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(我来啦, replaced: 連結 → 链接, 國 → 国, 開 → 开 (4), 與 → 与, 廠 → 厂, 勞動 → 劳动, 風 → 风, 陸 → 陆 (2), 構 → 构 (2), 關 → 关, 將 → 将, 張 → 张 (2), 應 → 应 (2), 動 → 动, 傳 → 传, 體 → 体, 類 → 类 (2), 線 → 线, 稱 → 称, 區 → 区, 為 → 为 (2), 於 → 于 (3), 種 → 种 (3), 據 → 据, 議 → 议, 該 → 该 (2), 納 → 纳, 點 → 点 (2), 維 → 维, 運 → 运 (3), 並 → 并, 後 → 后, 書 → 书, 幾 → 几, 統 → 统 (2), 產 → 产 (4), 進 → 进, 護 → 护, 個 → 个 (3), 島 → 岛, 業 → 业, 設 → 设 (4), 計 → 计, 結 → 结 (2), 繼 → 继, 續 → 续, 氣 → 气, 連 → 连 (2), 採 → 采 (5), 險 → 险, 讓 → 让, 時 → 时, 許 → 许, 態 → 态, 別 → 别, 頂 → 顶 (2), 經 → 经, 儲…)
== 外部链接 ==
* [http://www.parliament.uk/post/pn065.pdf Oil Rig Disposal (pdf)] — Post note issued by the UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology.
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20080101062156/http://www.vulcanhammer.info/off/conventional.php Overview of Conventional Platforms] Pictoral treatment on the installation of platforms which extend from the seabed to the ocean surface
* [http://www.sfu.ca/cstudies/science/oilgas.htm Exploring the Future of Offshore Oil and Gas Development in BC: Lessons from the Atlantic]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20061023013732/http://www.offshore-mag.com/drillingandcompletion/ Offshore Oil Drilling News] Offshore Oil Drilling News
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20170626212641/http://oilrigdisasters.co.uk/ Oil Rig Disasters] Listing of Oil Rig Accidents
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20190805122859/http://oilrig-photos.com/ Oil Rig Photos] Collection of pictures of Drilling Rigs and Production Platforms
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20071020233211/http://divinglore.com/Offshore_Platforms.htm An independent review of Offshore Platforms in the North Sea]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20100504020958/http://www.maureenalpha.eu/ The Maureen Alpha Story]
* [http://www.spacewx.com/SpaceWater.html Novel concept to use off-shore oil platforms for fresh water production]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20110312004354/http://semicultured.com/?q=node%2F111 Touring the Hermosa Oil Platform off the coast of Lompoc, California]
* [http://www.oil-jobs-offshore.com/jobs.html Oil Rig Jobs]