
控制者 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国
联合国 联合国军事停战委员会
联合国 “联合国军”
建造者 朝鲜
联合国 “联合国军”
使用时期1953年7月27日 (1953-07-27)
派驻部队朝鲜人民军军旗 朝鲜人民军(1953年至今)
驻韩美军队徽 驻韩美军(以“联合国军”名义,1953年至今)
大韩民国国军军旗 大韩民国国军(1953年至今)






















  1. The MDL was defined and established in the Korean Armistice Agreement (KAA), Article I, paragraphs 1–11. The KAA includes provisions regarding the MDL and DMZ; but those provisions do not extend into the Yellow Sea or the Sea of Japan. The subsequently devised Northern Boundary Line or NLL was neither initially conceived as part of the MDL, nor have the DPRK and UNC agreed to any subsequent extension of the MDL beyond the agreed upon limits of 1953/7/27.
  2. Ryoo, Moo Bong. (2009). "The Korean Armistice and the Islands," p. 5. Strategy research project at the U.S. Army War College; excerpt, "Strategic Consequences of the Agreement. The agreement to retain the five islands under UNC control has shaped many aspects of the security environment of the Korean Peninsula. The most obvious and prominent consequence is the establishment of the Northern Limit Line (NLL). The NLL has served as a practical maritime borderline and an effective means to separate the forces and thus prevent military clashes between th two Koreas"; compare Kim, Kwang-Tae. "After Exchange of Fire, N. Korea Threatens More Strikes on South," Time (US). November 23, 2010.
  3. Pak, Hŭi-gwŏn. (2000). The Law of the Sea and Northeast Asia: a Challenge for Cooperation, p. 108,第108页,于Google图书; excerpt, "Under the 1953 Armistice Agreement, the Military Demarcation Line was drawn across the Korean peninsula. Since no maritime demarcation line was specified in the Armistice Agreement, however, the United Nations Command drew the NLL...."
  4. 韩国媒体上演“口水战”. 世界博览杂志. 2010-12-16 [2010-12-19]. 
  5. 李承晚伪军向北朝鲜发动全线进攻 朝鲜共和国警备队展开防御战 朝鲜中央通讯社斥责战贩杜勒斯在南朝鲜的活动. 人民日报. 1950-06-26 [2019-10-02] (简体中文). 
  6. 北韩内务部发表公布反指南韩军首先进攻谓一切严重后果应由南韩负完全责任. 华侨日报. 1950-06-26 [2019-10-02] (繁体中文). 
  7. [苏联}J.马利克. 联合国安全理事会正式记录 第五年 第四八六次会议 一九五〇年八月十一日 第二十八号 纽约成功湖. 联合国正式出版物. 1950-11-27 (繁体中文). 
  8. 联合国安全理事会正式记录 第五年第十五号 第四七三次会议 一九五〇年六月二十五日 纽约成功湖. 联合国文件中心 (繁体中文). 
  9. 联合国朝鲜问题委员会. Cablegram dated 25 June 1950 from the United Nations commission on Korea to the secretary-general concerning aggression upon the Republic of Korea. 联合国文件中心. 1950-06-25 (英语). 
  10. 南韩外长发表声明 指摘北韩侵略 保安军决以全力抵抗. 华侨日报. 1950-06-26 (繁体中文). 
  11. 汉城二十六日美联社电. 南韩军队反攻进入北韩五里 俘获坦克车有俄人. 香港工商晚报. 1950-06-26 (繁体中文). 
  12. 路透社东京廿六日电. 南军猛烈反攻 传克开城海州. 华侨日报. 1950-06-27 (繁体中文). 
  13. Karunakar Gupta. How Did the Korean War Begin?. The China Quarterly. 1972,. No. 52 (Oct. - Dec., 1972): pp. 699-716 (18 pages) [2019-10-02]. 
  14. ......The South Korean story of a counter-attack in the Haeju region is substantiated in a large number of western reports, datelined Seoul,26 June, and referring to events of the previous evening or still in progress. Thus the New York Times of the following day carried a story with this dateline, reporting that "according to the South Korean Office of Public Information," southern troops pushing northwards had captured Haeju. The British Daily Herald quoted American military observers in Seoul as saying that the South Korean forces had penetrated five miles into the North and seized Haeju. Lieutenant-Colonel Malonoy, Acting Chief of Staff of the U.S. Military Advisory Group, was reported to have summed up the situation in the following terms: By nightfall (of 25 June) all southern territory west of the Imjin river had been lost to a depth of at least three miles inside the border except in the area of the Haeju counter-attack. Similar reports were carried in the New York Herald Tribune, the Manchester Guardian, and many other British and American newspapers. ......The various accounts from Seoul all require us to suppose that the South Korean army was in a fit state to launch a counter-attack in the Haeju region, from the Ongjin area, in the late afternoon or evening of 25 June, after the North Korean attack which had commenced against the Ongjin Peninsula earlier in the same day. Was this a feasible operation,and was it consonant with the military situation on the ground in the evening of the 25th? Certainly such an operation could have been mounted early on the 25th by the 17th Regiment of the R.O.K. Capital Infantry Division under Colonel Paik In Yup with a fair chance of success, but were his forces still capable of offensive action by the time that the "counter-offensive" was supposedly launched? ......Moreover, early in the morning of the 26th, the South Korean Office of Public Information announced that Southern forces had indeed captured the North Korean town of Haeju. The announcement stated that the attack had occurred that same morning, but an American military status report as of nightfall on the 25th notes that all Southern territory west of the Imjin River had been lost to a depth of at least three miles inside the the attack had occurred that same morning. ---"How Did the Korean War Begin?", Karunakar Gupta
  15. Blum, William Blum. Killing Hope: U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions since World War II. United States: Common Courage Press. 1995: 500 pp. ISBN 1-56751-253-4. 
  16. ......Moreover, early in the morning of the 26th, the South Korean Office of Public Information announced that Southern forces had indeed captured the North Korean town of Haeju. The announcement stated that the attack had occurred that same morning, but an American military status report as of nightfall on the 25th notes that all Southern territory west of the Imjin River had been lost to a depth of at least three miles inside the the attack had occurred that same morning. ......Subsequently, the South Korean government denied that its capture of Haeju had actually taken place, blaming the original announcement, apparently, on an exaggerating military officer. One historian has ascribed the allegedly incorrect announcement to "an error due to poor communications, plus an attempt to stiffen South Korean resistance by claiming a victory".
    “Killing Hope”,William Blum
  17. 纪念朝鲜人民军建军十周年. 人民日报. 1958-02-08 [2012-06-22]. 
  18. 详讯:韩朝铁路中断56年后进行首次试运行. 新华网. 2007-05-17 [2007-05-18]. 
  19. 美대통령 처음으로 북한 땅 밟다…남북미 정상 사상 첫 3자 회동. 韩联社. 2019-06-30 [2019-06-30] (朝鲜语). 
