
添加的内容 删除的内容
(我来啦, replaced: 內 → 内, 連結 → 链接, 參考 → 参考, 學 → 学, 會 → 会 (2), 長 → 长, 與 → 与, 廠 → 厂 (2), 關 → 关, 廣 → 广 (3), 見 → 见, 專 → 专 (2), 對 → 对, 體 → 体, 為 → 为 (3), 於 → 于 (4), 數 → 数, 輕 → 轻 (2), 標 → 标 (2), 達 → 达 (2), 積 → 积, 並 → 并, 頭 → 头 (33), 統 → 统 (2), 較 → 较 (6), 製 → 制 (3), 個 → 个 (2), 資 → 资, 遠 → 远 (2), 擁 → 拥 (4), 機 → 机 (3), 縮 → 缩, 設 → 设 (2), 計 → 计 (2), 單 → 单, 軸 → 轴, 係 → 系, 題 → 题, 視 → 视, 優 → 优, 問 → 问, 時 → 时 (2), 別 → 别, 組 → 组, 質 → 质, 從 → 从 (2), 攝 → 摄 (4), 變 → 变 (5), 鏡 → 镜 (37), 勢 → 势, 適 → 适)
第1行: 第1行:
|G1 =
|G1 =
|G2 = IT
|G2 = IT
[[File:Canon 85mm prime.jpg|缩略图|小巧的[[佳能]]EF 85毫米定焦鏡頭,最大光圈f/1.8]]
[[File:Canon 85mm prime.jpg|缩略图|小巧的[[佳能]]EF 85毫米定焦镜头,最大光圈f/1.8]]
[[File:lens aperture side.jpg|缩略图|[[尼康]]AF Nikkor 35毫米[[鏡頭]]是小巧、量且光圈值到f/2的鏡頭]]
[[File:lens aperture side.jpg|缩略图|[[尼康]]AF Nikkor 35毫米[[广镜头]]是小巧、量且光圈值到f/2的镜头]]


== 鏡頭的替代品 ==
== 镜头的替代品 ==
定焦鏡頭一般量、體積較小、光成像素高且低成本的優勢。同时,與變鏡頭較時,定焦鏡頭因只有一焦距,使鏡頭內而使定焦鏡頭的[[色差]]問題大大改善<ref>{{cite book | title = The Super 8 Book | author = Lenny Lipton | publisher = Simon and Schuster | year = 1975 | isbn = 0879320915 | pages = 61 | url = http://books.google.com/books?id=uOdTAAAAMAAJ&q=zoom+prime+fixed-focal-length++date:0-1980&dq=zoom+prime+fixed-focal-length++date:0-1980&lr=&as_brr=0&ei=x-KvR93nGaeGtgPl3pmIBg&pgis=1 }}</ref><ref>{{cite book | title = Filming for Television | author = A. Arthur Englander and Paul Petzold | publisher = Hastings House | year = 1976 | url = http://books.google.com/books?id=sFgFAAAAMAAJ&q=%22zoom+or+prime%22+date:0-1980&dq=%22zoom+or+prime%22+date:0-1980&lr=&as_brr=0&ei=kuCvR-fLLIXasQO1y9WLBg&pgis=1 }}</ref><ref>{{cite book | title = Effective TV Production | author = Gerald Millerson | publisher = Focal Press | year = 1993 | isbn = 024051324X | url = http://books.google.com/books?id=mjkB1hMZZtoC&pg=PA32&dq=%22prime+lens%22+%22zoom+lens%22+fixed+focal-length&lr=&as_brr=3&ei=6duvR9zgLZGOswPUrImgAw&sig=evtOHziEGHRTBWdbOXgypNLhNMk }}</ref>。但若要常使用不同焦距,因需要拆裝不同鏡頭,甚至得使用不同相機機身,方便性不如鏡頭
定焦镜头一般量、体积较小、光成像素高且低成本的优势。同时,与变镜头较时,定焦镜头因只有一焦距,使镜头内而使定焦镜头的[[色差]]问题大大改善<ref>{{cite book | title = The Super 8 Book | author = Lenny Lipton | publisher = Simon and Schuster | year = 1975 | isbn = 0879320915 | pages = 61 | url = http://books.google.com/books?id=uOdTAAAAMAAJ&q=zoom+prime+fixed-focal-length++date:0-1980&dq=zoom+prime+fixed-focal-length++date:0-1980&lr=&as_brr=0&ei=x-KvR93nGaeGtgPl3pmIBg&pgis=1 }}</ref><ref>{{cite book | title = Filming for Television | author = A. Arthur Englander and Paul Petzold | publisher = Hastings House | year = 1976 | url = http://books.google.com/books?id=sFgFAAAAMAAJ&q=%22zoom+or+prime%22+date:0-1980&dq=%22zoom+or+prime%22+date:0-1980&lr=&as_brr=0&ei=kuCvR-fLLIXasQO1y9WLBg&pgis=1 }}</ref><ref>{{cite book | title = Effective TV Production | author = Gerald Millerson | publisher = Focal Press | year = 1993 | isbn = 024051324X | url = http://books.google.com/books?id=mjkB1hMZZtoC&pg=PA32&dq=%22prime+lens%22+%22zoom+lens%22+fixed+focal-length&lr=&as_brr=3&ei=6duvR9zgLZGOswPUrImgAw&sig=evtOHziEGHRTBWdbOXgypNLhNMk }}</ref>。但若要常使用不同焦距,因需要拆裝不同镜头,甚至得使用不同相机机身,方便性不如镜头



== 常的焦距 ==
== 常的焦距 ==


== 鏡頭 ==
== 镜头 ==


== 料 ==
== 料 ==

== 外部連結 ==
== 外部链接 ==
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20060220160638/http://photonotes.org/cgi-bin/entry.pl?id=Primelens Photo Dictionary definition]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20060220160638/http://photonotes.org/cgi-bin/entry.pl?id=Primelens Photo Dictionary definition]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20081006094454/http://www.the-digital-picture.com/Canon-Lenses/Zoom-Vs-Prime-Lens.aspx Zoom vs. Prime Lenses]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20081006094454/http://www.the-digital-picture.com/Canon-Lenses/Zoom-Vs-Prime-Lens.aspx Zoom vs. Prime Lenses]
第33行: 第33行:
