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[[File:Phonon polaritons.svg|缩略图|250px|[[磷化鎵]]中子-化子的[[色散關係]]。紅線為未耦合的子及光子的色散關係;黑線為其耦合(自上而下:高能態電化子、縱光學聲子、低能態電化子)]]
[[File:Phonon polaritons.svg|缩略图|250px|[[磷化鎵]]中子-化子的[[色散关系]]。红线为未耦合的子及光子的色散关系;黑线为其耦合(自上而下:高能态电化子、縱光学声子、低能态电化子)]]
'''化子'''是一[[玻色子]][[準粒子]](不應與[[子]],一[[米子]][[準粒子]]混淆)。它是由[[磁波]]之烈[[耦合 (物理)|耦合]]以及[[偶子]]或磁偶子的激作用中生,是{{link-en|能級迴避交叉|Avoided crossing}}象的一
'''化子'''是一[[玻色子]][[準粒子]](不应与[[子]],一[[米子]][[準粒子]]混淆)。它是由[[磁波]]之烈[[耦合 (物理)|耦合]]以及[[偶子]]或磁偶子的激作用中生,是{{link-en|能级回避交叉|Avoided crossing}}象的一

化子描述了[[光的色散]]與產生交互作用的[[共振 (粒子物理学)|共振]]的交叉,在此情況下其可被作新的[[正模]],形成特定物結構的模的烈耦合,即[[光子]]和偶振盪。
化子描述了[[光的色散]]与产生交互作用的[[共振 (粒子物理学)|共振]]的交叉,在此情況下其可被作新的[[正模]],形成特定物结构的模的烈耦合,即[[光子]]和偶振盪。


== 史 ==
== 史 ==
1929年[[勒·通克斯]]及[[文·]]察到等氣體的振盪。<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Tonks|first=Lewi|last2=Langmuir|first2=Irving|date=1929-02-01|title=Oscillations in Ionized Gases|url=https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRev.33.195|journal=Physical Review|volume=33|issue=2|pages=195–210|doi=10.1103/PhysRev.33.195}}</ref>而化子的概念最初由Kirill Tolpygo所考慮到,他在1950年得出[[子晶]]中與電磁波的耦合狀及其色散的關聯,即子-化子。<ref name=":1">{{Cite journal|url = |title = Physical properties of a rock salt lattice made up of deformable ions|last = Tolpygo|first = K.B.|date = 1950|journal = Zhurnal Eksperimentalnoi I Teoreticheskoi Fiziki (J. Exp. Theor. Phys.)|doi = |pmid = |access-date = |volume = 20|issue = 6|pages = 497–509, in Russian}}</ref><ref name=":0">K.B. Tolpygo, "Physical properties of a rock salt lattice made up of deformable ions," ''Zh. Eks.Teor. Fiz''. vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 497–509 (1950), English translation: ''Ukrainian Journal of Physics'', vol. 53, special issue (2008); {{cite web |url=http://ujp.bitp.kiev.ua/files/journals/53/si/53SI21p.pdf |title=Archived copy |accessdate=2015-10-15 |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20151208052530/http://ujp.bitp.kiev.ua/files/journals/53/si/53SI21p.pdf |archivedate=2015-12-08 }}</ref>[[黃昆]]也在1951年立得出此成果。<ref>{{Cite journal|url = |title = Lattice vibrations and optical waves in ionic crystals|last = Huang|first = Kun|date = 1951|journal = Nature|doi = 10.1038/167779b0|pmid = |access-date = |volume = 167|issue = 4254|pages = 779–780|bibcode = 1951Natur.167..779H }}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal|url = |title = On the interaction between the radiation field and ionic crystals|last = Huang|first = Kun|date = 1951|journal = Proceedings of the Royal Society of London|doi = |pmid = |access-date = |volume = 208|series = A|pages = 352–365}}</ref>它在蘇聯稱為光-激子(Light-exciton),今的通用名稱則由[[翰·霍普菲德]]所改。
1929年[[勒·通克斯]]及[[文·]]察到等气体的振盪。<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Tonks|first=Lewi|last2=Langmuir|first2=Irving|date=1929-02-01|title=Oscillations in Ionized Gases|url=https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRev.33.195|journal=Physical Review|volume=33|issue=2|pages=195–210|doi=10.1103/PhysRev.33.195}}</ref>而化子的概念最初由Kirill Tolpygo所考慮到,他在1950年得出[[子晶]]中与电磁波的耦合狀及其色散的关联,即子-化子。<ref name=":1">{{Cite journal|url = |title = Physical properties of a rock salt lattice made up of deformable ions|last = Tolpygo|first = K.B.|date = 1950|journal = Zhurnal Eksperimentalnoi I Teoreticheskoi Fiziki (J. Exp. Theor. Phys.)|doi = |pmid = |access-date = |volume = 20|issue = 6|pages = 497–509, in Russian}}</ref><ref name=":0">K.B. Tolpygo, "Physical properties of a rock salt lattice made up of deformable ions," ''Zh. Eks.Teor. Fiz''. vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 497–509 (1950), English translation: ''Ukrainian Journal of Physics'', vol. 53, special issue (2008); {{cite web |url=http://ujp.bitp.kiev.ua/files/journals/53/si/53SI21p.pdf |title=Archived copy |accessdate=2015-10-15 |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20151208052530/http://ujp.bitp.kiev.ua/files/journals/53/si/53SI21p.pdf |archivedate=2015-12-08 }}</ref>[[黃昆]]也在1951年立得出此成果。<ref>{{Cite journal|url = |title = Lattice vibrations and optical waves in ionic crystals|last = Huang|first = Kun|date = 1951|journal = Nature|doi = 10.1038/167779b0|pmid = |access-date = |volume = 167|issue = 4254|pages = 779–780|bibcode = 1951Natur.167..779H }}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal|url = |title = On the interaction between the radiation field and ionic crystals|last = Huang|first = Kun|date = 1951|journal = Proceedings of the Royal Society of London|doi = |pmid = |access-date = |volume = 208|series = A|pages = 352–365}}</ref>它在苏联称为光-激子(Light-exciton),今的通用名称则由[[翰·霍普菲德]]所改。

