
英语 Sacrifice Ritua






许多祭祀仪式会涉及牺牲。依据牺牲种类不同,主要可分为动物祭(英语:animal sacrifice)和人祭(英语:human sacrifice,强调其谋杀性质时称为ritual murder),依据祭品是否死亡以及死亡方式,可分为一般性祭品、自杀祭(英语:ritual suicide)、仪式性自残以及活祭(生祭)。








时代,贵族有一套非常复杂且等级森严的祭祀制度,垄断与神灵沟通的权力。只有王才有权力与资源召集宗室、铸造礼器,所以祭祀也可以被用来展示王统治的合法性。张光直在他的著作《美术、神话与祭祀》中认为,古代中国统治阶级的政治权威正是演变自祭祀。仪式发展成维系社会运作的法律,举办祭祀的祠堂同时也是处理政事、调解和审判的殿堂 [6] 。即使后来封建制度瓦解,新的统治者---皇帝依然会举行祭祀。

商代祭祀的对象有自然万物和王室的祖先。 万物崇拜方面,商代可能已经出现至高神的概念。与其他农业文明不同,商代很少祭祀太阳或月亮,而更重视河神,会将祭品丢入河中淹死或埋在河岸 [7] 。至于祖先崇拜,王室相信祖先能够影响天气、战争结果和作物收成 [8] ,进而威胁国家存亡,所以会祭祀祖先、在丰收或打胜仗时举行感恩祭 [9] 。假如王室成员关系不合、不遵守仪式规范、触犯禁忌或社会腐败时,可能会触怒祖先而导致天灾人祸,王室成员生病也会被视为祖先的惩罚 [10] 。王室还相信王朝的创立者商汤死后会继续关注国家,所以商汤经常成为祭祀的焦点 [11]

祭祀是商王的主要职责(商王可能掌控了一群专业的祭司,或者他自己就是一名萨满 [12] [13] ),因此商王会发动战争、举办狩猎,以取得祭祀所需要的资源 [14] 。祭祀在某种程度上带动了华夏文明早期的生产活动,商代许多文明成就都与祭祀有关,如甲骨文礼器等。 周朝的祭祀规格由高而低为太牢、少牢、特牲、特豕、特豚、鱼、腊、豆等。太牢礼原本只有天子可以使用,但自从汉高祖以太牢之礼祭孔子之后 [15] ,现代的祭孔大典也会使用太牢礼。




  1. Takashima, Ken-ichi; Xiaobing Wang-Riese and Thomas O. Höllmann. Wiesbaden: Otto. Jisi 祭祀: A Reconstruction of the Ji Sacrifice and the Si Ritual in Ancient China. Time and Ritual in Early China. 2009: pp. 33–68. 
  2. 张岂之. 传统文化独特的自我创新之路,( 2014年12月22日16 版). 光明网. 清华大学近春园. [2020-02-18]. 
  3. 3.0 3.1 Kuiper, Kathleen. Chinese Rites Controversy (Roman Catholicism) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Encyclopedia Britannica. 2006-08-31 [2013-02-19]. The continuing controversy involved leading universities in Europe, was considered by eight popes and by the Kangxi emperor... 
  4. Suh, Sharon A., Being Buddhist in a Christian World: Gender and Community in a Korean American Temple, University of Washington Press: 49, 2004, ISBN 0-295-98378-7 
  5. Kwon, Okyun. Buddhist and protestant Korean immigrants: religious beliefs and socioeconomic aspects of life. LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC. 2003: 137–138. ISBN 978-1-931202-65-7. 
  6. Herbert Plutschow. Archaic Chinese Sacrificial Practices in the Light of Generative Anthropology. Anthropoetics. 1996 [2021-07-22] (英语). The kind of archeological evidence as summarized above strongly suggests that the Shang state was held together by ritual. Ritual rules and obligations were in fact law, the legal system developing out of ritual as in other cultures. The ancestral temple was the center of ritual and therefore the center of state affairs. 
  7. Herbert Plutschow. Archaic Chinese Sacrificial Practices in the Light of Generative Anthropology. Anthropoetics. 1996 [2021-07-22] (英语). Unlike other ancient agricultural states, no sacrifice was ever offered to the sun or the moon. Instead, the river god Ho played an important part in ancient Chinese ritual, requiring his own set of animal and human sacrifices which were sunk, or buried on the river banks. 
  8. Herbert Plutschow. Archaic Chinese Sacrificial Practices in the Light of Generative Anthropology. Anthropoetics. 1996 [2021-07-22] (英语). Royal ancestors were believed to control the weather and the welfare (peace, harmony, etc.) of the state. They had the power to influence the course of nature. 
  9. Herbert Plutschow. Archaic Chinese Sacrificial Practices in the Light of Generative Anthropology. Anthropoetics. 1996 [2021-07-22] (英语). Also, these ancestors were thanked for good weather and harvests and for victory in battle, all in “thanksgiving” sacrifice. 
  10. Herbert Plutschow. Archaic Chinese Sacrificial Practices in the Light of Generative Anthropology. Anthropoetics. 1996 [2021-07-22] (英语). Conversely, the humans therefore blamed them for droughts, bad harvests, enemy invasions, or, for the curses they inflict upon the members of the elite. The role the Chinese attributed to their ancestors follows universal patterns. When social ills began to proliferate and clan relationships to crumble, when ritual was neglected and taboo broken, the ancestors were allegedly displeased with the living and caused natural disasters, nightmares, social disharmony and other ills. 
  11. Herbert Plutschow. Archaic Chinese Sacrificial Practices in the Light of Generative Anthropology. Anthropoetics. 1996 [2021-07-22] (英语). The royal family worshipped the founder of the dynasty as an ancestor who continued to have an interest in its maintenance and, therefore, continued to be the center of attention. 
  12. 张光直. Art, Myth, and Ritual:The Path to Political Authority in Ancient China. USA: Harvard University Press. 1988-10-15: 45. ISBN 9780674048089 (英语). 
  13. Herbert Plutschow. Archaic Chinese Sacrificial Practices in the Light of Generative Anthropology. Anthropoetics. 1996 [2021-07-22] (英语). Oracle-bone inscription indeed suggest that Shang kings danced and foretold the future, two activities which, in many archaic cultures, were the domains of shamans. It is possible, however, that such report was based on the activities of “professional” shamans under the king’s control. 
  14. Herbert Plutschow. Archaic Chinese Sacrificial Practices in the Light of Generative Anthropology. Anthropoetics. 1996 [2021-07-22] (英语). Among the kings’ most important functions were sacrificial ritual, and ritual-related war and hunting, understood, among others, as a state-unifying, ritual action in search of sacrificial supply. 
  15. 曲阜祭孔大典. 搜狐文化. 汉高祖刘邦过鲁,以“太牢”祭祀孔子,开历代帝王祭孔之先河。