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'''离岸金融中心'''({{Lang-en|Offshore Financial Center (OFC)}})是指设在某国境内但与该国金融制度无甚连系且不受该国金融法规管制的金融机构所进行的资金融通活动。'''离岸金融中心'''({{Lang-en|Offshore Financial Center}})又称'''国际离岸金融中心''',与[[在岸金融中心]]相对,指投资人的公司注册在离岸管辖区,但投资人不用亲临注册地,其业务运作可在世界各地的任何地方直接开展<ref>{{cite news |title = 萨摩亚离岸金融中心简介及分析 |url = http://www.ce.cn/cysc/main/jtfzspsy/shwll/200610/20/t20061020_9056828.shtml |accessdate = |website = 中国经济网 |date = 2006-10-20 |archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20101125152451/http://www.ce.cn/cysc/main/jtfzspsy/shwll/200610/20/t20061020_9056828.shtml |archive-date = 2010-11-25 |dead-url = yes }}</ref>。
'''离岸金融中心'''({{Lang-en|Offshore Financial Center (OFC)}})是指设在某国境内但与该国金融制度无甚连系且不受该国金融法规管制的金融机构所进行的资金融通活动。'''离岸金融中心'''({{Lang-en|Offshore Financial Center}})又称'''国际离岸金融中心''',与[[在岸金融中心]]相对,指投资人的公司注册在离岸管辖区,但投资人不用亲临注册地,其业务运作可在世界各地的任何地方直接开展<ref>{{cite news |title = 萨摩亚离岸金融中心简介及分析 |url = http://www.ce.cn/cysc/main/jtfzspsy/shwll/200610/20/t20061020_9056828.shtml |accessdate = |website = 中国经济网 |date = 2006-10-20 |||}}</ref>。

== 历史 ==
== 历史 ==
第38行: 第38行:
* [http://www.oecd.org/tax/transparency/ Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, OECD]
* [http://www.oecd.org/tax/transparency/ Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, OECD]
* [http://www.economist.com/node/8695139 ''The Economist'' survey on offshore financial centres]
* [http://www.economist.com/node/8695139 ''The Economist'' survey on offshore financial centres]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20070927201811/http://www.internationalmonetaryfund.com/external/np/mae/oshore/2000/eng/back.htm IMF's 2000 report on OFCs]
* [http://www.internationalmonetaryfund.com/external/np/mae/oshore/2000/eng/back.htm IMF's 2000 report on OFCs]
* [http://www.thenation.com/article/lax-little-islands/ Lax Little Islands] by David Cay Johnston, ''The Nation'', May 13, 2009
* [http://www.thenation.com/article/lax-little-islands/ Lax Little Islands] by David Cay Johnston, ''The Nation'', May 13, 2009