
添加的内容 删除的内容
(我来啦, replaced: 國 → 国 (2), 開 → 开, 學 → 学 (5), 間 → 间, 興 → 兴, 關 → 关, 馬 → 马, 對 → 对, 發 → 发, 羅 → 罗, 為 → 为 (2), 亞 → 亚, 議 → 议, 達 → 达, 藝 → 艺, 並 → 并, 約 → 约, 釋 → 释, 滅 → 灭, 當 → 当, 復 → 复, 題 → 题, 視 → 视 (2), 時 → 时 (4), 從 → 从 (2), 紀 → 纪 (6))


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[[File:Septem-artes-liberales Herrad-von-Landsberg Hortus-deliciarum 1180.jpg|缩略图|180px|Philosophy seated between the seven [[liberal arts]] – Picture from the [[Hortus deliciarum]] of [[Herrad von Landsberg]] (12th century)]]
[[File:Septem-artes-liberales Herrad-von-Landsberg Hortus-deliciarum 1180.jpg|缩略图|180px|Philosophy seated between the seven [[liberal arts]] – Picture from the [[Hortus deliciarum]] of [[Herrad von Landsberg]] (12th century)]]
'''中世'''(Medieval Philosophy)是指[[中世]]的[[哲]]相关发展,时间约从5世[[西罗马]]亡至14世[[文艺复兴]][[代]]止。中世学从8世纪时被[[巴格]]视为獨立哲学议题,[[法国]][[查理大帝]]代也相<ref>{{cite book|last=Pasnau|first=Robert|title=The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy|url=https://archive.org/details/cambridgehistory01pasn|year=2010|publisher=Cambridge University Press|location=Cambridge, UK|isbn=978-0-521-76216-8|page=[https://archive.org/details/cambridgehistory01pasn/page/n14 1]|chapter=Introduction}}</ref>。
'''中世'''(Medieval Philosophy)是指[[中世]]的[[哲]]相關發展,時間約從5世[[西羅馬]]亡至14世[[文藝復興]][[代]]止。中世學從8世紀時被[[巴格]]視為獨立哲學議題,[[法国]][[查理大帝]]代也相<ref>{{cite book|last=Pasnau|first=Robert|title=The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy||year=2010|publisher=Cambridge University Press|location=Cambridge, UK|isbn=978-0-521-76216-8|page=1|chapter=Introduction}}</ref>。

== 历史 ==
== 历史 ==
=== 早期:基督教哲学 ===
=== 早期:基督教哲学 ===
早期的基督教思想,特别是在爱国时期,倾向于直觉和神秘,不那么依赖[[理性]]和[[逻辑论证]]。它还强调[[柏拉图]]的[[神秘主义]],而较少强调亚里士多德的系统思想。在此期间,西方尚未了解[[亚里士多德]]的作品。学者们只依靠[[波爱修斯]]将亚里士多德的作品译成拉丁语,解释逻辑的著作,以及《{{le|导论 (波菲利)|Isagoge|导论}}》[[里士多德]]注的[[拉丁语]]翻译。
早期的基督教思想,特别是在爱国时期,倾向于直觉和神秘,不那么依赖[[理性]]和[[逻辑论证]]。它还强调[[柏拉图]]的[[神秘主义]],而较少强调亚里士多德的系统思想。在此期间,西方尚未了解[[亚里士多德]]的作品。学者们只依靠[[波爱修斯]]将亚里士多德的作品译成拉丁语,解释逻辑的著作,以及《{{le|导论 (波菲利)|Isagoge|导论}}》[[里士多德]]注的[[拉丁语]]翻译。

=== 中期:亚里士多德、大学与托钵修会 ===
=== 中期:亚里士多德、大学与托钵修会 ===
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=== 伦理学 ===
=== 伦理学 ===

