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[[英國]]大學的「公立」、「私立」性質不易區別,因為幾個世紀以來,英國大學一直推崇高度自治,且直到20世紀初都仰賴政府資金經營。根據[[牛津大學]]的官方解釋,他們既是公立大學,也是私立大學<ref name='OXCHEPS39'>{{cite web | url = http://oxcheps.new.ox.ac.uk/MainSite%20pages/Resources/OxCHEPS_OP39.pdf | title = OFFA and £6000-9000 tuition fees | accessdate = 20 March 2011 | last = Dennis | first = Farrington | first2 = David | last2 = Palfreyman | date = 21 February 2011 | format = PDF | work = OxCHEPS Occasional Paper No. 39 | publisher = Oxford Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies | quote = Note, however, that any university which does not want funding from HEFCE can, as a private corporation, charge whatever tuition fees it likes (exactly as does, say, the University of Buckingham or BPP University College). Under existing legislation and outside of the influence of the HEFCE-funding mechanism upon universities, Government can no more control university tuition fees than it can dictate the price of socks in Marks & Spencer. Universities are not part of the State and they are not part of the public sector; Government has no reserve powers of intervention even in a failing institution. | archive-date = 2011-07-21 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20110721195554/http://oxcheps.new.ox.ac.uk/MainSite%20pages/Resources/OxCHEPS_OP39.pdf | dead-url = yes }}</ref>。
[[英國]]大學的「公立」、「私立」性質不易區別,因為幾個世紀以來,英國大學一直推崇高度自治,且直到20世紀初都仰賴政府資金經營。根據[[牛津大學]]的官方解釋,他們既是公立大學,也是私立大學<ref name='OXCHEPS39'>{{cite web | url = http://oxcheps.new.ox.ac.uk/MainSite%20pages/Resources/OxCHEPS_OP39.pdf | title = OFFA and £6000-9000 tuition fees | accessdate = 20 March 2011 | last = Dennis | first = Farrington | first2 = David | last2 = Palfreyman | date = 21 February 2011 | format = PDF | work = OxCHEPS Occasional Paper No. 39 | publisher = Oxford Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies | quote = Note, however, that any university which does not want funding from HEFCE can, as a private corporation, charge whatever tuition fees it likes (exactly as does, say, the University of Buckingham or BPP University College). Under existing legislation and outside of the influence of the HEFCE-funding mechanism upon universities, Government can no more control university tuition fees than it can dictate the price of socks in Marks & Spencer. Universities are not part of the State and they are not part of the public sector; Government has no reserve powers of intervention even in a failing institution. | | | }}</ref>。

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創立於1398年[[李氏朝鮮]]時代的[[成均館]],是[[韓國]]第一所私立大學,也號稱東亞最初的私立大學<ref>[http://www.skku.edu/new_home/205_eng/about/about1_2_1.jsp Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)] </ref>。該校於1946年改制現代大學,即[[成均館大學]]。
創立於1398年[[李氏朝鮮]]時代的[[成均館]],是[[韓國]]第一所私立大學,也號稱東亞最初的私立大學<ref>[http://www.skku.edu/new_home/205_eng/about/about1_2_1.jsp Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)] </ref>。該校於1946年改制現代大學,即[[成均館大學]]。

韓國的大學大多位於[[首爾]],全國排名前15強的大學,有10所屬於私立大學。而合稱「SKY」的3所最頂尖大學,也包含兩所私立大學:[[高麗大學]](K)和[[延世大學]](Y)<ref>{{cite web |url=http://research.ncku.edu.tw/re/commentary/c/20100312/2.html |title=南韓私立大學的興起 |publisher=公立大學自主論壇 |date=2010-03-12 |accessdate=2010-12-06 |archive-date=2021-02-18 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20210218053901/http://research.ncku.edu.tw/re/commentary/c/20100312/2.html }}</ref>。
韓國的大學大多位於[[首爾]],全國排名前15強的大學,有10所屬於私立大學。而合稱「SKY」的3所最頂尖大學,也包含兩所私立大學:[[高麗大學]](K)和[[延世大學]](Y)<ref>{{cite web |url=http://research.ncku.edu.tw/re/commentary/c/20100312/2.html |title=南韓私立大學的興起 |publisher=公立大學自主論壇 |date=2010-03-12 |accessdate=2010-12-06 ||}}</ref>。

=== 中国 ===
=== 中国 ===