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(我来啦, replaced: 東 → 东, 內 → 内 (3), 連結 → 链接, 參考 → 参考, 國 → 国, 開 → 开, 學 → 学, 會 → 会 (2), 長 → 长 (4), 飛 → 飞, 關 → 关, 將 → 将, 養 → 养, 馬 → 马, 魯 → 鲁, 廣 → 广, 來 → 来 (2), 對 → 对, 爾 → 尔, 發 → 发 (4), 親 → 亲 (2), 體 → 体 (2), 類 → 类 (2), 為 → 为 (3), 於 → 于 (6), 種 → 种, 屬 → 属, 議 → 议, 標 → 标, 壞 → 坏, 實 → 实 (2), 館 → 馆, 並 → 并 (2), 後 → 后, 頭 → 头 (18), 幾 → 几, 爭 → 争, 統 → 统, 較 → 较, 現 → 现 (4), 約 → 约, 們 → 们 (8), 牠 → 它 (8), 佈 → 布, 滅 → 灭 (2), 絕 → 绝 (2), 紅 → 红 (3), 跡 → 迹, 獵 → 猎 (3), 緬 → 缅, 證 → 证 (2), 時 → 时 (3), 報 → 报 (2), 殺 → 杀, 賞 → 赏, 則…)


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'''粉头鸭'''(''Rhodonessa caryophyllacea'')是一种大型的[[潜水鸭]]。[[系统发生学]]研究发现它们是[[赤嘴潜鸭]]的近亲<ref>{{Cite journal|author=Livezey, B. C.|year=1998|title=A phylogenetic analysis of modern pochards (Anatidae: Aythini)|journal=Auk|volume=113|pages=74-93|url=http://elibrary.unm.edu/sora/Auk/v113n01/p0074-p0093.pdf|access-date=2008-11-14|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100604160022/http://elibrary.unm.edu/sora/Auk/v113n01/p0074-p0093.pdf|archive-date=2010-06-04|dead-url=yes}}</ref>,但目前这研究并未被得到广泛接受,因此仍分类内[[狹嘴潜鸭属]]内。<ref>Collar, N. J.; Andreev, A. V.; Chan, S.; Crosby, M. J.; Subramanya, S. & Tobias, J. A. (editors) (2001): Pink-headed Duck. ''In'': ''Threatened Birds of Asia: The BirdLife International Red Data Book'', 489-501. BirdLife International. ISBN 0-946888-44-2 [http://www.rdb.or.id/view_html.php?id=73&op=rhodcary HTML fulltext]</ref>目前有关其分类地位等仍然备受争议<ref>{{cite book en|author=Collar, N. J.; Andreev, A. V.; Chan, S.; Crosby, M. J.; Subramanya, S. & Tobias, J. A. (editors)|year=2001|chapter=Pink-headed Duck|title=Threatened Birds of Asia: The BirdLife International Red Data Book|pages=489-501|publisher=BirdLife International|id=ISBN 0-946888-44-2|url=http://www.rdb.or.id/view_html.php?id=73&op=rhodcary|deadurl=yes|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20070311095312/http://www.rdb.or.id/view_html.php?id=73&op=rhodcary|archivedate=2007-03-11}}</ref>。
'''粉头鸭'''(''Rhodonessa caryophyllacea'')是一种大型的[[潜水鸭]]。[[系统发生学]]研究发现它们是[[赤嘴潜鸭]]的近亲<ref>{{Cite journal|author=Livezey, B. C.|year=1998|title=A phylogenetic analysis of modern pochards (Anatidae: Aythini)|journal=Auk|volume=113|pages=74-93|url=http://elibrary.unm.edu/sora/Auk/v113n01/p0074-p0093.pdf|access-date=2008-11-14}}</ref>,但目前这研究并未被得到广泛接受,因此仍分类内[[狹嘴潜鸭属]]内。<ref>Collar, N. J.; Andreev, A. V.; Chan, S.; Crosby, M. J.; Subramanya, S. & Tobias, J. A. (editors) (2001): Pink-headed Duck. ''In'': ''Threatened Birds of Asia: The BirdLife International Red Data Book'', 489-501. BirdLife International. ISBN 0-946888-44-2 [http://www.rdb.or.id/view_html.php?id=73&op=rhodcary HTML fulltext]</ref>目前有关其分类地位等仍然备受争议<ref>{{cite book en|author=Collar, N. J.; Andreev, A. V.; Chan, S.; Crosby, M. J.; Subramanya, S. & Tobias, J. A. (editors)|year=2001|chapter=Pink-headed Duck|title=Threatened Birds of Asia: The BirdLife International Red Data Book|pages=489-501|publisher=BirdLife International|id=ISBN 0-946888-44-2|url=http://www.rdb.or.id/view_html.php?id=73&op=rhodcary}}</ref>。

