
添加的内容 删除的内容
(我来啦, replaced: 東 → 东, 國 → 国, 縣 → 县, 馬 → 马 (3), 羅 → 罗, 圖 → 图, 區 → 区 (8), 於 → 于, 該 → 该, 納 → 纳, 達 → 达 (3), 積 → 积, 貝 → 贝, 臨 → 临, 諾 → 诺, 約 → 约, 個 → 个, 韋 → 韦 (2), 劃 → 划 (2), 齊 → 齐 (4))
第1行: 第1行:
[[File:Madagascar-Atsimo Atsinanana Region.png|缩略图||阿齐-阿齐那那那区]]
[[File:Madagascar-Atsimo Atsinanana Region.png|thumb|right|阿齐-阿齐纳纳纳大区]]

'''阿齐-阿齐那那那区'''是[[马达加斯加]]的22个区之一,位于该国南部,北[[法土法韦-非韦那尼区]],毗[[印度洋]],南接[[阿西]],西鄰[[伊霍罗贝区]],首府是[[法拉凡加]],下分5,面18,863平方公里,2004年人口621,200。<ref name="United States. Office of Geography United States Board on Geographic Names 1955 p. 60">{{cite book | author=United States. Office of Geography | author2=United States Board on Geographic Names | title=Madagascar, Réunion and the Comoro Islands, Official Standard Names Approved by the United States Board on Geographic Names | publisher=Office of Geography, Department of the Interior | series=Gazetteer (United States Board on Geographic Names) | year=1955 | url=https://books.google.com.hk/books?id=pquWpxL8_m4C&pg=PA60 | access-date=2022-04-05 | page=60}}</ref>
'''阿齐-阿齐纳纳纳大区'''({{lang-mg|Atsimo-Atsinanana}})是[[馬達加斯加]]的23個大區之一,位於該國南部,北[[维纳区]],毗[[印度洋]],南接[[阿西大區]],西鄰[[伊胡龙区]],首府是[[法拉凡加]],下分5,面18,863平方公里,2004年人口621,200。<ref name="United States. Office of Geography United States Board on Geographic Names 1955 p. 60">{{cite book | author=United States. Office of Geography | author2=United States Board on Geographic Names | title=Madagascar, Réunion and the Comoro Islands, Official Standard Names Approved by the United States Board on Geographic Names | publisher=Office of Geography, Department of the Interior | series=Gazetteer (United States Board on Geographic Names) | year=1955 | url=https://books.google.com.hk/books?id=pquWpxL8_m4C&pg=PA60 | access-date=2022-04-05 | page=60}}</ref>

== 参考 ==
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