
添加的内容 删除的内容
(noteTA|ja|jpn|-{|}-跳过, replaced: 內 → 内 (11), 連結 → 链接, 參考 → 参考 (2), 開 → 开, 學 → 学 (4), 參 → 参, 會 → 会 (5), 長 → 长 (6), 與 → 与 (9), 間 → 间, 處 → 处 (8), 導 → 导 (8), 恆 → 恒 (40), 條目 → 条目, 構 → 构 (9), 關 → 关 (3), 將 → 将 (4), 張 → 张, 陽 → 阳 (9), 應 → 应 (2), 嚴 → 严 (2), 來 → 来 (8), 對 → 对 (20), 動 → 动 (3), 發 → 发 (3), 傳 → 传 (8), 體 → 体 (8), 類 → 类 (3), 羅 → 罗, 帶 → 带 (3), 圖 → 图 (4), 線 → 线, 簡 → 简 (3), 稱 → 称 (5), 區 → 区 (2), 為 → 为 (15), 於 → 于 (8), 種 → 种 (3), 數 → 数 (9), 據 → 据, 電 → 电 (3), 輕 → 轻, 標 → 标, 離 → 离 (7), 積 → 积 (3), 並 → 并…)
(机器人:清理不当的来源;移除无用的模板参数;替换{{reflist}}等模板参数;替换裸露的<references />)
第68行: 第68行:

=== 外部链接 ===
=== 外部链接 ===
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20060929051359/http://www-pat.llnl.gov/Research/OPAL/ OPAL opacity code]
* [http://www-pat.llnl.gov/Research/OPAL/ OPAL opacity code]
* The [https://web.archive.org/web/20060422070305/http://astro.ensc-rennes.fr/index.php?pw=ycesam Yellow CESAM code], stellar evolution and structure [[FORTRAN]] source code
* The [http://astro.ensc-rennes.fr/index.php?pw=ycesam Yellow CESAM code], stellar evolution and structure [[FORTRAN]] source code
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20070430180640/http://theory.kitp.ucsb.edu/~paxton/EZ-intro.html EZ to Evolve ZAMS Stars] a FORTRAN 90 software derived from Eggleton's Stellar Evolution Code, a web-based interface can be found [http://shayol.bartol.udel.edu/~rhdt/ezweb here] .
* [http://theory.kitp.ucsb.edu/~paxton/EZ-intro.html EZ to Evolve ZAMS Stars] a FORTRAN 90 software derived from Eggleton's Stellar Evolution Code, a web-based interface can be found [http://shayol.bartol.udel.edu/~rhdt/ezweb here] .
* [http://obswww.unige.ch/~mowlavi/evol/stev_database.html Geneva Grids of Stellar Evolution Models] (some of them including rotational induced mixing)
* [http://obswww.unige.ch/~mowlavi/evol/stev_database.html Geneva Grids of Stellar Evolution Models] (some of them including rotational induced mixing)
* The [http://www.oa-teramo.inaf.it/BASTI BaSTI] database of stellar evolution tracks
* The [http://www.oa-teramo.inaf.it/BASTI BaSTI] database of stellar evolution tracks