
添加的内容 删除的内容
(noteTA 跳过, replaced: 閉 → 闭, 結 → 结 (2), 續 → 续 (2), 氣 → 气 (8), 還 → 还, 單 → 单, 難 → 难, 緬 → 缅, 撾 → 挝, 寫 → 写 (2), 轉 → 转, 時 → 时 (3), 讀 → 读 (2), 別 → 别, 經 → 经 (2), 響 → 响, 從 → 从 (2), 堯 → 尧, 齒 → 齿 (2), 輔 → 辅 (2), 這 → 这, 穩 → 稳 (2), 記 → 记 (3), 「 → “, 」 → ”, 聲 → 声 (13))


第221行: 第221行:
== 注释 ==
== 注释 ==

== 参考文献 ==
== 参考文献 ==
第239行: 第238行:
== 外部链接 ==
== 外部链接 ==
* [http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=shn Ethnologue entry]
* [http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=shn Ethnologue entry]
* [http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:Swadesh_lists_for_Tai–Kadai_languages Shan-language Swadesh vocabulary list of basic words] (from Wiktionary's [http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:Swadesh_lists Swadesh-list appendix] )
* Shan-language Swadesh vocabulary list of basic words (from Wiktionary's Swadesh-list appendix )
* [http://alif-shinobi.blogspot.com/2009/05/shan-alphabet.html Shan Alphabet]
* Shan Alphabet
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20091129122724/http://www.worldscriptures.org/pages/shan.html The New Testament written in Shan]
* [http://www.worldscriptures.org/pages/shan.html The New Testament written in Shan]
* [http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=Padauk SIL Padauk Font (Shan Unicode)]
* [http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=Padauk SIL Padauk Font (Shan Unicode)]
* [http://sealang.net/shan/dictionary.htm SEAlang Library Shan Dictionary]
* [http://sealang.net/shan/dictionary.htm SEAlang Library Shan Dictionary]