
添加的内容 删除的内容
(我来啦, replaced: 連結 → 链接, 參 → 参, 與 → 与 (2), 間 → 间, 漢 → 汉, 語 → 语 (6), 關 → 关 (12), 見 → 见, 來 → 来, 詞 → 词 (18), 類 → 类, 稱 → 称, 為 → 为 (2), 於 → 于 (2), 選 → 选, 並 → 并 (3), 後 → 后 (2), 過 → 过, 擇 → 择, 較 → 较, 進 → 进, 設 → 设, 連 → 连 (18), 還 → 还, 單 → 单, 係 → 系 (12), 轉 → 转, 條 → 条, 組 → 组, 遞 → 递, 雖 → 虽, 僅 → 仅, 輯 → 辑)
第17行: 第17行:

== 外部链接 ==
== 外部链接 ==
* [http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Category:Conjunctions_by_language Wikitionary lists of conjuctions by language]
* Wikitionary lists of conjuctions by language
* [http://www.englishgrammar.org/difference-conjunctions-relative-pronouns-relative-adverbs/ ''Difference between conjunctions, relative pronouns and relative adverbs''], by Jennifer Frost
* [http://www.englishgrammar.org/difference-conjunctions-relative-pronouns-relative-adverbs/ ''Difference between conjunctions, relative pronouns and relative adverbs''], by Jennifer Frost