1968年安德里斯·托首次表有表面等離極化激元的文。<ref>{{Cite journal|url = |title = Excitation of nonradiative surface plasma waves in silver by the method of frustrated total reflection|last = Otto|first = A.|date = 1968|journal = Z. Phys.|doi = 10.1007/BF01391532|pmid = |access-date = |volume = 216|issue = 4|pages = 398–410|bibcode = 1968ZPhy..216..398O }}</ref>在2016年的意大利家研究院以有微腔器件察到室中的[[超流]]弗激子-化子。<ref>{{Cite journal|title = Room-temperature superfluidity in a polariton condensate|last = Lerario|first = Giovanni|first2 = Antonio|last2 = Fieramosca|first3 = Fábio|last3 = Barachati|first4 = Dario|last4 = Ballarini|first5 = Konstantinos S.|last5 = Daskalakis|first6 = Lorenzo|last6 = Dominici|first7 = Milena|last7 = De Giorgi|first8 = Stefan A.|last8 = Maier|first9 = Giuseppe|last9 = Gigli|first10 = Stéphane|last10 = Kéna-Cohen|first11 = Daniele|last11 = Sanvitto|year = 2017|journal = Nature Physics|doi = 10.1038/nphys4147|pmid = |volume =13|issue = 9|pages = 837–841|bibcode =2017NatPh..13..837L |arxiv = 1609.03153}}</ref>在2018年2月發現了新的三光子形可能形成化子;此發現有助[[量子電腦]]的展。<ref name="NW-20180216">{{cite web |last=Hignett |first=Katherine |title=Physics Creates New Form Of Light That Could Drive The Quantum Computing Revolution |url=http://www.newsweek.com/photons-light-physics-808862 |date=16 February 2018 |work=[[Newsweek]] |accessdate=17 February 2018 }}</ref><ref name="SCI-20180216">{{cite journal |author=Liang, Qi-Yu|display-authors=etal|title=Observation of three-photon bound states in a quantum nonlinear medium |date=16 February 2018 |journal=[[Science (journal)|Science]] |volume=359 |issue=6377 |pages=783–786 |doi=10.1126/science.aao7293 |arxiv=1709.01478 |bibcode=2018Sci...359..783L }}</ref>
1968年安德里斯·托首次表有表面等离极化激元的文。<ref>{{Cite journal|url = |title = Excitation of nonradiative surface plasma waves in silver by the method of frustrated total reflection|last = Otto|first = A.|date = 1968|journal = Z. Phys.|doi = 10.1007/BF01391532|pmid = |access-date = |volume = 216|issue = 4|pages = 398–410|bibcode = 1968ZPhy..216..398O }}</ref>在2016年的意大利家研究院以有微腔器件察到室中的[[超流]]弗激子-化子。<ref>{{Cite journal|title = Room-temperature superfluidity in a polariton condensate|last = Lerario|first = Giovanni|first2 = Antonio|last2 = Fieramosca|first3 = Fábio|last3 = Barachati|first4 = Dario|last4 = Ballarini|first5 = Konstantinos S.|last5 = Daskalakis|first6 = Lorenzo|last6 = Dominici|first7 = Milena|last7 = De Giorgi|first8 = Stefan A.|last8 = Maier|first9 = Giuseppe|last9 = Gigli|first10 = Stéphane|last10 = Kéna-Cohen|first11 = Daniele|last11 = Sanvitto|year = 2017|journal = Nature Physics|doi = 10.1038/nphys4147|pmid = |volume =13|issue = 9|pages = 837–841|bibcode =2017NatPh..13..837L |arxiv = 1609.03153}}</ref>在2018年2月发现了新的三光子形可能形成化子;此发现有助[[量子电脑]]的展。<ref name="NW-20180216">{{cite web |last=Hignett |first=Katherine |title=Physics Creates New Form Of Light That Could Drive The Quantum Computing Revolution |url=http://www.newsweek.com/photons-light-physics-808862 |date=16 February 2018 |work=[[Newsweek]] |accessdate=17 February 2018 }}</ref><ref name="SCI-20180216">{{cite journal |author=Liang, Qi-Yu|display-authors=etal|title=Observation of three-photon bound states in a quantum nonlinear medium |date=16 February 2018 |journal=[[Science (journal)|Science]] |volume=359 |issue=6377 |pages=783–786 |doi=10.1126/science.aao7293 |arxiv=1709.01478 |bibcode=2018Sci...359..783L }}</ref>