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== 保育狀況 ==
== 保育狀況 ==
粉头鸭以往分布在东[[印度]]、[[孟加拉国]]及北[[缅甸]],但现时很有可能已经[[灭绝]]。它们非常罕有,对上一次于1935年被观察到,1960年代有几次未证实的报告。于1988年,有指在[[雅鲁藏布江]]发现粉头鸭的蹤迹<ref>{{Cite book en|author=Nugent, Rory|title=The Search for the Pink-Headed Duck: A Journey Into the Himalayas and Down the Brahmaputra|url=https://archive.org/details/searchforpinkhea00nuge|location=Boston|publisher=Houghton Mifflin|year=1991}}</ref>,但卻不足以将它们从灭绝的行列上除名。以往亦有报告指在[[邁立开江]]及[[亲敦江]]发现粉头鸭,但卻未被证实。另外,在[[胡岡谷]]的研究指粉头鸭仍然生存在[[克欽邦]]<ref name=nguyen>{{Cite journal|author=Nguyen, Thi Ngoc Ha|year=2003|title=Pink-headed Duck survey in the Hukaung Valley, Myanmar|journal=Babbler|volume=8|pages=6-7|url=http://www.birdlifeindochina.org/report_pdfs/babbler_8.pdf}}</ref>,但在[[克甘马因]]附近卻找不到它们。<ref>{{Cite journal|author=Dang, Nguyen Hong Hanh|year=2005|title=Latest search fails to locate Pink-headed Duck|journal=Babbler|volume=16|pages=21-22|url=http://www.birdlifeindochina.org/report_pdfs/babbler_16.pdf}}</ref>
粉头鸭以往分布在东[[印度]]、[[孟加拉国]]及北[[缅甸]],但现时很有可能已经[[灭绝]]。它们非常罕有,对上一次于1935年被观察到,1960年代有几次未证实的报告。于1988年,有指在[[雅鲁藏布江]]发现粉头鸭的蹤迹<ref>{{Cite book en|author=Nugent, Rory|title=The Search for the Pink-Headed Duck: A Journey Into the Himalayas and Down the Brahmaputra||location=Boston|publisher=Houghton Mifflin|year=1991}}</ref>,但卻不足以将它们从灭绝的行列上除名。以往亦有报告指在[[邁立开江]]及[[亲敦江]]发现粉头鸭,但卻未被证实。另外,在[[胡岡谷]]的研究指粉头鸭仍然生存在[[克欽邦]]<ref name=nguyen>{{Cite journal|author=Nguyen, Thi Ngoc Ha|year=2003|title=Pink-headed Duck survey in the Hukaung Valley, Myanmar|journal=Babbler|volume=8|pages=6-7|url=http://www.birdlifeindochina.org/report_pdfs/babbler_8.pdf}}</ref>,但在[[克甘马因]]附近卻找不到它们。<ref>{{Cite journal|author=Dang, Nguyen Hong Hanh|year=2005|title=Latest search fails to locate Pink-headed Duck|journal=Babbler|volume=16|pages=21-22|url=http://www.birdlifeindochina.org/report_pdfs/babbler_16.pdf}}</ref>

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== 参考 ==
== 参考 ==

== 外部链接 ==
== 外部链接 ==
* [http://www.birdlife.org/datazone/species/index.html?action=SpcHTMDetails.asp&sid=468&m=0 BirdLife International Species Factsheet]
* [http://www.birdlife.org/datazone/species/index.html?action=SpcHTMDetails.asp&sid=468&m=0 BirdLife International Species Factsheet]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20090429232649/http://ip30.eti.uva.nl/naturalis/detail?lang=uk&id=56 3D view] of specimen RMNH 110.082, Naturalis, Leiden - requires [[QuickTime]] browser plugin
* [http://ip30.eti.uva.nl/naturalis/detail?lang=uk&id=56 3D view] of specimen RMNH 110.082, Naturalis, Leiden - requires [[QuickTime]] browser plugin