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(noteTA 跳过, replaced: 連結 → 链接, 參考 → 参考, 開 → 开, 學 → 学 (8), 參 → 参, 與 → 与 (2), 師 → 师, 語 → 语 (2), 恆 → 恒, 無 → 无 (3), 構 → 构 (2), 將 → 将 (3), 應 → 应 (2), 見 → 见, 來 → 来 (3), 義 → 义, 對 → 对 (5), 動 → 动, 發 → 发 (2), 極 → 极 (2), 傳 → 传, 體 → 体 (2), 簡 → 简, 稱 → 称, 為 → 为 (4), 於 → 于 (2), 亞 → 亚, 種 → 种 (2), 據 → 据, 議 → 议, 複 → 复, 雜 → 杂, 點 → 点, 離 → 离, 並 → 并 (2), 後 → 后 (2), 論 → 论 (14), 書 → 书, 歷 → 历, 爭 → 争, 順 → 顺, 認 → 认, 統 → 统, 進 → 进, 現 → 现, 個 → 个 (2), 兩 → 两, 們 → 们, 規 → 规, 創 → 创, 註 → 注, 結 → 结, 還 → 还, 臘 → 腊 (4), 虛 → 虚, 時 → 时 (2…)
第13行: 第13行:
</ref><ref>{{cite book|last= Iannone|first= A. Pablo|year= 2001|title= Dictionary of World Philosophy|publisher= Routledge|isbn= 0415179955|oclc= 44541769|url= http://books.google.com/books?vid=ISBN0415179955&pg=PA83|pages= 83,356|access-date= 2011-12-14|archive-date= 2020-07-26|archive-url= https://web.archive.org/web/20200726140301/https://books.google.com/books?vid=ISBN0415179955&pg=PA83|dead-url= no}}</ref>的原子论认定为开创者[[笩駄摩那|大雄]]在公元前6世纪提出,并将与其同时代[[六师外道]]的{{en-link|正命论|Ājīvika}}和[[顺世派]]先驅的[[元素]]思想也称为原子论<ref>Thomas McEvilley, The Shape of Ancient Thought: Comparative Studies in Greek and Indian Philosophies ISBN 1-58115-203-5, Allwarth Press, 2002, p. 317-321.</ref>。对于印度文化影响希腊还是反之,亦或二者独立演化迄今仍存在争议。<ref>{{cite book
</ref><ref>{{cite book|last= Iannone|first= A. Pablo|year= 2001|title= Dictionary of World Philosophy|publisher= Routledge|isbn= 0415179955|oclc= 44541769|url= http://books.google.com/books?vid=ISBN0415179955&pg=PA83|pages= 83,356|access-date= 2011-12-14|||}}</ref>的原子论认定为开创者[[笩駄摩那|大雄]]在公元前6世纪提出,并将与其同时代[[六师外道]]的{{en-link|正命论|Ājīvika}}和[[顺世派]]先驅的[[元素]]思想也称为原子论<ref>Thomas McEvilley, The Shape of Ancient Thought: Comparative Studies in Greek and Indian Philosophies ISBN 1-58115-203-5, Allwarth Press, 2002, p. 317-321.</ref>。对于印度文化影响希腊还是反之,亦或二者独立演化迄今仍存在争议。<ref>{{cite book
|last=Teresi|first=Dick|publisher = Simon & Schuster
|last=Teresi|first=Dick|publisher = Simon & Schuster
|title = Lost Discoveries: The Ancient Roots of Modern Science
|title = Lost Discoveries: The Ancient Roots of Modern Science
|url = http://books.google.com/?id=pheL_ubbXD0C&pg=PA213
|pages = 213–214}}</ref>
|pages = 213–214}}</ref>