
添加的内容 删除的内容
(我来啦, replaced: 江蘇 → 江苏, 連結 → 链接, 參考 → 参考, 國 → 国 (13), 開 → 开 (10), 學 → 学 (3), 與 → 与 (3), 師 → 师, 漢 → 汉 (11), 語 → 语 (18), 華 → 华, 灣 → 湾, 雙 → 双, 無 → 无, 將 → 将, 陽 → 阳 (2), 廣 → 广, 來 → 来, 發 → 发, 詞 → 词, 號 → 号 (9), 圖 → 图, 簡 → 简 (2), 稱 → 称, 為 → 为 (7), 數 → 数, 節 → 节 (3), 標 → 标 (10), 複 → 复, 際 → 际 (8), 後 → 后 (5), 論 → 论, 兒 → 儿 (4), 順 → 顺 (2), 進 → 进, 現 → 现 (2), 個 → 个 (5), 兩 → 两, 臺 → 台, 範 → 范 (4), 閉 → 闭 (3), 併 → 并, 還 → 还 (2), 寫 → 写 (3), 讀 → 读, 則 → 则, 閩 → 闽 (2), 組 → 组, 盤 → 盘, 響 → 响, 話 → 话 (4), 僅 → 仅, 圓 → 圆 (7), 韻…)


第55行: 第55行:
<small><sup>1</sup> /ɯ/用在c(ㄘ), s(ㄙ)和z(ㄗ)后,/ɨ/用在ch(ㄔ), r(ㄖ), sh(ㄕ)和zh(ㄓ)后。</small><br>
<small><sup>1</sup> /ɯ/用在c(ㄘ), s(ㄙ)和z(ㄗ)后,/ɨ/用在ch(ㄔ), r(ㄖ), sh(ㄕ)和zh(ㄓ)后。</small><br>
<small><sup>2</sup> Iai(ㄧㄞ)仅存在于台湾的[[中华民国国语|国语]]中“崖”等七字,中国大陆普通话读音已改为yá。</small><br>
<small><sup>2</sup> Iai(ㄧㄞ)仅存在于台湾的[[语|国语]]中“崖”等七字,中国大陆普通话读音已改为yá。</small><br>
* 汉语拼音的韵母表依照顺序为(i, u和ü可作为介音与其他韵母拼音):
* 汉语拼音的韵母表依照顺序为(i, u和ü可作为介音与其他韵母拼音):
第195行: 第195行:

== 参考 ==
== 参考 ==

== 参看 ==
== 参看 ==
* [[国语元音图]]
* [[国语元音图]]
第209行: 第208行:
== 外部链接 ==
== 外部链接 ==
* [http://pinyin.info/readings/zyg/rules.html Basic Rules of Hanyu Pinyin Orthography] by [[Zhou Youguang]] (Pinyin.info. Now superseded by GB/T 16159-2012 below.)
* [http://pinyin.info/readings/zyg/rules.html Basic Rules of Hanyu Pinyin Orthography] by [[Zhou Youguang]] (Pinyin.info. Now superseded by GB/T 16159-2012 below.)
* [http://www.moe.gov.cn/ewebeditor/uploadfile/2012/08/21/20120821100233165.pdf Basic rules of the Chinese phonetic alphabet orthography] (The official standard GB/T 16159-2012 in Chinese. PDF version from the Chinese Ministry of Education. — [https://web.archive.org/web/20160217032538/http://pinyin.info/rules/GBT16159-2012.html HTML version] on pinyin.info)
* [http://www.moe.gov.cn/ewebeditor/uploadfile/2012/08/21/20120821100233165.pdf Basic rules of the Chinese phonetic alphabet orthography] (The official standard GB/T 16159-2012 in Chinese. PDF version from the Chinese Ministry of Education. — [http://pinyin.info/rules/GBT16159-2012.html HTML version] on pinyin.info)
* [http://www.moe.gov.cn/ewebeditor/uploadfile/2012/06/01/20120601104529410.pdf Chinese phonetic alphabet spelling rules for Chinese names] (The official standard GB/T 28039-2011 in Chinese. PDF version from the Chinese Ministry of Education.)
* [http://www.moe.gov.cn/ewebeditor/uploadfile/2012/06/01/20120601104529410.pdf Chinese phonetic alphabet spelling rules for Chinese names] (The official standard GB/T 28039-2011 in Chinese. PDF version from the Chinese Ministry of Education.)
* [http://chineseandbeyond.com/pinyin Free Pinyin Tutorial] (Chinese & Beyond)
* [http://chineseandbeyond.com/pinyin Free Pinyin Tutorial] (Chinese & Beyond)