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'''公历纪元'''或'''公元'''({{lang-en|Common Era}},[[缩写]]为{{lang|en|C.E.}}),也称'''西元''',是一个被当今[[国际]]社会最广泛地使用的[[纪年]]标準。其源自于西方国家使用的[[基督纪年]],以当时认定的[[耶穌]]出生年为纪年的开始。第一年被称作基督元年(耶穌出生的那一年)。后来,由于西方文化的强势,西历纪元成为世界通用标準。
'''公历纪元'''或'''公元'''({{lang-en|Common Era}},[[缩写]]为{{lang|en|C.E.}}),也称'''西元''',是一个被当今[[国际]]社会最广泛地使用的[[纪年]]标準。其源自于西方国家使用的[[基督纪年]],以当时认定的[[耶穌]]出生年为纪年的开始。第一年被称作基督元年(耶穌出生的那一年)。后来,由于西方文化的强势,西历纪元成为世界通用标準。

在英语里“纪元前”是用“B.C.”来代表,“纪元后”是用“A.D.”代表;“B.C.”是“Before Christ”(基督前)的首字母缩写,基督徒常译为“主前”;而“A.D.”则是拉丁文“Anno Domini”(主的年份)的缩写,基督徒常译为“主后”<ref name="pc01">{{Cite news|url=http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2041265/BBC-turns-year-Our-Lord-2-000-years-Christianity-jettisoned-politically-correct-Common-Era.html|title=BBC turns its back on year of Our Lord: 2,000 years of Christianity jettisoned for politically correct 'Common Era'|work=Daily Mail Online|date=2011-09-24|access-date=2016-01-06|||}}</ref>。因著一些非基督徒的现代学者及科学家基于[[世俗化]]和宗教中立原则,就试图用“B.C.E.”和“C.E.”来分别代表“公元前”和“公元后”;“C.E.”是“Common Era”的缩写,意为“公元”,而“B.C.E.”是“Before the Common Era”的缩写,意为“公元前”,许多人简略从旧“B.C.”<ref>Irvin, Dale T.; Sunquist, Scott (2001). History of the World Christian Movement. Continuum International Publishing Group. p. xi. ISBN 0-567-08866-9. Retrieved 2011-05-18. The influence of western culture and scholarship upon the rest of the world in turn led to this system of dating becoming the most widely used one across the globe today. Many scholars in historical and religious studies in the West in recent years have sought to lessen the explicitly Christian meaning of this system without abandoning the usefulness of a single, common, global form of dating. For this reason the terms common era and before the common era, abbreviated as CE and BCE, have grown in popularity as designations. The terms are meant, in deference to non-Christians, to soften the explicit theological claims made by the older Latin terminology, while at the same time providing continuity with earlier generations of mostly western Christian historical research.</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-1620546.html|title=BCE date designation called more sensitive|author=Andrew Herrmann|publisher=Chicago Sun-Times|date=27 May 2006|quote=Herrmann observes, "The changes – showing up at museums, in academic circles and in school textbooks – have been touted as more sensitive to people of faiths outside of Christianity." However, Herrmann notes, "The use of BCE and CE have rankled some Christians"|accessdate=2016-09-18|||}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book||work=Westminster dictionary of theological terms|title=Common Era entry|first=Donald K|last=McKim|year=1996|accessdate=2011-05-18|isbn=978-0-664-25511-4}}</ref>。但“C.E.”也被一些人认为是“Christian Era”(基督纪元)的缩写。
在英语里“纪元前”是用“B.C.”来代表,“纪元后”是用“A.D.”代表;“B.C.”是“Before Christ”(基督前)的首字母缩写,基督徒常译为“主前”;而“A.D.”则是拉丁文“Anno Domini”(主的年份)的缩写,基督徒常译为“主后”<ref name="pc01">{{Cite news|url=http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2041265/BBC-turns-year-Our-Lord-2-000-years-Christianity-jettisoned-politically-correct-Common-Era.html|title=BBC turns its back on year of Our Lord: 2,000 years of Christianity jettisoned for politically correct 'Common Era'|work=Daily Mail Online|date=2011-09-24|access-date=2016-01-06}}</ref>。因著一些非基督徒的现代学者及科学家基于[[世俗化]]和宗教中立原则,就试图用“B.C.E.”和“C.E.”来分别代表“公元前”和“公元后”;“C.E.”是“Common Era”的缩写,意为“公元”,而“B.C.E.”是“Before the Common Era”的缩写,意为“公元前”,许多人简略从旧“B.C.”<ref>Irvin, Dale T.; Sunquist, Scott (2001). History of the World Christian Movement. Continuum International Publishing Group. p. xi. ISBN 0-567-08866-9. Retrieved 2011-05-18. The influence of western culture and scholarship upon the rest of the world in turn led to this system of dating becoming the most widely used one across the globe today. Many scholars in historical and religious studies in the West in recent years have sought to lessen the explicitly Christian meaning of this system without abandoning the usefulness of a single, common, global form of dating. For this reason the terms common era and before the common era, abbreviated as CE and BCE, have grown in popularity as designations. The terms are meant, in deference to non-Christians, to soften the explicit theological claims made by the older Latin terminology, while at the same time providing continuity with earlier generations of mostly western Christian historical research.</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-1620546.html|title=BCE date designation called more sensitive|author=Andrew Herrmann|publisher=Chicago Sun-Times|date=27 May 2006|quote=Herrmann observes, "The changes – showing up at museums, in academic circles and in school textbooks – have been touted as more sensitive to people of faiths outside of Christianity." However, Herrmann notes, "The use of BCE and CE have rankled some Christians"|accessdate=2016-09-18}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book||work=Westminster dictionary of theological terms|title=Common Era entry|first=Donald K|last=McKim|year=1996|accessdate=2011-05-18|isbn=978-0-664-25511-4}}</ref>。但“C.E.”也被一些人认为是“Christian Era”(基督纪元)的缩写。

== 历史 ==
== 历史 ==