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(noteTA|ja|jpn|-{|}-跳过, replaced: 東 → 东, 內 → 内 (5), 貴 → 贵 (2), 國 → 国 (19), 慶 → 庆 (6), 參 → 参 (5), 會 → 会 (4), 長 → 长 (4), 與 → 与 (10), 軍 → 军 (66), 間 → 间, 處 → 处 (3), 務 → 务, 師 → 师 (4), 鐵 → 铁 (4), 隊 → 队 (4), 導 → 导, 愛 → 爱 (2), 縣 → 县 (2), 顧 → 顾 (2), 勞 → 劳, 無 → 无 (9), 盡 → 尽, 彈 → 弹, 興 → 兴, 將 → 将 (13), 領 → 领 (2), 劉 → 刘 (2), 張 → 张 (4), 馬 → 马 (12), 應 → 应, 魯 → 鲁 (7), 雲 → 云 (17), 見 → 见 (2), 來 → 来 (7), 義 → 义, 對 → 对 (3), 發 → 发 (6), 門 → 门 (2), 親 → 亲 (4), 詞 → 词, 號 → 号, 譯 → 译 (9), 羅 → 罗 (19), 帶 → 带 (3), 圖 → 图, 稱 → 称…)
第88行: 第88行:
* {{cite book | last=Coedès | first= George | editor= Walter F. Vella | others= trans.Susan Brown Cowing | title= The Indianized States of Southeast Asia| year= 1968 | publisher= University of Hawaii Press | isbn= 978-0-8248-0368-1}}
* {{cite book | last=Coedès | first= George | editor= Walter F. Vella | others= trans.Susan Brown Cowing | title= The Indianized States of Southeast Asia| year= 1968 | publisher= University of Hawaii Press | isbn= 978-0-8248-0368-1}}
* {{cite book | last=Yian | first= Goh Geok | title= The Question of 'china' in Burmese Chronicles| year= 2010 | publisher= Cambridge University Press}}
* {{cite book | last=Yian | first= Goh Geok | title= The Question of 'china' in Burmese Chronicles| year= 2010 | publisher= Cambridge University Press}}
* {{cite book | last=Htin Aung | first=Maung | title=A History of Burma | url=https://archive.org/details/historyofburma00htin | publisher=Cambridge University Press | location=New York and London | year=1967}}
* {{cite book | last=Htin Aung | first=Maung | title=A History of Burma | | publisher=Cambridge University Press | location=New York and London | year=1967}}
* {{cite book | last=Wade | first=Geoff | title=The Scholar's Mind: Essays in Honor of Frederick W. Mote | editor=Eugene Perry Link | isbn=9789629964030 | year=2009 | publisher=Chinese University Press}}
* {{cite book | last=Wade | first=Geoff | title=The Scholar's Mind: Essays in Honor of Frederick W. Mote | editor=Eugene Perry Link | isbn=9789629964030 | year=2009 | publisher=Chinese University Press}}
* {{cite book | author=Than Tun | title=Studies in Burmese History | volume=1 | language=my | location=Yangon | publisher=Maha Dagon | year=1964}}
* {{cite book | author=Than Tun | title=Studies in Burmese History | volume=1 | language=my | location=Yangon | publisher=Maha Dagon | year=1964}}