== 種類 ==
== 种类 ==
# 子-化子:由[[]]光子及[[子|光學聲子]]的耦合。
# 子-化子:由[[线]]光子及[[子|光学声子]]的耦合。
# 激子-化子:由[[可光]]光子及[[激子]]的耦合。其在使用[[氧化亞銅]]的實驗中取得豐碩的成果。
# 激子-化子:由[[可光]]光子及[[激子]]的耦合。其在使用[[氧化亚铜]]的实验中取得丰硕的成果。
# 能帶內-化子:由或[[太赫射]]光子及能帶內(Intersubband excitation)耦合。
# 能带内-化子:由线或[[太赫射]]光子及能带内(Intersubband excitation)耦合。
# [[表面等離極化激元]]:由表面漿子及光子(波取決及其形狀)的耦合。
# [[表面等离极化激元]]:由表面漿子及光子(波取決及其形狀)的耦合。
# 布拉格化子(Braggoriton):[[光子晶|布拉格光子模]]與體激子(Bulk exciton)耦合。<ref name="eradat">Eradat N., et al. (2002) Evidence for braggoriton excitations in opal photonic crystals infiltrated with highly polarizable dyes'','' ''Appl. Phys. Lett.'' '''80''': 3491.</ref>
# 布拉格化子(Braggoriton):[[光子晶|布拉格光子模]]与体激子(Bulk exciton)耦合。<ref name="eradat">Eradat N., et al. (2002) Evidence for braggoriton excitations in opal photonic crystals infiltrated with highly polarizable dyes'','' ''Appl. Phys. Lett.'' '''80''': 3491.</ref>
# 等激子激元(Plexciton):[[漿子]]及[[激子]]的耦合。<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Yuen-Zhou|first=Joel|last2=Saikin|first2=Semion K.|last3=Zhu|first3=Tony|last4=Onbasli|first4=Mehmet C.|last5=Ross|first5=Caroline A.|last6=Bulovic|first6=Vladimir|last7=Baldo|first7=Marc A.|date=2016-06-09|title=Plexciton Dirac points and topological modes|journal=Nature Communications|language=en|volume=7|pages=11783|doi=10.1038/ncomms11783|issn=2041-1723|pmc=4906226|pmid=27278258|arxiv=1509.03687|bibcode=2016NatCo...711783Y}}</ref>
# 等激子激元(Plexciton):[[漿子]]及[[激子]]的耦合。<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Yuen-Zhou|first=Joel|last2=Saikin|first2=Semion K.|last3=Zhu|first3=Tony|last4=Onbasli|first4=Mehmet C.|last5=Ross|first5=Caroline A.|last6=Bulovic|first6=Vladimir|last7=Baldo|first7=Marc A.|date=2016-06-09|title=Plexciton Dirac points and topological modes|journal=Nature Communications|language=en|volume=7|pages=11783|doi=10.1038/ncomms11783|issn=2041-1723|pmc=4906226|pmid=27278258|arxiv=1509.03687|bibcode=2016NatCo...711783Y}}</ref>
# 磁振子-化子:[[磁振子]]及光子的耦合。
# 磁振子-化子:[[磁振子]]及光子的耦合。
# 共振腔-化子:<ref>{{cite book |last= Klingshirn |first=Claus F. |date= 2012-07-06|title=Semiconductor Optics |edition=4 |url=https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783642283611 |location= |publisher=Springer |page=105 |isbn=978-364228362-8 |author-link= }}</ref>[[共振腔]]模激子耦合。
# 共振腔-化子:<ref>{{cite book |last= Klingshirn |first=Claus F. |date= 2012-07-06|title=Semiconductor Optics |edition=4 |url=https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783642283611 |location= |publisher=Springer |page=105 |isbn=978-364228362-8 |author-link= }}</ref>[[共振腔]]模激子耦合。

== 考文 ==
== 考文 ==
* {{cite journal |last=Fano |first=U. |authorlink= |coauthors= |year=1956 |month= |title=Atomic Theory of Electromagnetic Interactions in Dense Materials |journal=Physical Review |volume=103 |issue=5 |pages=1202–1218 |doi=10.1103/PhysRev.103.1202 |url= |accessdate= |quote= |bibcode = 1956PhRv..103.1202F }}
* {{cite journal |last=Fano |first=U. |authorlink= |coauthors= |year=1956 |month= |title=Atomic Theory of Electromagnetic Interactions in Dense Materials |journal=Physical Review |volume=103 |issue=5 |pages=1202–1218 |doi=10.1103/PhysRev.103.1202 |url= |accessdate= |quote= |bibcode = 1956PhRv..103.1202F }}