== 注释 ==
== 注释 ==

== 参考文献 ==
== 参考文献 ==
* The [http://www.ucl.ac.uk/philosophy/LPSG/ London Philosophy Study Guide] offers many suggestions on what to read, depending on the student's familiarity with the subject: [http://www.ucl.ac.uk/philosophy/LPSG/Medieval.htm Medieval Philosophy]
* The [http://www.ucl.ac.uk/philosophy/LPSG/ London Philosophy Study Guide] offers many suggestions on what to read, depending on the student's familiarity with the subject: [http://www.ucl.ac.uk/philosophy/LPSG/Medieval.htm Medieval Philosophy]
* Brentano, "The Distinction between Mental and Physical Phenomena", translated by D.B. Terrell, in ''Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint'', 1874.
* Brentano, "The Distinction between Mental and Physical Phenomena", translated by D.B. Terrell, in ''Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint'', 1874.
* Gallatin, H.K., [https://web.archive.org/web/20090201183302/http://users.sbuniv.edu/~hgallatin/ht34632e18.html#res ''Medieval Intellectual Life and Christianity'']
* Gallatin, H.K., [http://users.sbuniv.edu/~hgallatin/ht34632e18.html#res ''Medieval Intellectual Life and Christianity'']
* Gracia, J.G. and Noone, T.B., ''A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages'', London 2003
* Gracia, J.G. and Noone, T.B., ''A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages'', London 2003
* Hyman, J. and Walsh, J.J., ''Philosophy in the Middle Ages'', Indianapolis 1973
* Hyman, J. and Walsh, J.J., ''Philosophy in the Middle Ages'', Indianapolis 1973
* [[Norman Kretzmann|Kretzmann, N.]] and Stump, E., ''The Cambridge Companion to Augustine '', Cambridge 2000.
* [[Norman Kretzmann|Kretzmann, N.]] and Stump, E., ''The Cambridge Companion to Augustine '', Cambridge 2000.
* McGavin, J., [http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=DovTEDE3NZgC&pg=PA53&lpg=PA53&dq=%22boethian+period%22&source=web&ots=2cFkPEdowr&sig=gksOjZWhOgpBxqdYVFPGpYvQ2SM&hl=en ''Chaucer and Dissimilarity: Literary Comparisons in Chaucer''].
* McGavin, J., ''Chaucer and Dissimilarity: Literary Comparisons in Chaucer''.
* Maurer, Armand A. [1982]. ''Medieval Philosophy''. 2nd ed. Toronto: [[Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies]].
* Maurer, Armand A. [1982]. ''Medieval Philosophy''. 2nd ed. Toronto: [[Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies]].
* Russell, B., ''History of Western Philosophy'', Routledge 1996 (originally published 1946)
* Russell, B., ''History of Western Philosophy'', Routledge 1996 (originally published 1946)
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== 外部链接 ==
== 外部链接 ==
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20111011132901/http://epistemelinks.com/Main/Topics.aspx?TopiCode=Medi Medieval Philosophy section at EpistemeLinks]
* [http://epistemelinks.com/Main/Topics.aspx?TopiCode=Medi Medieval Philosophy section at EpistemeLinks]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20080719105814/http://www2.bc.edu/~solere/siepm.html Medieval Philosophy Electronic Resources]
* [http://www2.bc.edu/~solere/siepm.html Medieval Philosophy Electronic Resources]
* [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12025c.htm Article ''Philosophy'' at The Catholic Encyclopedia]
* [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12025c.htm Article ''Philosophy'' at The Catholic Encyclopedia]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20030301105108/http://radicalacademy.com/adiphiljewish1.htm Some medieval Jewish philosophers]
* [http://radicalacademy.com/adiphiljewish1.htm Some medieval Jewish philosophers]
* [http://jameshannam.com/medievalscience.htm Medieval Natural Philosophy and the Church] by James Hannam
* [http://jameshannam.com/medievalscience.htm Medieval Natural Philosophy and the Church] by James Hannam
* [https://archive.is/20130630101530/http://tcrnews2.com/vonbalthasarfathers.html The Fathers, the Scholastics, and Ourselves by von Balthasar]
* The Fathers, the Scholastics, and Ourselves by von Balthasar
* Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:
* Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:
** [http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/medieval-literary/ Literary forms of Medieval Philosophy]
** [http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/medieval-literary/ Literary forms of Medieval Philosophy]