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儘管一開始接受<ref>{{cite web|last=Tiemann|first=Michael|title=History of the OSI|publisher=Open Source Initiative|accessdate=2014-05-13|url=http://www.opensource.org/history|||}}</ref>,[[自由軟體基金會]]的[[理查·斯托曼]]現在斷然反對將「開源軟體」與「自由軟體」混為一談。雖然在法律上並未明確區分自由軟體與開源軟體,但斯托曼認為不宜濫用<ref>{{cite web |url = https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html |title = Why "Open Source" misses the point of Free Software |accessdate = 2007-07-23 |last = Stallman |first = Richard |authorlink = Richard Stallman |date = 2007-06-16 |work = Philosophy of the GNU Project |publisher = Free Software Foundation |quote = As the advocates of open source draw new users into our community, we free software activists have to work even more to bring the issue of freedom to those new users' attention. We have to say, 'It's free software and it gives you freedom!'—more and louder than ever. Every time you say 'free software' rather than 'open source,' you help our campaign. |||}}</ref>。
儘管一開始接受<ref>{{cite web|last=Tiemann|first=Michael|title=History of the OSI|publisher=Open Source Initiative|accessdate=2014-05-13|url=http://www.opensource.org/history|||}}</ref>,[[自由軟體基金會]]的[[理查·斯托曼]]現在斷然反對將「開源軟體」與「自由軟體」混為一談。雖然在法律上並未明確區分自由軟體與開源軟體,但斯托曼認為不宜濫用<ref>{{cite web |url = https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html |title = Why "Open Source" misses the point of Free Software |accessdate = 2007-07-23 |last = Stallman |first = Richard ||date = 2007-06-16 |work = Philosophy of the GNU Project |publisher = Free Software Foundation |quote = As the advocates of open source draw new users into our community, we free software activists have to work even more to bring the issue of freedom to those new users' attention. We have to say, 'It's free software and it gives you freedom!'—more and louder than ever. Every time you say 'free software' rather than 'open source,' you help our campaign. |||}}</ref>。

== 開放原始碼與自由軟體 ==
== 開放原始碼與自由軟體 ==