matskevich | first6 = Z | last7 = Meshveliani | first7 = T | year = 2009 | title = 30,000-Year-Old Wild Flax Fibers | url = http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:4270521| journal = Science | volume = 325 | issue = 5946| page = 1359 | doi = 10.1126/science.1175404 | pmid=19745144| bibcode = 2009Sci...325.1359K | s2cid = 206520793 }}</ref>。根據[[聖經]]的記載,古文明如[[美索不达米亚]]和[[古埃及]]都有使用麻布<ref name="McCorriston">{{cite journal |last1=McCorriston |first1=Joy |title=Textile Extensification, Alienation, and Social Stratification in Ancient Mesopotamia |journal=Current Anthropology |date=1997 |volume=38 |issue=4 |pages=517–535 |doi=10.1086/204643 |jstor=10.1086/204643 |s2cid=154123464 }}</ref>。