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[[阿隆佐·邱奇]]在他的经典著作《[[数理逻辑]]》中提出该表达方法是一种值得被关注的记法系统,甚至将它与[[阿弗烈·諾夫·懷海德]]和[[伯特兰·罗素]]在《[[数学原理]]》中的逻辑表达式相提并论。<ref>{{cite book|first=Alonzo|last=Church|title=Introduction to Mathematical Logic|location=Princeton, New Jersey|publisher=Princeton University Press|year=1944}} - p.38: "Worthy of remark is the parenthesis-free notation of Jan Łukasiewicz. In this the letters N, A, C, E, K are used in the roles of negation, disjunction, implication, equivalence, conjunction respectively. ..."</ref>
[[阿隆佐·邱奇]]在他的经典著作《[[数理逻辑]]》中提出该表达方法是一种值得被关注的记法系统,甚至将它与[[阿弗烈·諾夫·懷海德]]和[[伯特兰·罗素]]在《[[数学原理]]》中的逻辑表达式相提并论。<ref>{{cite book|first=Alonzo|last=Church|title=Introduction to Mathematical Logic|location=Princeton, New Jersey|publisher=Princeton University Press|year=1944}} - p.38: "Worthy of remark is the parenthesis-free notation of Jan Łukasiewicz. In this the letters N, A, C, E, K are used in the roles of negation, disjunction, implication, equivalence, conjunction respectively. ..."</ref>

== 算术形式 ==
== 算术形式 ==
表达“三加四”时,前缀记法写作“{{波兰表示法|3 + 4}}”,而不是“3 + 4”。在复杂的表达式中,操作符仍然在操作数的前面,但操作数可能是包含操作符的平凡表达式。
表达“三加四”时,前缀记法写作“{{波兰表示法|3 + 4}}”,而不是“3 + 4”。在复杂的表达式中,操作符仍然在操作数的前面,但操作数可能是包含操作符的平凡表达式。
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== 注釋 ==
== 注釋 ==

== 参见 ==
== 参见 ==
* [[Lisp]]
* [[Lisp]]