
添加的内容 删除的内容
(我来啦, replaced: 外部連結 → 外部链接, 參考文獻 → 参考文献, 參考 → 参考, 與 → 与 (6), 會 → 会 (2), 處 → 处, 國 → 国 (9), 風 → 风 (5), 豐 → 丰, 愛 → 爱 (3), 魚 → 鱼, 歐 → 欧, 將 → 将 (3), 調 → 调 (5), 馬 → 马, 見 → 见 (2), 來 → 来 (4), 專 → 专 (2), 對 → 对, 爾 → 尔 (2), 發 → 发, 帶 → 带, 為 → 为 (4), 於 → 于, 亞 → 亚 (4), 種 → 种 (3), 參 → 参, 據 → 据, 屬 → 属 (2), 薩 → 萨 (11), 點 → 点, 鮮 → 鲜 (4), 實 → 实, 際 → 际)
(机器人:清理不当的来源;移除无用的模板参数;替换{{reflist}}等模板参数;替换裸露的<references />)
第4行: 第4行:
| last = Morse
| last = Morse
| first = Kitty
| first = Kitty
| authorlink =
| coauthors = Lucy Malouf
| coauthors = Lucy Malouf
| title = Artichoke to Za'atar: Modern Middle Eastern Food
| title = Artichoke to Za'atar: Modern Middle Eastern Food
第11行: 第11行:
| location =
| location =
| page = 66
| page = 66
| url = http://books.google.com/books?id=0j5c0GMrOdcC&pg=PA66#v=onepage&q&f=false
| doi =
| doi =
| id =
| id =
| isbn = 978-0-8118-1503-1
| isbn = 978-0-8118-1503-1
| access-date = 2013-06-26
| access-date = 2013-06-26
| archive-date = 2013-11-13
| archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20131113150834/http://books.google.com/books?id=0j5c0GMrOdcC&pg=PA66#v=onepage&q&f=false
| dead-url = no
}}</ref>後来又成爲了[[摩洛哥飲食]]的一部份。<ref>[http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2010/05/homemade-harissa-recipe.html Homemade Harissa Recipe] seriouseats.com</ref>实际上在有大量阿拉伯人居住的国家,即使是[[法国]]和[[德国]],哈里萨辣椒醬都是常见佐料。
}}</ref>後来又成爲了[[摩洛哥飲食]]的一部份。<ref>[http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2010/05/homemade-harissa-recipe.html Homemade Harissa Recipe] seriouseats.com</ref>实际上在有大量阿拉伯人居住的国家,即使是[[法国]]和[[德国]],哈里萨辣椒醬都是常见佐料。

第26行: 第26行:
|last = Fayed
|last = Fayed
|first = Saad
|first = Saad
|authorlink =
|coauthors =
|coauthors =
|title = Flank Steak with Harissa
|title = Flank Steak with Harissa
第35行: 第35行:
|doi =
|doi =
|accessdate = 2009-08-02
|accessdate = 2009-08-02
|deadurl = yes
|archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20090608075412/http://mideastfood.about.com/od/beef/r/harissaflank.htm
|archivedate = 2009-06-08

第65行: 第65行:

== 外部链接 ==
== 外部链接 ==
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20130601125942/http://www.ciaprochef.com/wof2003/04_savoring.html Harissa: The Catsup of Tunisia] Ciaoprochef
* [http://www.ciaprochef.com/wof2003/04_savoring.html Harissa: The Catsup of Tunisia] Ciaoprochef
* [http://www.recipesource.com/side-dishes/spices/00/rec0079.html Tunisian Harissa] Recipesource.com
* [http://www.recipesource.com/side-dishes/spices/00/rec0079.html Tunisian Harissa] Recipesource.com
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20120214060955/http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/5780540-japanese-meet-tunisian-harissa The Japanese Discover Tunisian Harissa] allvoices.com
* [http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/5780540-japanese-meet-tunisian-harissa The Japanese Discover Tunisian Harissa] allvoices.com
* [http://allrecipes.com//Recipe/tunisian-harissa/Detail.aspx Tunisian Harissa Recipe]
* [http://allrecipes.com//Recipe/tunisian-harissa/Detail.aspx Tunisian Harissa Recipe]
* [http://www.foodista.com/recipe/HGGJKC2T/harissa Harissa Recipe] Foodista
* [http://www.foodista.com/recipe/HGGJKC2T/harissa Harissa Recipe] Foodista