
添加的内容 删除的内容
(noteTA 跳过, replaced: 連結 → 链接, 參考 → 参考, 參與 → 参与, 國 → 国 (2), 學 → 学 (4), 長 → 长, 與 → 与 (3), 間 → 间, 陸 → 陆, 構 → 构, 領 → 领, 喬 → 乔 (2), 專 → 专, 對 → 对, 類 → 类 (4), 為 → 为, 點 → 点, 論 → 论 (2), 諾 → 诺, 現 → 现, 們 → 们, 牠 → 它, 資 → 资, 蓋 → 盖 (2), 滅 → 灭, 絕 → 绝, 規 → 规, 遷 → 迁, 時 → 时, 則 → 则, 觀 → 观, 變 → 变)


第23行: 第23行:
|influences =
|influences =
|influenced =
|influenced =
|prizes = 1958年[[达尔文-华莱士奖章]]<br />1962年[[达尔文奖章]]
|prizes = 1958年[[达尔文-华莱士奖章]]<br>1962年[[达尔文奖章]]
|religion =
|religion =
|footnotes =
|footnotes =
第54行: 第54行:
* [http://www.stephenjaygould.org/people/george_simpson.html George Gaylord Simpson] - biographical sketch from The Stephen Jay Gould Archive
* [http://www.stephenjaygould.org/people/george_simpson.html George Gaylord Simpson] - biographical sketch from The Stephen Jay Gould Archive
* [http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/06/2/l_062_02.html George Gaylord Simpson] - a short biography from the PBS ''Evolution'' website
* [http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/06/2/l_062_02.html George Gaylord Simpson] - a short biography from the PBS ''Evolution'' website
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20060927101224/http://www.amphilsoc.org/library/mole/s/simpson.pdf George Gaylord Simpson Papers, American Philosophical Society.]
* [http://www.amphilsoc.org/library/mole/s/simpson.pdf George Gaylord Simpson Papers, American Philosophical Society.]
